My Angel system

Chapter 75 Missing Case

Chapter 75 Missing Case

"Is he back yet?" Dylan asked, sticking his head out from his bed.

"I don't understand." Ace said, shaking his head. "He left early yesterday, he should have been back last night but now it's already time for class and he's not yet back."

The two roommates had stayed up last night waiting for their third roommate who they expected to be back early but he never showed up until the duo dozed off and they were awake now to see that he still wasn't back.

"Don't worry about it too much," Dylan said, jumping down from his bed. "Maybe he was too exhausted after work and decided to spend the night at the library, maybe he'll join us in class."

"Maybe." Ace said and Dylan nodded.

The two headed to class early with the hope of finding Luis already there but they were both bummed when they saw that his seat was empty.

"It's still early, there's still time for him to show up," Dylan said.

The duo headed to their seats which were together and began to wait for Luis.

Ella entered the class a few minutes after the two and was surprised when she couldn't find Luis in their midst.

'That's strange, they usually come to class together.'

'They come to class together quite alright but I'm not sure it's a routine.' Jasmine said.

Ella ignored her words as she walked up to the two.

"Hi, guys." She said,

"Oh, hi Ella," Dylan said.

Ace just responded with the wave, Luis' absence seemed to be affecting him more than it should.

"Where's Luis?" She asked.

"Luis." Dylan said." Well, he went to wo…." A little kick from Ace was enough to correct that statement. "I mean the library yesterday and he's not back up till now."

"Since yesterday!" Ella said." And you guys haven't done anything about it."

Ella felt like beating up the two for their lack of reasoning.

"Well Dylan thinks he slept at the library, so we are waiting for him." Ace said, putting his head down again.

"That may be true," Ella said. "Let's just wait and if he doesn't show up we will report this case to the teacher."

The two boys nodded to her words.

The class took off for the day and there was still no sign of Luis.

Ella's heartbeat kept increasing as she kept thinking that something bad might have happened to Luis.

'Calm down, he's an Angel he can't die that easily.' Jasmine said.

'But he can still die can't he?'

'Judging by how young he is, yes.'

'Thanks for the comforting words, Jasmine.'

'My pleasure darling.'

Ella ignored Jasmine's inability to understand sarcasm and raised her hand to Miss Nicole's call for a question.

"Yes, Ella." Miss Nicole said pointing at her.

"I want to report a missing case ma," Ella said as all eyes quickly turned on her.


Ella had reported the case and the two roommates along with her were glad that the authorities were on the case but they just couldn't shake off the feeling that something strange was going on.

Arriving at combat class the two A-class students were both there as usual but their instructor wasn't there.

Monica started with her normal routine check just to make sure everyone was available and that was when she realized that Luis wasn't there.

"Where's Luis?" She asked.

"Who's Luis?" Henry asked.

"The green-eyed strong boy, the only one that was able to bring down Michael.

'She's never called me strong before.'

Henry didn't have time to keep account of the people he considered lower than himself because they were in the B class but his jealousy seemed to be on the max anytime he came here.


Dylan explained how Luis had left yesterday and hadn't returned up till now.

"That's strange," Monica said. "Have you guys tried looking for him?"

"No, but the school authorities are on the case and I'm sure that they will find him soon," Ella said, but she wasn't so sure of her words.

"Where's Michael?" Dylan asked.

"He's not here yet," Monica said.

"But he's never this late," Ella said.

"Let's go check his office," Dylan said, already walking to the door.

"Wait Dylan what if it's." Before Ella could finish his statement Dylan had pushed the door open. "Locked."

It was just like Dylan had predicted, it was indeed his office but no one was there.

"He should have at least notified us if he wasn't going to come today," Monica said, sounding annoyed. "That reminds me, have any of you tried texting Luis?"


"Yes, it wasn't going through," Ella said.

While Ella was talking with Monica Dylan was trying to put together the pieces of the puzzle.

'Luis' has gone missing and now Michael hasn't shown up.'

"No that can't be."

Dylan had been deep in his thoughts that he didn't realize when he said it to the hearing of the two who were in the room.

"What can't be Dylan?"

Dylan snapped out of his daze to find the two girls giving him a suspicious stare.


Inside the tallest building in the school, a long table was laid out with a man dressed in a black suit sitting at the far end.

The man whose name happened to be Kelvin Grove was the principal of Crockel Academy, many expected the principal to be a middle-aged man or even older but looking at Kelvin, you would say that he was certainly in his early twenties.

Other seats around the table were occupied by other staff of the school including Nicole.

"What did you want to say, Nicole?" Kelvin said, turning to Nicole.

Nicole stood up and reported Luis' missing case just as Ella had told her and according to what Dylan and Ace had added.

There were murmurs among the teachers on hearing Nicole's report.

"Have you reported this to Michael?" Kelvin asked.

"I've tried but somehow Michael also appears to be missing today," Nicole said.

"Who knows maybe he ran off with the boy to fulfill his desires." Van chimed in.

Nicole turned to him with a strange look.

"I don't think he necessarily needs to run off with the boy to fulfill his desires."

"Don't make assumptions of what you are not sure of Van," Kelvin said with a threatening voice. "Organize a search group to start looking for the boy immediately."

"Ok." Van said getting up." But I'm just saying Michael may have a hand in this." He mumbled to the hearing of everyone before walking off.

Kelvin ignored his words as he turned back to Nicole.

"Look for Michael. I'm sure he's busy with one thing or maybe on one of those crazy adventures."

"Ok," Nicole said walking off.

The meeting was dismissed there with the teachers and staff worried about the missing students but one person was over the moon about the development.

"With the fool out of the way I can now complete my plan and get on his good side," Van muttered to himself as he headed to his quarter.


Back at the demon planet, Michael was breathing heavily while lying on the floor, his hands were totally covered in a black sticky fluid, the scorpion was lying beside him but with its sting and head away from its body.

"That was tougher than I thought."


Hey guys back to school.

Exams are upcoming so I have to focus.

I promise you guys more of MAS after my exams but from today you'll have to deal with slow updates.

I hope you guys don't drop the novel because of this and continue to support my work.


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