My Dragon System

Chapter 340 - Steam Punk City

Chapter 340 - Steam Punk City

Chapter 340 - Steam Punk City

Before arriving at the city, Ray had sent a message to Slyvia and the others ahead of time that, saying that he would be coming back with a few extra guests. So at the gate, there were several knights who had come to greet them all wearing Redwing armour. It was specially coated in a bronze reddish tint, while the crest was displayed proudly on their shields or shoulder.

They were there to take care of not only the Villagers, but also the Black ring members as well.

"That's them!" Candy shouted. "It's really them, they have the gear and everything."

Many of the townsfolk were still sceptical if they were travelling with members of the Redwings or not. There had been news of imposters, and the group they were travelling with didn't look like any of the knights they had heard of before.

But now seeing the Knights at the front gate wearing the armour everyone had become so familiar with, they knew they were in the right place.

As everyone got off the carriage and walked past the guards, the knights saluted to both Jack and Martha.

"We welcome you back Masters." The knights said.

However, what the villagers and even Lenny and the others found strange was the fact that no one seemed to be greeting Ray. This was because not many knew who Ray was. Even when the news was announced that Ray was king, nearly all of the nights couldn't remember what he looked like.

Therefore the knights at Avrion actually believed that the elders had put up a fake name, to distract anyone from finding their real leader Nes.

As they stepped into the city, the people started to look around.

Although the city hadn't been doing any trade, it had only stopped a short while ago. Right now, the city still seemed to be full of life.

The Townsfolk were then taken away by the guards to be washed and treated to a temporary housing place, until they got on their own to feat.

They could still do this for now, but soon they would run out of resources. The group waited until a vary large luxurious carriage appeared it was Red and black in the design and had the symbol of the red wings painted onto the door.

"It's a bit flashy, don't you think," Martha said.

"I like it," Ray replied. "The colour red is nice.

Out from the carriage stepped out Slyvia who was dressed in a long red robe which was now the official Elder clothing.

"I'm sorry for greeting you like this, Ray." She said. "I didn't have time to get changed." Her cheeks were nearly as red as the dress itself.

"Although she said she didn't have time to get dressed, I see her face has a fresh set of makeup on," Bliss said quietly.

Martha gave Bliss a nudge.

"Be quiet, our lady has a thing for Ray, but he seems to be too dense to notice it. Sometimes watching the two of them is torture."

"So someone has taken a liking to him have they?" Bliss said with hundreds of new thoughts running through her head.

The group got onto the carriage and sat down. It was spacey inside and had large, wide-open windows that allowed them to see outside.

That's when the group who had been their before noticed a lot of the city had changed since they had last arrived. Avrion academy was also now designed in a red trim style and now on the flag was the RedWings symbol.

There also seemed to be a lot more machinery around and about in the town. Even the carriage that had arrived looked like it was being powered by motors and such.

This was all because of the work of Randin. During his time here, he had used his knowledge and the vast supply of Beast crystals Avrion was able to supply him to experiment. In the end, he managed to turn the city into something that he would call, a steampunk city.

"This is truly impressive,"?Lenny said. "This city is at least fifty years ahead of everyone else."

"Yes." Bliss added. "It seems not only have they been able to utilize the beast cores using magic circles but combined it with complex machinery."

To the three who hadn't been here before, Slyvia started to give them a little tour. Telling them about all the changes and how the army worked now, but after the positive then came the negative.

"I think it's best if we talk about the rest together at the academy," Slyvia said.

Although the city had changed much, not a lot had changed about the academy itself. It was still filled with new students, and knights were stationed all over the place.

Finally, they had entered the meeting room on the top floor, and the six of them, including as well as Slyvia were the only ones there.

"Where are the others?" Martha asked.

"They are extremely busy at the moment," Slyvia explained. "The black Rings guild that you faced, seem to be not the only Guild that are causing us problems at the moment. They have all three sides surrounded not allowing anyone to enter. Although to be honest at the moment, its kind of a good thing."

"What do you mean?" Ray asked.

"Although we can survive thanks to Randin's technology and the hunting grounds near us, the only thing we are lacking in is food. The man that the Alure Queen sent us helped, but there is not enough land to grow enough crops for everyone. I'm afraid we might only last a month longer on the food supplies we have at the moment."

"I think I might have a solution to your problem," Bliss said.

Sylvia was cautious when she saw this female stand up, for she knew exactly who she was. Ray had told Slyvia everything that had happened and before she used to see this person as her as a god that she served. But right now Slyvia had one thought, she was her Rival. josei

"If we are able to clear the shadow continent up north, I have a spell that will be able to purify the land. This way, you will not anger any of the other kingdoms, and even the empire will be unaware of what we are doing."

"You can really do that!" Slyvia said, surprised.

So far, not a single person had figured out how to cure the infected land, and if the words were coming out from anyone else's mouth, they would have perhaps thought they were untrue, but this was the divine being.

"If you can really help us, then I will do my best to support you, I will be happy to send over anyone to support you," Slyvia said.

After going through a few more topics as a group, the conversation of making the army stronger had occurred. This was now important not only to fight the shadow in six months but possibly the empire as well.

The discussion of what had happened to Martha with combining a beast with her and what the Divine being had said was explained. They went into detail about the process as well as the risks.

"The question is, who do we know will pass the process or not? And who would even be willing." Martha said.

"Leave this to me," Ray replied. Using his dragon eyes skill, Ray felt like he could select those that were talented and had enough strength to go through the process. "I guess its time I see how our new students are doing."

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