My beast Emperor System

Chapter 245

Chapter 245: Hidden truth?

"What? Why are you staring at me that way?" Lucien asked with a confused look on his face when he noticed Derik's cold gaze.

"Can you call out Rakuzen... I wish to speak to him!" Derik demanded in a cold tone.

[Gaze of an emperor activated!]

Before Lucien could talk he heard the notifications sound and was stunned that the system activated a skill on its own. Remembering the nature of the skill, he was stunned and terrified!

'None may look in the eye of god!'josei

Those were the words running through his mind. He could remember the Libet empire spirit realm master whom he used this on! The man was dragged into the dark world in his head where Rakuzen resides! After seeing Rakuzen the man's eyes exploded, leaving him blind!

Rakuzen must have been enraged by the way Derik called him out and that's why he reacted this way. Since Derik had an undying body, he would regrow a lost eye right?


Derik found himself in a dark room with a massive pair of blue eyes gazing at him fiercely!

"You dare call me out in such a manner kid? How cocky are you!" Rakuzen roared as the darkness faded, revealing his full dragon serpent form!

He had expected Derik to scream in pain or try to avoid eye contact but instead, Derik kept gazing at him even after the darkness faded, with a smug on his face.

"You are nothing but a dog... You failed in your lives go and think you can walk around, subduing weaklings with childish moves like this? Lower Your Head When You Speak To Me!" Derik growled as black chains shot off his body and promptly bound Rakuzen even before he could react!

"I said down dog!" Derik growled as he held the chain and pulled it down!

Rakuzen who was at least ten to twenty times the size of this human was stunned when his head was smashed into the ground and it was forced to stay in that lowered position!

How could a former celestial being like it get bullied by one enemy!

Moving its hands and legs was almost impossible so it gathered its energy for one crucial attack. The room's temperature rose exponentially as its neck expanded.


Rakuzen cried out as it took a mouthful of air and in response, he released a massive beam of pure blue flames!

"You are no different from all the beast I killed during my time, just slightly stronger!" Derik said coldly as he pushed his hand forward nonchalantly and waited!


Before the beam reached his hand, a black spiral-shaped portal appeared, pulling in the blue flames with great suction force. Rakuzen watched in horror.

"Azure dragon roar right? A cute name" Derik said coldly as he created another spiral black sphere and the blue flames surged out of it!

Rakuzen watched in horror as his flames were sent back at him and the moment the attack hit the entire world crumbled and Derik returned to the real world.

"What the hell happened?" Lucien gripped his head in pain!

He could feel Rakuzen's pain but everything happened so quickly he didn't get the chance to interfere.

"Your little pet got wild so I put him in his place" Derik said


"None may look god in the face? I am god!" Derik said indifferently as he turned his back on Lucien and his eyes turned silver.

He let a silver light as he spread his hands forward creating a spatial gate! The formation of the spatial gate was rather slow, making Lucien worry. He has seen spatial magic in action and he knew it was a lot faster than this! The fact it was taking this long was not because Derik was weak, rather it should be because Derik was trying to open a portal to a location too far from here! Very far!

"The so-called dragon layer is more like a civilization... I think I have found out why they are invading!" Derik said coldly before jumping into the spatial gate without wasting time.

Hearing it, Lucien was stunned but he didn't ask any question and just jumped into the spatial gate as well. After seeing how much effort Derik put into opening the gate, he was afraid it would close and leave him behind.


After what seems like an eternity but also a second, Derik and Lucien arrived at the other end of the spatial gate. What they saw came as a surprise! It was an endless desert with some ancient structures in a weird fashion there were about six massive structures and each consumed enough space to build two massive castles! These structures were like countless buildings stacked on top of each other. At the top of each structure was a massive egg-like structure and from those structures, an intense amount of aura was surging out!

"Will be troublesome" Lucien said with a shocked expression on his face

"You think?" Derik responded with a raised eyebrow.


Blue energy surged out of Lucien and took the shape of the blue-haired man in bright blue kimono with the dragon design on it. He looked rather tired and the glow around him was not as bright as it use to was obvious Rakzuen was yet to fully recover from the beating he sustained from Derik.

"This is impossible!" Rakuzen said with a frown and Derik chuckled.

"You know, I was wondering why my world had elves, orcs, dwarfs, and other races but this improved world had only two in a continent that massive... Now I know why!" Derik said coldly!

It wasn't that other races didn't exist. It was more like they were chased away by the two dormant races in the continent. The humans and beast-men must have produced more gods and with the aid of those gods, they banished the other races. Their strength was almost equal so they couldn't eradicate each other without suffering serious casualties, that's why they have managed to co-exist even though their relationship is bad!

That's why these races are trying to return to the continent to take back what's theirs and have revenge on the people that chased them away!

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