My Enchanting System

Chapter 360 [Bonus chapter]A simple beggar

Chapter 360 [Bonus chapter]A simple beggar

Deep in the capital unseen streets, in a dim lilted dark alley. A young blue-haired girl was begging for money.

“A copper please, god smile upon those who gift. Just a copper for a bread loaf is all I ask for.” The girl kept begging. In the capital a single loaf of bread costs about 1 silver coin, it wasn’t cheap. In those past days, she only managed to collect seven coppers.

Just as the day was about to end and she was getting ready to get back to her small wooden box to spend the night.

“Hey little girl, care to have dinner?” A man approached her from a dark alley.

“Is that true?” She turned toward him with glittering eyes.

“I will be honest with you, life here is tough and I can barely afford food myself. I only have some old bread and watery soup, but I need you to help clean the dishes and wash clothes afterward. My wife is sick and I need to go to work.” The man gave her a bitter smile.

“All I ask for is enough food to not starve to death, please don’t worry about that.” She smiled at him. Her smile gave him a weird feeling, it wasn’t that of gratitude, it made him feel threatened for a second.

The girl followed the man to his house in silence, “Is this the place?” The girls said looking at a rundown building that didn’t seem befitting the capital. The man said he has it hard so this was expected.

They both entered inside and it wasn’t much different from the outside. In a single glance, the girl could spot five spider webs and three holes in the wooden ceiling.

“My wife is in that room, just greet her while I take my shoes off.” The man pointed toward a brown wooden door..

As she looked toward the door, she turned toward the man. “Are you sure? About all of this?”

“I told you don’t worry, just go in and greet her.” The man replied with a worried smile.

The girl walked toward the door slowly, giving the man a chance to change his mind. That was futile as he never had the intention to do that.

The moment she opened the door and walked into the dark room. Two men leaped at her, one held her down while the other gagged her mouth. The man who invited her quickly rushed in with a rope and bag so they tied and stuffed her in.

“Easy job, this is another one.” One of the men sighed as if he had finished a day job.

“Get her quickly out of here, I don’t want the guards up my ass.” The house owner growled at them.

“We’re cleaning the city from this filth, they should be thanking us.” The other man replied.

“I don’t care, I had enough problems from last time.” The house owner growled at them again.

“Fine, fine. Let’s meet back at the base, she is marked on your count so be present on the promised day.” One of the men told him as he carried the bag on his back, surprisingly the girl’s struggle was so weak she felt like a cat. It was so weak in the fact that the man carrying her thought about giving her something to eat before leaving her in the base.

The men then carried the girl to their base in the capital’s outskirts.

As they settled in a room, one of the men opened a box and took a pair of ankle chains, wrist cuffs, and a mouth gag made of steel.

“Wait a moment…” the other man stopped him before he could take the girl out of the back.

“Here you go again, fine just do your thing, I will wait.” The other replied.

The man rushed to the kitchen and brought an old loaf of bread, some milk, and water. After releasing the girl he presented her with the food.

“Eat, this might be the last meal you have in a week.” Hearing the man’s pained words, she ate her fill.

“Thank you…” She thanked me but the man gave her a bitter smile.

“You should be cursing me instead.” He said with a sad face and turned to his friend, “Tie and send her to the rest.”

The other man chained and dragged her down to the basement where she found more than ten other girls chained up in cages. Those were slavers, kidnapping beggars, and children who no one will ask about, then selling them on the black market.

The little girl was thrown in a cage of her own. The slavers had never seen a girl with blue hair and they were certain such a rare girl would sell at a high price.

When she looked around, all the girls looked lifeless and beaten up. Bruises all over their bodies, this was an unforgivable act in her eyes. But this wasn’t the time, she curled into a ball and fell asleep awaiting the night.

When the night came, all the slavers gathered in the room above to drink and discuss their next moves. She could hear them sight and argues about the importance of a certain thing.

Untouched goods sell better and at a higher price, the man who fed her was trying to convince the other not to touch the girls in the basement.

Half agreed with him and half didn’t, they were at a stalemate.

The little girls stood and looked toward the basement door.

“You will be beaten if you made a noise, sit still.” One of the girls told her.

The blue-haired girl didn’t listen, she heard her but such a thing wasn’t concerning.

CRACK! CRACK! The girl’s metallic gag shattered and her teeth seem to glow, the ankle chain couldn’t hold her steps and broke to pieces.

The girls jumped from their sleep in terror at the loud noise, with their dizzy eyes they saw her grab the handle of her cage with a firm fist.

The metal bent and twisted like it was made of dough, the door was no more a thing in an instant.

Unlike how she looked before, each of her steps was heavy and the air in the room seemed to vibrate.

BANG! The slavers busted the basement door open to see the source of the noise. They were stunned to see the blue-haired girl open her mouth toward them.

ROOAR! A blast of compressed water vapor blasted them to the other side of the room and tore the basement door from its hinges.

The slavers could feel their insides shake as the shockwave blasted them, this was no ordinary girl. One of them hardly opened his eyes to see her walking up the basement stairs with lightning crackling around her body.

“You little!” One of the slavers that didn’t get hit with the blast rushed at her with a steel mace. Even with all of his body weight behind the hit, the mace just bounced off her head with a PING! Noise.

CRACKLE! She knocked him out with a powerful lightning strike from her finger.

A group of five men tried to jump at her but she blasted them off with another roar.

As the slavers tried to stand again, they were all knocked unconscious by a lightning strike.

One of the slavers who was acting as a guard outside tried to run when heard the noise. After taking a few steps into the forest he got surprised by the girls standing in front of him.

He didn’t even manage to pull his sword before she blasted him all the way to the base with a powerful roar.

The man who fed the girl woke up the next morning with broken bones in the middle of the guards’ barracks. They seem to already know he was a slaver since he could see the girls they caught being treated. The blue-haired girl was nowhere to be found.

When he asked the enslaved girls about her, they didn’t know what he was talking about. But he could see burn marks on their hair which seemed strange.

The guards carried him to the jail where he was to be judged later.

The other slavers woke up in a different place, they woke on a deserted island of rocks. No vegetation can be seen and only the raging sea surround them from all direction.

As they looked around, most of them had broken bones but none was dead. Only one person was missing.josei

“What happened?” One of them gasped as he realized their only fate was to swim and die in the sea or starve to death on this island.

Back in the city.

“A single copper is all I ask for, please find mercy in your hearts!” The blue-haired girl was begging for money again as if nothing happened.

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