My Angel system

Chapter 76 Traitor Amongst Us

Chapter 76 Traitor Amongst Us

Getting off this uncomfortable planet was a problem for Luis but there was also one more thing that was going to be a pain in his neck.

He was surrounded by a dozen strange creatures which appeared to be dogs only that these ones were bigger than a normal dog but not too big and their canines were extremely large.

Luis stopped his movements as he slowly counted the beasts surrounding him and what they looked like.

The beasts were just growling at him and none of them had made a move to attack but Luis knew it was a matter of time before they did.

While the beasts were stalling Luis used the time to check what they really were.

Their aura was red confirming his thoughts that these were demon creatures but there was still more information.

[ Desert Hounds ]

[ Type: Demonic ]

[ Grade: common ]

[ Trait: drains part of life force once the canines make contact with the skin ]

'I should avoid those teeth at all cost.'

Keeping his eyes around him Luis began to slowly unsheath his sword, the dogs noticed this and began to bark at him.

The first dog came diving towards him and with a downward slash, the demon dog was dissected.

Seeing their mate die like that the dogs went on a rampage against Luis.

"On no account are you getting close to me."

[ Fire stream activated ]

Luis placed the sword back in his sheath as he roasted the first set of dogs to attack from all directions.

Now aware of the danger the person they were facing posed the rest of the dogs turned around and fled but they would stop some distance away to bark at him until they were out of sight.

[ Fire points: 50/100 ]

That fire stream had used up more fire points than his normal fireball would have but that was why it was considered a superior fire skill.

One of the advantages of the fire stream over the fireball was that it could be kept steady and constant following his hands until he wanted to stop or ran out of fire points.

"This planet is very dangerous, for any ordinary person," Luis said as he sat on the floor. "If I didn't have these powers I would be gone now."

That was true but if he didn't have these powers he wouldn't have ended up here in the first place.

Luis was thinking of how he was going to get off the planet but that would be impossible with the way he was now.

'I need a teleporter.' Luis thought. 'Maybe I can find a teleporter if I can get to the particular area where the demons stayed.'

Luis had an idea of where a teleporter would be but finding the place was going to be a problem as he stood up to find that the whole place had been covered in dust.

'That's just great.'

Luis activated his aura vision as he decided to head in a random direction.

Luis managed to push through the sandstorm as he reached a part of the desert that appeared to be rocky with very strange terrain.

The ground wasn't leveled as Luis felt like he was climbing a slightly easier hill.

Luis walked up and had his mouth wide open because of what he was seeing now.

It looked like a medium-sized city with a large castle towering over the city at the far end.

Looking at the place Luis had one thought.

'They live just like normal people.'

He had expected the demon kingdom to be like a dark kingdom without many buildings, when he was looking for this he had expected to find something evil but looking at the city now it looked rather peaceful.

'Now I just have to think of a way to get in.' Luis thought.

That the place looked peaceful didn't mean there weren't dangerous people in it.

Before Luis could start thinking of something he felt a cold shiver run down his spine as he sensed something approaching him from behind.

His system didn't seem to be warning him about near dangers since arriving on this planet.josei

Luis slowly turned to find what looked like a white spider the size of a four-year-old child staring at him with eight menacing red eyes.

With his aura vision, Luis could see that the spider had a red aura.

[ Debuff white spider ]

[ Type: Demonic ]

[ Grade: Rare ]

[ Trait: All stats will be reduced by (-10) once hit with its web ]

Looking at the spider's trait Luis knew that this was a very dangerous creature.

'It will be dangerous to have my stats drop that low.'

[ Quest received ]

[ Defeat the spider ]

[ Rewards ]

[ 1500 EXP ]

[ (+1) skill point ]

'I was expecting that.'


It had been a week now since Luis went missing and there hadn't been any success in the search party so far.

Luis getting missing was already a big enough problem for the school council, Michael also going missing around the same time was a piece of devastating news to the whole staff except for one person.

In the meeting, room murmurs could be heard as the teachers were openly arguing about something.

"I just want to state my point which makes a lot more sense than yours," Van said, looking Nicole straight in the face. "You know the boy is really good-looking."

"And how do you know what the boy looks like?" Nicole asked with a suspicious stare.

Van chuckled. "Are you trying to say the vice principal has no right to know what his students look like?"


Kelvin had taken charge causing everyone to close their mouths as he stood up to speak.

"Although what Van is saying may seem to be true with the way the two cases are linked, I do not believe Michael can do such a thing." He finished off his last words with a cold stare at Van. "On the other hand Nicole, you have a good point, the boy may have been abducted by someone or maybe a demon but I do not think anyone can abduct Michael."

p "What about Lucifer himself?" One of the teachers asked.

"That is a whole different case but I know Michael and he'll escape."

'Let's see how much you know him when you find out he's dead.' Van thought with a little grin, he received a strange look from Nicole for that but he didn't care.

"That brings us to the next agenda," Kelvin said, pulling out a pair of report sheets from under his desk.

"My secretary just informed me of a report that came in from Michael last week which I didn't really look into."

Kelvin paused as he observed the faces of all his staff.

"He was talking about finding two demons on the mountain when returning from training with his students. Do any of you know what this means?"

"The demons were involved after all." A female teacher said.

"Correct, but Michael also said that he hadn't seen a demon since all his days here, it started when this school arrived here."

"A traitor is working inside," Nicole said.

"I'm glad you guys are putting everything together easily which is why I would want to make a request here."

Kelvin paused again as he looked at everybody.

"If you are the one working with the demons please meet me in my office after maybe we can have a little talk and resolve things maybe you could even get more than that.

"But if you decide to hide in the shadows till I find you I promise to pluck out all the hair in your body when I do so."

That was a threat from Kelvin and it had stirred up quite the murmur as they were all asking their mates if they are the one or happen to know who.

While the murmurs were going on Van decided to cause a little more confusion.

"I understand your reason for suspecting someone here but what if the one working with the demons is Michael himself?"

"Michael would never do such," Kelvin said, shaking his head.

"You speak as if you are always in his mind but Michael is a man of his own and sometimes men get blinded by power and…"

"That's enough!" Kelvin said, smashing his hand on the table.

Van's words were doing nothing besides getting on his nerves and if it weren't for his professionalism he would have lashed at him.

The meeting ended with Kelvin instructing Nicole to lead the search party this time, and now they were going to go deep into the other parts of the mountain and not just the ones around the school.

Van looked back at Kelvin and smiled before leaving the room this went unnoticed by all the staff except one person.

"Now he's my prime suspect."


Back at the demon planet, Michael had just come across what looked like half a dozen roasted dogs.

"If these guys are like this, that means Luis was here," Michael said inspecting the dogs.

'But this looks like it was done with a fire ability, that sword would have outright destroyed them.'

While in the middle of his thoughts Michael began to hear growls from all four directions.

"Oh, they are coming back to take their deceased ones."

Coming out from the dust from all four sides were four hounds but these were larger than the ones Luis faced and Michael knew that this fight wasn't going to be as easy as he first thought.


Hi, guys managed to cook this one up after a tiring day.

Hope you enjoyed it?.

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