My Enchanting System

Chapter 342 An Iconic dance.

Chapter 342 An Iconic dance.

The people cleared a path for Cain and the girls to walk outside. As was expected, Williams’s soldiers have already established a barricade to block civilians from approaching Cain and his wives.

“Didn’t know you had all those knights in shining armor, I’ve only seen a couple before.” Cain looked at the knights standing at the roadside with their swords lifted.

“Don’t try and embarrass father like this, he must have had the soldiers wash and polish their old armor,” Alice said with a smile.

After a few seconds, Cain heard a voice from behind him. “Is this what you wanted?” Kayden appeared out of nowhere between them. The knights immediately panicked and pointed their swords at him.

“Keep a calm head, quick acting is important but panicking makes you look weak.” Chad said as he stood taller than most soldiers, his chest was broader than theirs even when they are wearing armor.

“He is with us, don’t mind him,” Cain told them as he called Kayden to a private conversation.

“So how much it was?” Cain whispered.

“You’re a lucky dog, that was a whole 188 gold coins back to us.” Kayden showed Cain the bag of shining gold. The two of them giggled together, this was a huge profit. Even if both Cain and Kayden could now make more than that by taking quests. Both of them never forget the days when they lacked a single copper.

“Will divided it half and half, 94 for you and 94 for me!” Cain used telekinesis to quickly count and divide the money, he then sucked his portion into the maze leaving Kayden feeling the bag only had half the weight..

“Good doing business with you, call me again if something like this happened again.” Kayden hid the bag in his pocket with a smile.

“What are you doing?” Alice smacked Cain on the head.

“You as well, you had me run all the way here!” Lily hit Kayden with a chop on the head.

Cain stared at Alice, people were staring at them trying to hear what they were saying. “Just doing some business, let’s head back.”

“You better do, business at our wedding?” Sofia added looking a bit angry, Cain might end up with burned hair again if this continued.

“I need to, see you tonight at the party.” Cain patted Kayden on the shoulders.

When the parade reached Cain’s house, it was finally time to sing and dance. The ballroom Cain prepared was filled to the brim with people and nobles. Bards sang and played their instruments and women danced.

Chad stood alone on the balcony sipping his wine, a relaxed expression on his face. This was a quiet night, a peaceful and a happy one.

“Sir Lisworth is it?” An old looking noble approached Chad with a smile on his face.

“That’s me, do you need anything?” People seemed to already start recognizing him as Cain’s father. So most nobles were thinking that Cain’s strength came from his father. Yet for some reason, they aren’t thinking that Chad helps the same amount of power.

“That’s a fine son you have raised, it must have taken a toll on your back.” The noble said with a smile.

“Not really, he grew on his own and gained the power he solely deserved. I have no hand in his growth.” Chad replied.

“Such modesty, I know what it is like. I did spend the rest of my life training my son to become a valiant knight and he was finally accepted into the royal army.” Swiftly taking a sip from his wine, “He might raise into a commander soon enough.”

“Was that his choice or yours? The royal capital is filled with knights, what is the thing that makes your son special? Is it his sword skills, probably some magic or iron will?” Chad asked. For someone to achieve the greatness they need a catalyst, a talent to lean on.

“What makes him special? I did get him the best trainers, the best weapons and armor I can find, I gave him everything he needs to rise up the ranks.” The noble said proudly.

Chad smiled, “Tell him this when you meet him, people can spend hours upon hours perfecting something they like. That’s the cheat to achieving the impossible.”

“Are you saying that he should focus on what he likes to do instead of being a knight?” The noble said with a hint of displeasure in his voice.

“Not necessarily, he might have started to like being a knight. He might fancy himself a commander instead of a fighter and that is just as good. What I’m saying is that if he like Bowes he should focus on them, and if he like spears he should do that.” Chad said with a serious face.

“I see, that makes sense. Love can turn into an obsession and that is the only thing that makes people go above and beyond for something. Such words of wisdom, I expected no less from the white mage’s father.” The noble smiled with determination.

“Chad, come here for a second!” They heard a voice calling, when Chad looked it was none other than Ariel in a white and blue dress. Her wings and halo were nowhere to be seen so she must be hiding them.

“Who are you interrupting our talk? Hush, hush?” The noble waved her away like a cat, in his eyes she was just another woman trying to leach over the Lisworth family.

“What did you say splinter toad? Did hair grow inside your skull and that’s why you’re half bald?” Ariel growled at him, with an enraged face. The man was lucky she didn’t smite him on the spot for calling her a leaching woman.

The noble’s face turned bright red with rage, he only lacked a drop to swing his cane at her face.

“Let’s Ariel, I bet it’s something urgent. Excuse us esteemed toad noble but we have a business to attend to.” Chad said adding his charisma to his words making them sound like the most respectful thing in the world.

“Fine, excuse my rudeness. I didn’t know you knew her.” The noble apologized and left silently.

“Did you just call his toad noble?” Ariel stared at Chad.

“I mean he looks like one…I didn’t know how to call him otherwise. It also doesn’t matter when using Charisma.” Chad replied. He has been using charisma all of his life to deal with social situations like this.

“Anyway, Cain is about to start the dancing party. He said that you should also find someone to dance with, otherwise he will have to deal with women trying to be his mother.”

“Is he saying that women will approach me if I didn’t seem to have a partner? I can send them away with charisma.” Chad replied, that he had no intention of marrying any time soon.josei

“Cain guessed that you will say that so he told me to say. That won’t solve the rumors so get dancing.”

“Fine, but with whom? You don’t expect me to dance alone or with a ghost?” Chad glared at Ariel.

Ariel sighed, is this man actually dense or is just pretending? “That’s why I’m here, who else besides me could dance with you?” Ariel pulled him by the hand.

When they approached the center of the room, Cain was dancing with Alice. People immediately cleared the path for them.

To the people, this seemed like a scene that is regularly seen at a wedding. As the groom dances with his new wife, the groom’s father is dancing with the groom’s mother as well. A family dance.

Yet as familiar as that seemed, people couldn’t help but get an uneasy feeling in the back of their heads. As if this scene shouldn’t exist, their steps seemed majestic yet ominous, graceful yet rough.

Nobody knew just how impossible this was to happen, it was so rare that even gods won’t miss such an anomaly.

That father and his son couldn’t be closer yet distant, a man blessed by gods, dancing with an angel in a graceful and refined set of moves. And a man who dug his power with his teeth, he never approved of the gods’ might as he only saw them as a source of power, he was dancing with a devil that defied reason with rough and bold steps.

…Far on the walls, the old lady was watching with a smile on her face. “A devil and an angel in the same room without a single drop of blood. This is the wind of change we waited for, the day his forces stand together as they did in the past.”

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