My Dearest General: It Has Always Been You

Chapter 133 - What Made Him Suspicious?

Chapter 133 - What Made Him Suspicious?

Jin Renguang wore two pieces of airpods, yet each piece reported different information from two people, plus the tablet in front of him was showing a video call with Tang Wei.

"Captain, Yu Chuan has gone out with the substitute and Granny Kong. They are heading to the south gate."

"Captain, we are 200 meters from each gate."

"Captain, Yu Chuan pulled out a phone."

"His phone rang!"

Jin Renguang barked out, "Find the signal! Check who's the caller!" He changed the gear shift amidst the continuous report. "Tang Wei, be ready!"

"Aye, Sir!"

Beside him, Ke Shao held onto the handle as he drew on the maps. "Captain, I have eliminated the places that can be used as a hideout."

"Shit!" Tang Wei cursed loudly. "Captain, the call is only connected for three seconds and the other side doesn't even speak a word!"

Jin Renguang's eyes darkened. "We have been busted. The general direction of the signal?"

"Twenty degrees from the southeast!"

Ke Shao calculated in his head and circled a place. "It's a ten story apartment building with a French restaurant on the highest floor!"

Jin Renguang slammed the wheel and the car made a sharp turn to the left. He drove the police car like a race car while Ke Shao forced himself to look at the map and the miniscule writing in it amidst the bump and rush. "Something's not right, there's a similar building only 800 meters away."

Jin Renguang pressed on the accelerator and the speed broke through the limit. "We will separate, I will go to the one with French restaurant while you keep an eye on the other building."

"Yes, sir!"

In his left ear, loud rustles echoed. "Captain, we have apprehended Mr.Yu and confiscated the phone. Luo Xiu will go back to the police station to give the phone to the technical team for check, I will stay behind to take care of the aftermath.." josei

Jin Renguang grabbed the walkie talkie and spoke into it. "This is Jin Renguang. Personnels who are on standby, go assist Ke Shao. One of you, come with me."

The car made a stop by the side road, the sound of wheels screeching formed sparks by the friction. Without a word, both men went on their way. Jin Renguang's figure dashed ahead to the apartment building. From afar, he could see the floor to ceiling window on the tenth floor, the room was filled with lights with silhouettes walking around.

He estimated the time and confirmed that, if the culprit was indeed here, he wouldn't have been faster than Jin Renguang for he ought to descend ten floors and running out. Unless the culprit was a descendant of flash or he had long since left his post even before Yu Chuan answered the phone should Jin Renguang face another possibility that might concur.

Exactly what made him suspicious?

Jin Renguang was sure that the trap was flawless without any evident hole. So...why did the culprit decide to bail out at the last moment?

He had even called Yu Chuan before. Hence, it proved that he hadn't doubted the situation at first. Then, what could have let him catch on something?

Jin Renguang decided to empty his mind and focus on the sight in front of him. He arrived in front of the apartment building in a blink of an eye, almost colliding with a cuddly couple which were engrossed with smooching each other.

"Excuse me." He murmured and ran in the building.

The receptionist lady lifted her head and offered him a smile. "Can I help you with something, Sir?"

Jin Renguang flashed his police badge and demanded. "Seal every entrance right now! No one can leave for the moment. Call the manager here and show me to the control room!"

The woman was flabbergasted at Jin Renguang's words which shot out like a machine gun. Under the man's heavy gaze and impatient frown, she grabbed the receiver tremblingly and pressed on the speed dial. "H—Hello, manager? There is a police officer here, he wants to see you…"

The night ought to be a busy one. Jin Renguang spent almost two hours searching for any suspicious person to no avail. In the end, he could only frustratedly grab his hair and curse. He couldn't reconcile and played the surveillance record again 20 minutes before he arrived.

Beside him, the manager tried to shrink himself as small as possible. "Mr. Police officer…how is it?"

Before Jin Renguang arrived, there was a family of five who had only exited the French restaurant. A man, woman, two little children and a teenage girl. Nothing suspicious. Next, a guy in pajamas came down to throw his trash and returned directly after that. Crossed. Then, the couple who almost collided with him. They also came out from the restaurant. Crossed.

So…where could the culprit be hiding?

Jin Renguang pinched his brows. "The guy…the couple! Yes…!" He stood up and pointed at the man that was hugging the woman by her neck. "Check out the surveillance camera for this guy!"

From when they almost crashed, Jin Renguang had never seen his face as he was flirting with the woman. He had only given them a split second glance but when he thought back about it…didn't something seem strange about this pair?

Which kind of sane person would kiss and hug in the middle of an apartment gate?

The manager, security guards, and police officers worked in tandem. Jin Renguang left the seat to them and went out to get some fresh air. He fished out his phone to listen to the reports. First it was Ke Shao. "Captain, we have caught someone suspicious. When he saw us, he turned to run away. We are on our way back to interrogate him but from the initial deduction, he didn't seem like the person we're waiting for."

Second, Luo Xiu. "Captain, there's something wrong with Yu Chuan. We left him in the interrogation room, but he started to vomit and said that his whole body didn't feel well. The doctor has taken his blood to the test. Wang Chengbing said that he has gotten AIDS!"

Third, Xie Dong. "Captain, Granny Kong wants to see you. She said that it doesn't matter when."

Jin Renguang felt his scalp go numb at the last report. The 'doesn't matter when' from Kong Daixue meant that Jin Renguang had to get his ass there as soon as possible. He rubbed his face and saw that the time had almost reached 11 pm.

It didn't count as too late, right?

Jin Renguang gave out his command and told his subordinate to keep watch as he drove back to the complex. It was dark all over with only the streetlamps offering light so that the pedestrians wouldn't lose their sights. Jin Renguang's footsteps echoed as he walked down the street to Granny Kong's house.

He pressed on the doorbell and waited with his back ramrod straight.

Ten minutes later, the door opened to Kong Daixue's grumpy face upon being woken up suddenly and the sharp barks of her beloved Tangyuan which was half a trained army dog. Rumors said that, Tangyuan had once saved Granny Kong's life in an imminent peril and turned the tide to their advantage so that they could win against the enemies. It had even been bestowed a medal because of its contribution.

However, the mighty and honorable Tangyuan was currently growling at Jin Renguang like a mad dog. Well, not that he minded. He might be the reincarnation of an alligator or something in his past life because he found that every single dog seemed to treat him like a natural enemy.

Jin Renguang saluted solemnly. "Colonel Kong, this is Jin Renguang reporting. My apology for arriving so late."

Granny Kong glared sullenly. "So you know that you're late?! Why don't you crouch there all night and ring the bell tomorrow morning?!" As if echoing its owner, Tangyuan barked two times and bared its fangs.

Granny Kong—Kong Daixue—had retired as a Lieutenant Colonel honorably. She was one of the rare women whom even Director Fen Huiguan had to be subservient to. Thus, as the subordinate of a subordinate, Jin Renguang could only go along with the elderly's words and admitted his mistake humbly.

"Come in.." The elderly woman's face turned heavy.

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