My British Empire

Chapter 65

Chapter 65: Huntington

Chapter 65 Soldiers come to Huntington

"Gentlemen! Do you have any other suggestions? As long as you can drive those savage English people away!"

Queen Mary nervously asked all the ministers present.

"I think with Edinburgh's strength, it should be able to hold for half a year, and we can use this time to ask our allies, the French, to help us resist the English!"

Looking at the speechless crowd, Earl Allen could only offer his own opinion.

"No! My lord, although the French are our allies, she is also a fierce tiger!"

“Introducing a tiger into the house can scare the hungry wolves that have broken in, but it is easy to let him in, but difficult to let him out!”

Bishop Biton, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke up, and still held an opposing attitude, which aroused other people's thinking!

"My Monsieur Bishop, I think this is a good idea! I don't know what the Earls of Argyle and Lannox think!"

"This..." Earl Argyle didn't expect that the fire would be brought to him, and he was a little at a loss for a while.

"Alas! You are young after all! You don't have much experience!"

Suddenly, everyone present sighed in unison.

He looked at Queen Mary, then at Earl Allen, and finally settled on Earl Allen.

"Currently, Earl Allen has more experience in governing. It makes sense for him to do so. Let's agree!"

Looking at Earl Allen's weather-beaten face, Earl Argyle still wanted to believe him.

"I also agree with Earl Allen's proposal, it's a good idea!"

Following Earl Argyle's consent, Earl Lannox also agreed smoothly, leaving Bishop Beaton alone to oppose.josei

"Since most people agree, let's go to the French ambassador!"

"I don't know if the Bishop has any objections?" Earl Allen made a final conclusion, then turned his head, and asked Bishop Biton who had returned to silence in a gentle tone.

Hearing what the Earl said, Bishop Beeton opened his eyelids, his face was neither sad nor happy, and his cloudy eyes were full of helplessness.

Obviously, he, who has always been friendly to England, was excluded by others.

"Nothing!" The bishop's voice was very low.

"Then let's send someone to invite the French ambassador, Mr. Marshall Woiser!"

At this time, the English army, which had been repaired overnight, was about to start its journey again.

As soon as the troops set off, Duke Edward summoned the Earl of Wellington.

"My dear Earl of Wellington, how many cavalry do you have now?"

"My lord, now I still have 920 heavy cavalry capable of fighting normally, and more than 1,500 light cavalry!"

"Okay! Mr. Earl, I have an important task for you!"

"I want you to lead your light cavalry directly to the city of Huntington fifty miles away!"

His Excellency, the Duke of Edward, spoke in a heavy tone, his face showing how much he valued him.

"But, Your Excellency, we are all cavalry!"

"It is because you are cavalry that you are asked to capture Huntington City!" Duke Edward said directly to him, his tone full of doubts.

"The Scots now are like a pack of wolves who have lost their head wolf. Even a group of sheep can bully them."

"Their regent, Earl Allen, is like a wolf that has lost its courage, and now Huntington is a male wolf without a leader. As long as you scare it, he will be at your mercy!"

"So, I will give you the credit this time, my Earl!"

"Okay! My horse hasn't finished riding yet! I'll go right away." Earl Wellington couldn't help being excited when he heard Edward say this.

Duke Edward had just finished the breakfast cooked by the chef brought from home. He was not used to the black bread in the barracks. For the nobles, he wanted to be different from the common people.

His Excellency the Duke yawned softly, lifted the curtain of the tent, and saw a burst of dust rushing into the distance, and the entire barracks suddenly looked messy.

"Hey! Little guy! What's going on!" Duke Edward asked curiously, with a very approachable tone. This was the guard next to him, a young man with brown hair.

Like China, those who can serve as guards beside senior generals are not ordinary people, and ordinary people do not have that qualification.

Taking Duke Edward as an example, those who can be arranged by his side are basically the heirs of those nobles who have no right of inheritance.

However, at the level of difficulty in giving birth to the English aristocracy, most of them are from knight families, and there are also big gentlemen or big businessmen from some places.

Theoretically speaking, these people are preparing for nobles, and they will also be the ruling class of England in the future, and they are also his bodyguards. There is no reason for Duke Edward's tone to be mild.

"My lord! This is the Earl of Wellington leading the cavalry out of the barracks!"

The guard lowered his head to explain, he looked polite and full of aristocratic demeanor.

Duke Edward likes this kind of aristocratic demeanor, which is a manifestation of their superiority.

The Earl of Wellington led the cavalry to Huntington like lightning.

Huntington in Scotland is like York City in England. It is a large base for Scotland to resist the invasion of England, so a city wall was also built.

So under normal circumstances, it is a foolish thing to use cavalry to attack a city.

Earl Wellington ran hard for thirty miles, and finally came to the city of Huntington.

The city wall of Huntington is thirty feet high, and there is a moat in front of the city gate, and the moat is twenty feet wide after the earl's observation. This is not an ordinary difficulty for a medieval army.

The Lord Earl was riding on the horse, observing the scene on the city wall of Huntington from a distance.

I saw that the army that was supposed to be ready for battle was running around in a panic at this time, and there were only a handful of archers who were the main force defending the city.

And more importantly, the Earl could only see more than a hundred heads surging on a section of the city wall on the frontal battlefield.

"Hahaha! God bless! It seems that the Scottish army has wiped out all of them in Pink Canyon! I will take the credit this time!"

Earl Wellington was thinking silently in his heart, but the corners of his mouth turned up inadvertently, his right hand kept stroking his two shiny black beards, and his eyes narrowed.

"Find someone who can speak Scots, go shout, let them surrender!"

"Yes! Your Excellency Earl!" The orderly on the side bowed his head in response.

Soon, a very wretched-looking guy came to the Scot with his head poking his head. He seemed to have measured the distance and stopped about 300 steps away from the city wall.

"Brothers on the city wall! Your Lord Regent has been captured by us, surrender quickly!"

"We are here because your Majesty the Queen is going to marry our great Majesty Edward, and we will be a family from now on!"

"Surrender quickly! Otherwise our 30,000 army will crush your Huntington!"

Thanks: lxa-X, Minhang Menghua, Jinyu Yujin, Earl Katywen, Prussian nobleman, lp001735, LancasterKoo, gynecological warm man, book friend 119090xxxx11, Mi Wanqianyao, tianwen2018, rest assured two copies, DK, Fengyun, North Pole new wind, bring down my great Qin is dead! Major General Wang, Best MAN, Adorable Hengheng, Legolas~Windrunner, qus, Baishi Coke, nrphf5, Red Tea House, Rym.

(end of this chapter)

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