My British Empire

Chapter 64

Chapter 64: final result

Chapter 64 Final Results

"Okay! If Earl Allen wins the battle, you will be with your mother forever!"

Hearing that little Mary was so dependent on herself, Queen Mary smiled in the corners of her eyes. However, for some reason, Queen Mary always had an ominous premonition in her heart.

While the mother and daughter were chatting happily, the queen mother's personal officer hurried in, with a flustered look on her face, as if she had fallen down, and there was some dust on her knees.

"Cathy! Why are you so flustered, you have to pay attention to etiquette, you know?"

Her Majesty the Queen Mother is very tolerant of Casey, the middle-aged female officer she brought from France, and she is also the person she trusts most in Scotland.

"I'm sorry! Your Majesty the Queen Mother, I'm so rude! Please forgive me!"

Casey knelt on the ground, making a gesture of sincerity, with a very respectful tone.

"Okay! Get up, and tell me what it is that makes you panic!"

Queen Mary had an ominous feeling in her heart. She seemed to have seen Casey's look like this once.

Suddenly, her heart seemed to be poured with a basin of icy river water in the cold winter, and a chill pierced from the inside out.

And Kathy spoke slowly with a trembling voice as if confirming her guess.

"Your Majesty, the Regent is back!"

"Did he win?" Queen Mary hurriedly asked, stirring her hands together unnaturally.

"Send Her Majesty the Queen back to sleep first, she's tired from playing!" Queen Mother Mary suddenly turned her head and whispered to the young maid who was playing with little Mary.

"Yes! Your Majesty the Queen Mother!" The maid said softly and crisply.

Little Mary seemed frightened by Queen Mary's eyes, shrank her neck, and swallowed back the words stuck in her throat.

When little Mary was in a mood of reluctance, she was carried back by the maid, and the conversation between the lady officer Casey and Queen Mary continued.

"Your Majesty the Queen Mother, Your Excellency the Regent, Your Excellency..."

"What's the matter with him?" Mary urged impatiently when she saw the female officer hesitating.

"Master Regent, he has just returned with more than a thousand cavalry, and he is disheveled!"

Hearing this, Mary didn't know that Scotland had lost this war, and it was a disastrous defeat.

She lay on the seat a little unbearably, staring blankly at the front, muttering uncontrollably at the corners of her mouth.

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty!" The female officer, Casey, was startled by Mary's behavior, and hurried forward, calling for Queen Mary.

I don't know whether it was Cathy who woke up, or because she was urged by some concern. After a while, Queen Mary came back to her senses.

"It's okay! I'm okay, Kathy! I'm just surprised!"

Seeing the teary-eyed look of her personal female officer, Mary couldn't help persuading her.

"Go and call the regent king and the patriarchs of the other three families over!"

"Go quickly? Don't look like you are crying, you are the female official of the Queen Mother of Scotland!"

"Yes! Your Majesty the Queen Mother! I'm going, you have to adjust your mood!"

Marie watched Cassie sprinting away from the palace with a crying voice, she couldn't help but shook her head with a wry smile.

I feel helpless for this Casey who grew up with me since childhood, and I haven't got rid of the crying problem since I was a child.

Mary sat on a chair, thinking about how she could protect her daughter. It would be impossible to rely on those useless Scottish nobles alone.

"Boom boom boom!" Half an hour later, the current regent, Lord James Hamilton, Earl of Argyle, walked in with a serious face. Mary took a closer look, and his pace was much slower than usual. , The wrinkles on the face are also more obvious.josei

Then came Bishop David Beaton, the representative of the Scottish religion, who was also frowning at this time. It seemed that he was still quite worried about the future of Scotland.

The young Archibald Campbell, 5th Earl of Argyll, and Adolph Lannox, Earl of Lannox, even came here without any good colors on their faces. Obviously, they all already knew the details.

"Everyone! It's all my fault! I have failed everyone's expectations. In front of you, I am here to propose to Her Majesty the Queen Mother to step down from the post of Regent! I am not worthy to shoulder this burden!"

The Earl, who had fled back from a long journey, was very tired. He had been on the road continuously. In less than ten hours, the Earl's body couldn't bear it, and his legs trembled a little.

"Lord Earl, we all have seen your contribution. I don't think it will be any different for anyone this time!"

"So, you should continue to assist Mary in managing Scotland!" Of course, Queen Mother Mary forbids the earl to leave now, she is not ready to take over yet! Can't be cheaper than others.

"Yes! Your lord is the most suitable for this position, you can't resign!" Earl Argyle and Earl Lannox said in unison, seeming to support Earl Allen.

In fact, after the defeat of Scotland, no one would take the big pit of regent, especially the negotiation with the English. No matter who is the regent, they will definitely sign those treaties that betray the interests of Scotland. This **** pot is really too big.

Bishop Beaton still didn't speak, and stayed quietly.

"Hey! Since all the ministers and His Majesty the Queen Mother support me, I will continue to hold the position reluctantly!"

"But! Mr. Earl, my Mary cannot marry that sick man in England!" Queen Mary said suddenly.

"Ah!" Edward, who was lying on the grass reading a book, suddenly yawned, and he couldn't help feeling depressed.

"Who is scolding me again?"

Earl Allen smiled wryly and shook his head, understanding what they meant, but finally agreed, after all, he was the person who knew Scotland best.

Pink Canyon, after a night of statistics, Earl Wellington came to Duke Edward with a pair of bloodshot eyes.

Duke Edward was sitting on a rock at this time, looking at the strings of new captives that appeared in front of him.

"My Earl! How did these people come here?"

Watching Duke Edward pointing at the captives, Earl Wellington said with a smile:

"Your Excellency, it's funny to say that the hundreds of cavalry sent to chase the Scots yesterday, I thought they would get a few nobles. Who would have thought that there was a small wall at the mouth of the valley, which stopped a large group of Scots there, and finally a Chaos!"

"The cavalry worked like catching sheep. They worked all night and caught more than 3,000 people! The rest all ran away!"

"Then why didn't you inform us?"

"Your Excellency, do you think that group of common people can be as smart as our nobles?"

The earl smiled disdainfully, and the contempt in his tone was obvious.

"Then how many of those savages in Scotland have we captured in total?"

Duke Edward is more concerned about his record.

"Respected Lord Duke, so far, we have captured a total of 14,680 people! This is an unprecedented record!"

Thanks: Earl Katywen, LancasterKoo, Prussian nobleman, Tianyi Sword, lp001735, DK, Feiyun, cute Hengheng, silent Afei, Xiaobai old man, owls can fly, love the stratosphere, bitter wine and turbid wine, Specialized in eating books, Rym, Best MAN, qus,

Finally, thanks~ Let’s bring down my Great Qin Dynasty is dead~ Rym~ Two big rewards!

(end of this chapter)

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