My Enchanting System

Chapter 359 Re-calibrating Hati's shard

Chapter 359 Re-calibrating Hati's shard

Their dinner was simple, just a small collection of what they brought as provision and what they could hunt immediately. With a jaguar and a dragon, they easily ended with a deer.

With Cain’s help, Gracie managed to butcher the deer quickly. But when it came to cooking, something strange happened. Cain suggested they cook in the magnificent mansion’s kitchen, but everyone else opposed saying they would prefer to grill the meat on the campfire.

“Try it.” Zaleria handed a piece of raw meat to Sofia but the latter just shrug away.

“We dragons are omnivores, but we still get more nutrition from raw meat.” Zaleria tried to convince her.

“As gross as it may seem. But she is right. And fish are better than raw meat. I believe that Daraku once told me they eat raw fish back home as well.” Cain said with a confident face, Daraku told him nothing, it’s just a fact he knew about the people of the east.

Sofia gathered her courage to take a bit, she immediately spat it out. “I could still smell the blood and fur in it, I definitely prefer a coal charred piece of meat.”

“Well, you do you.” Zaleria kept chewing on her share.

Chad on the other hand was grilling some organs, specifically the heart and liver, he loved to eat those. Taking a big bite after the other, he quickly finished them.

Ariel on the other hand was just staring at the fire with a small piece of meat on her stick. She then sighed, “This is sad.”.

Chad a roasted pair of ribs, “It may not stand to heavens standards but it’s still edible.”

She smiled and took the pair of ribs, “Who cares about standards, in there we don’t need to kill to eat. This one here had a soul and a beating heart just a moment ago.”

“That’s why we need to eat it, eating what you hunt is a form of respect,” Chad said with a confident voice as he poked her lips with the ribs.

“Fine, just give it to me.” She took them and started munching.

After they finished eating, Chad and Ariel retreated to the tower while Cain and the rest went to the magnificent mansion.

Just this night, Cain realized something, with the exception of Selena and Zaleria. All the girls wanted to travel and camp outside but they hated the idea of sleeping outside with the bugs. He can’t blame them though since mosquitos here aren’t your typical small and gentle city bugs. They were the size of a fat grape and left an excruciating ache after stinging.

As expected, the first thing they wanted was a bath to wash off the sweat.

Mary was taken back for a moment when she saw every other girl stripping immediately even though Cain was there as well. She can understand his wives but why didn’t Zaleria and Hati mind?

Feeling as if she will be the odd one if she spoke up, Mary sighed and started stripping. She and Hati were actively aiming for Cain after all. Even though she thought that stripping in front of him was a sure way to get negative points from his wives.

“Hey Mary, didn’t you grow a bit bigger?” Cain said with a questioning face as he stared at her chest. She smiled and grabbed the closet chair she can.

“Hey stop, wasn’t that supposed to be a compliment?” Hati grabbed her before she could smack Cain’s head.

Mary stopped, “Is that so? I understood it otherwise.” She replied. As she saw Hati’s confused face she added, “I can put on weight easily, since father came and we’ve been busy with the guild I skimped a bit on my exercise.”

“I can see that, but a bit of fat won’t hurt anyone. I dare say those who try to keep a perfect body end up looking worse overall.” Said Cain as he tried to Grab Alice but she was a bit far. [Telekinesis]

Alice’s body got quickly pulled toward Cain, He grabbed her and started caressing her belly.

“Look, small waist and wide hips and chest. They are soft and my finger can sink in easily.” Cain grabbed Alice’s chest with one hand and her butt cheek with the other hand. She tried to struggle away but she couldn’t get away from his grip.

Sofia rushed in and smacked Cain in the head so he let go of Alice. “Mary, don’t listen to what this idiot is saying, just do what you want.”

Sofia then grabbed Cain and dragged him to the shower room.josei

After everyone washed their bodies, they all rested together in the hot tub.

“Is it fine for us all to be inside? The mansion I mean.” Zaleria asked.

“Yeah, I released spindle and a bunch of small demons to guard the surrounding area,” Cain replied.

“Since I have the time…” Cain said, “Hati come here so I can check the shard and calibrate its consumption.” He could already see that she has seven tails left.

“But I still have seven.” She replied.

“That sword, the eternal whatever-was-its-name. The magic coming from it has grown weaker, did you do something?” Cain asked.

“No, I’ve just been keeping it on my person.” She replied.

Cain thought for a moment, “Would you mind standing outside the water? I will try to see how the sword is linked to you.”

Hati walked out of the water and face Cain, “Please spread your arms as wide as you can and set your legs apart by about two feet. The tails keep them as spread as you can.”

Hati complied even though she thought it was weird.

[Telekinesis] He took the sword and started moving it around her.

“What is he doing?” Sofia gave him a dubious look.

“He’s looking at the weaving threads of magic, you should be able to see them with your draconic eyes,” Zaleria told her.

Being a bit interested, she used her draconic eyes to glare at Hati. What looked like transparent hair strands grew from the sword and liked to Hati’s body.

“Hati would you mind turning around?” Cain asked.

“Bent forward a bit as well, those things seem to be linked to the base of your tail,” Sofia added since she was slowly understanding what Cain wanted to know.

Those strands are what transfer Mana, having a lot of them linked to the base of her tail meant that the sword is drawing its power from there.

“When she isn’t manifesting the sword those things are all inside her, right?” Sofia asked and Cain nodded. “It seems that the blade charges itself inside of her and slowly loses power outside.”

Hearing his answer, Sofia was curious to see how Cain’s strands are arranged around him.

The moment she glared at him, the reality around her started to twist and turn like a whirlpool.

“Don’t look at me, we’re inside one of my spells so the whole place is covered with my strands,” Cain said as he saw her lose focus and almost fall.

“Are you done yet?” Hati was getting impatient with her backend facing everyone.

“Done, at least for now. Come here let me recalibrate the shard. Try to only have the blade out half of the time for better balance.” Cain suggested as he touched her back and started straightening her strands and making sure the shard could only draw a small amount of her Mana.

Soon the bath ended and each went to their rooms.

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