My Dragon System

Chapter 339 - A place called Home

Chapter 339 - A place called Home

Chapter 339 - A place called Home

Outside the Black rings temporary base there was no longer any sounds that could be heard. The fighting seemed to have stopped, and there was no noise at all. The group still stuck inside their cells were wondering just what had happened to the six people.

"Do you think they got caught?"

"I don't hear anything, either way, did you hear all those explosions early they were no ordinary people."

"Of course," Candy said. "They are the red wings and there going to save us, I know they are."

Despite saying all of this, the rest of the group of a.d.u.l.ts all believed the group of six were captured by then.

Inside the centre tent, Ray was currently holding the speed with his bare hands. He knew the sword was of high quality when he first saw it, but he didn't think it would be strong enough to put a mark on his skin.

Right now, Ray's body was equal to that of an advanced tier beast. So an intermediate beast weapon would do next to no damage without the extra help of Ki. So the fact that Adams blade was able to cut him meant it was at least of the advanced tear level.

"Black blood, "Adam cried. "you, you're not human! It's a beast!" At that moment, Ray let go of the sword and punched Adams fingers which were robbed around the hilt crushing them.

He screamed in pain and let go of the sword before ray further kicked him again, making him fall to his knees. "You are to send a message to your guild leader. We have captured your men, and they shall not be returned, we sent out a warning anyone who sides with the empire is an enemy of ours."

After taking the chest full of coins and their equipment back the group, he left to head to the cells. The group of people we're freed and amazed when they saw the six come back each one of them basically uninjured.

"But how is this possible." The old man said.

When the people entered the camp they found themselves even more amazed a few had been killed in the fight but lost of the men had been captured and put into the same cages that they were brought here on.

"May I ask what you plan to do with them?" The old man asked Ray.

He had long since figured out that Ray was the leader of the current group judging by how everyone treated and followed him.

"I will be taking them to the Redwing kingdom.?If you wish you are free to travel with us, we could do with a few extra hands." Ray said.

The town mayor didn't have to hesitate, he already knew his answer, after discussing it with the other folk they to had agreed to venture forward with the group. They had experienced first hand the rough treatment of the Black rings while everyone else seemed to stand by and do nothing.

They hadn't even been provided with enough food in the cells for everybody In there. They showed no discrimination between the elderly or female.

With that, the group set off once again. They had taken several carriages from the camp. Ray and the others rode upfront while the rest of the folk road at the back along with the prisoners. The only person that was Left behind was adam, but they made sure he had nothing he could ride and no coins on him.

The only thing he could do to get out of the forest was walk on his own two feet.

"You can't do this to us, you're treating us like prisoners." The men said from inside the cage.

"look at them." Tuffy said." A few moments ago we were the one's stuck behind cages, and now they're the ones screaming injustice."

One of the guild members had heard what Tuffy had said and stared at him.

"You little twerp I'm telling you when our guild leader comes and saves us and get out of here you're the first one I'm going to go for."

On the way to Avrion, the group had encountered a few more members of the Black Rings who had been stationed around the border. However, they were quickly dealt with by Ray and the others before they even had a chance to run away.

Now there was only a short distance away until they arrived home. josei

But during the journey, the group noticed that Ray was awfully quiet in the back of the carriage and more so than usual. When they first met Ray, he didn't talk much, but now he would at least talk about future plans and events and would often ask if the others were feeling okay.

Still, ever since they left the Black Rings temporary base, Ray hadn't said a word. What they didn't realise was that Ray was thinking the same thing.

'Why haven't any of them asked me about the black blood?' Ray thought, 'I'm sure they saw it too.'

Although the others had seen the black blood none of them cared. They knew Ray was abnormally strong, so something like this was hardly a surprise. Even Martha now when cut, her blood was tainted a little black, and Jack when he was in his werewolf form.

Everyone there respected Ray no matter who or what he was. If Ray didn't want to talk about it or tell them who he was then that was his choice. It wouldn't change who he was or what he had done so far to help them all.

The carriages then came to a sudden halt as they stopped just outside the city walls. Finally, they had arrived back home at Avrion city.

"Well, I never thought I would be coming back here," Lenny said. "Not in a million years."

"Come on!" Jack said as he hit ray on the shoulder. "Let's go home."

"Home?" Ray said. "I guess this really is home."

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