My beast Emperor System

Chapter 244

Chapter 244: Destroying the gate

Seeing Derik reject his offer, blatantly, Lucien frowned. Trying to save a race can be considered really difficult. He couldn't help but wonder why Derik had so much confidence he would win this fight against the dragons, especially since he knows nothing about what is at the other side of that door!

What if they open it and are greater by four emperor tier dragons?

How will it work out?

Can they go against four emperor tier dragons?

"You need my help! What if you encounter numerous emperor tier dragons when you go in there, do you think you can win?" Lucien said proudly but seeing the vicious smile on Derik's face he couldn't help but frown.

He hated the fact that he can never read the meaning of Derik's facial expressions!

He could never tell what is going through Derik's mind!

"Dumb kid... Dragons are ferocious not only to humans but themselves... Having more than one emperor tier dragon means a person's position is getting challenged! The dragons I know and remember will not accept that! There will only be one at the top oppressing the rest!" Derik said in an amused tone, stunning Lucien.

[He is definitely not lying there... There is a higher chance for the moon to collide with the sun. Then a dragon, allowing another dragon to rise to his level and possibly surpass it] Rakuzen backed up Derik's claim, making Lucien feel more worried now.

He had no leverage to bargain with Derik and whether he helped Derik open the gate or not, these dragons will still die by his hands. All that's left now is one thing!

Stop Derik from opening the gate in the first place.

To do that he must be strong enough to defeat Derik in battle and drag him out of here. That is also another thing he is sure he cannot do!

"This is a request! My first request to you! Let's see what these dragons are like in the first place before murdering all of them!" Lucien bowed slightly as he said those words making Derik frown.

He hated the fact that the kid put his emotions aside and did the right thing. He needed a reason to wipe these dragons out and be done with it but since Lucien took this approach he couldn't only agree but give the kid a chance.

"Fine" Derik said reluctantly as he stepped away from the stone gate and waved his hand towards it, indicating that it should be opened!

His eyes lacked any form of emotion and Lucien could tell Derik wasn't happy doing this but could only do it since he asked. This reaffirmed his understanding of Derik's true nature. His affection and care are limited to just a handful of people! Everyone else outside that group is no more than an extra to him.

He walked towards the stone platform and sank his fangs into his index finger, making it bleed. This was the first time he is seeing his blood after gaining the inheritance. His blood was still red but each drop had this unique crystal shape and clearness. He couldn't feel incredible power stored within each drop of blood and as the blood left his body, he too felt weaker.

[The blood of a true dragon god like you is not as simple as it seems... The power you possess far surpasses your imagination!] Rakuzen said stunning Lucien.

Even Derik was stunned since he was not expecting to see such unique blood. With the death element, when he reached a certain level in his past world, his blood turned black and it also had the corrosive properties of his aura. It was unique but not as unique as this!

"Wow..." Derik muttered as he entertained the thought of using Lucien's blood as a form of power source to boost the destructive capabilities of his spells.

Thinking about it deeply, Lucien knew this is possible. What he couldn't explain is the possibility of him being able to utilize the blood properly. Only the owner knows how it works.josei


Derik's black hair fluttered as the runes on the stone gate lit up, surging towards the center of the gate and slowly taking the form of a spiral-shaped portal!


Before Lucien could make a move, a powerful rolling sword appeared, knocking half of the gate structure away!

"What the hell man?" Lucien cried out because he wasn't expecting the attack!

The spiral portal lost its form and shape! It became shaky and unstable, at that moment Derik shot past Lucien and placed his pushed his right hand into the portal! His eyes remained cold as he went through the entire process with a blank expression on his face.

What was left of the structure trembled violently and Derik ignored the danger and focused.

His eyes turned silver and his body was blazing with spatial magic! All he needed was to feel the other realm where these beasts are sealed away in to find their location!


The formation finally exploded, sending him flying meters back! The right half of his body was totally destroyed but Derik didn't seem to matter as his body began reforming again. Lucien watched in horror as he wondered how someone would get so used to pain that they can get half of their body blown out and he still won't react!

The portal closed and the structure crumbled but Derik wore a bright grin on his face. All he needed was a coordinate to the location and by pushing his hand into the portal Lucien left one of his undead minions there as a beacon.

"The portal is destroyed, how do we go over to the other side now? You said it will be wide open when you destroy it!" Lucien faked his annoyance but was secretly relieved that it ended this way. Derik wouldn't have to wipe them out again.

"Are you dumb? What kind of array keeps functioning, after getting destroyed? You should have known I was lying... But that doesn't mean we can't go there... I found it... Everything is in my head right now" Derik said calmly while gazing at Lucien coldly

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