My Angel system

Chapter 36 Revenge!

Chapter 36 Revenge!

Luis couldn't quite apprehend what he had just seen, everything seemed so real, it felt like he was there. He checked his body to see if there were any wounds but there were none.

'What was that all about?'

This was the third time he was seeing the woman in his subconscious, the woman whose eyes were a replica of Luis' or better still Luis' was a replica of hers.

'But why does she keep coming to me?' Luis thought.

The woman wasn't exactly Luis' worried about what he had just seen, his main concern was how everybody was lying dead with him being the only one still standing.

There were four of those demons who had attacked him with their fireballs and judging by the way their fireball destroyed his earth wall they had to be higher-ranking demons.

Luis could tell that his body felt stronger in that vision of his but still, he wasn't able to deal with those demons.

'Do we even have a chance in this fight?' The worrying thought had started to get to Luis.

Luis had been trying his best to get stronger so that he could help fight against the demons in any way possible but it was strange to find out that he was still a long way from beating a higher ranking demon, a growing demon may even prove troublesome to him.

'No, maybe it's just a stupid dream.' Luis tried to shake the bad thought off.

He laid down on his bed and tried to get some more sleep but that wouldn't be possible as his watch began to make a ding sound signaling that it was time to get up and start the day.

He watched as Ace got up and stretched himself while Dylan was still sleeping on top of his bunk.

"Get up you idiot." Ace said almost turning the bed over, Dylan jumped out from the bed not wanting to fall from there.

Ace let out a little chuckle as he watched Dylan looking around confused with bags under his eyes.

'That guy has to take things seriously if he wants to survive.' Luis thought looking at Dylan.


Silvia had gotten attached to Ella since after the little lesson she had given her.

Ella expected someone like Silvia to be too arrogant and hotheaded at least that would have made it easier for her to hate her but Silvia was just like a little girl who couldn't let her mother out of her sight and for someone who gave off a very strong presence she seemed to be sweet.

'How can I even hate someone like that?' Ella thought as she watched Silvia eat her food.

"Are you not eating?" Silvia asked seeing that Ella had not touched her food.

"It's okay I'm just not feeling that hungry."

Silvia shrugged and continued to eat her food.

Ella took a glance at the entrance of the cafeteria and that was when she saw Luis entering the cafeteria.

'Thank goodness I haven't talked to a normal person for a long time.'

Luis walked to the counter where the cook handed out the food and at the same time someone he recognized from yesterday's little scuffle, was the boy who had beat Dylan.

He took a glance at Luis and quickly turned away when their eyes met he turned away, didn't say anything, and quickly left with his food.

'Maybe that fight hurt his ego.' Luis thought as he took his food, it was mostly vegetables because the cook had kept it specifically for him when he came to the cafeteria last night, there were no vegetables so he took what was available but the cook noticed how his tune had changed when she told him that there were no vegetables, so she ensured him that there would be some today.josei

Luis saw an empty table with three seats and decided to stay there.

"I will be back," Ella said and made her way to Luis' seat, when she got there she grabbed a seat in front of him.

"Hi, Luis."

"Ella," Luis said he was surprised to see her.

Ella noticed that Luis wasn't looking at her but was looking a little at her right.

"What are you looking at?"

"Is she with you?" He pointed at Silvia who was now standing beside him.

'I told her to stay there.'

"Yes." She nodded.

Silvia without paying attention to any of the things they were saying sat down beside Ella.

Ella began to talk about how she feels about their new school and some of the crazy experiences she has had with Silvia.

'How do I even attract so many girls to my life?' Luis wondered looking at Silvia who appeared to look uninterested in everything at least that's how it appeared on the outside.

'He's looking at me, doesn't that mean he likes me?' Silvia thought.

The stares Luis was giving Silvia didn't go unnoticed by Ella who was cursing inside.

'Of course, now I remember why I had a sudden hate for her.'

But what Luis was thinking was different from what any of the girls had in mind.

'She looks like a normal pretty girl, but she wasn't raised like one.' Luis thought after hearing the things Ella had said about her.

As a wonder warrior, Silvia didn't get to see much of the normal human world and so had no idea how a normal teen girl should behave but luckily for her Ella was giving her some lessons.

"How're things going for you, Luis?" Ella asked after she had finished talking about her own experiences.

Luis didn't talk about that now and was glad when the bell went off signaling it was time for class.

,m Classes were as normal as usual with just the normal lessons only but Luis was eager to start some physical training.

With classes over Dylan wanted to walk to their dormitory to Luis he seemed to like hanging out with Luis while Ace was always doing his own thing.

Luis told him that he wanted to go grab something at a store, Dylan wanted to follow him but Luis told him that he should go rest stating that it was no big deal, at last Dylan agreed to head back to their room while Luis went to the store.

Luis wanted to go buy some vegetables with the money Greg had given him, there was no other way for him to level up again so he resorted to the vegetables, it would be slow but at least it was better than something.

Luis got to the store-bought the vegetables and was walking through the lonely foresty part of the school when he noticed a noise in the bushes.

Out of instinct, he activated his aura vision and that was when he could see four yellow auras hiding ahead in the bushes.

'It looks you didn't learn your lessons.' Luis smiled thinking about the free exp he was about to get.

"I know you're hiding there." He yelled.

There was a little moment of silence before the bushes started to move and out came four boys but Luis didn't recognize the fourth boy, and now he was starting to feel a little panicked.

The fourth boy had a normal yellow aura but his legs were completely covered in a red thick aura.


Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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