My Evil Imperial Wife is Too Arrogant

Chapter 252

Chapter 252: The Semi-Final Begins

The next day, Lou Mu Yan and the others arrived at the central city smoothly.

After entering the city, the surrounding streets were bustling with people coming and going, exceptionally lively—especially since the Sword Masters who were staying in the central city were all those who could participate in the second round of the competition, so they were naturally very joyful and most of them had smiles on their faces.

The difference between the central city and the other cities was that the inns wouldn’t give special treatment to contestants from superpower kingdoms or large kingdoms. After all, those Sword Masters who could enter the second round of the competition were considered to be the best among the younger generation of this Continent. If they treated people unequally, then it would probably cause discontent.

Lou Mu Yan and her party found an inn with an elegant and quiet environment near the border of the city to stay in. If it were up to Si Nan and He’lian Lie who liked luxury, they definitely wouldn’t agree.

But seeing that Lou Mu Yan had set her mind on this inn, they could only reluctantly agree, though in the end, they also booked more than half of the courtyard.

After Lou Mu Yan entered the inn, she went directly to her room and arranged an Array.

“Owner, Owner, are you going to dig out the Crystal Core of that Octopus Monster?” Bing Ji asked as soon as Lou Mu Yan finished setting up the Array, rubbing against her shoulder, fawning over her.

Lou Mu Yan knew that he had been thinking about that Demonic Beast’s Crystal Core for a long time, so she took out the Octopus Monster’s corpse in amusement. The ice on it had not yet thawed.

She casually tossed a cluster of Purple-Gold Spirit Flame down, and the ice on the Octopus Monster slowly melted.

She looked at the pool of water formed from the ice on the ground. Just what cultivation base did Ming Xiu achieve? This kind of Elemental Energy Condensation into ice wasn’t something that ordinary Sword Sovereign powerhouses could do.

Seeing the look on Bing Ji, gazing until his eyes were strained, she couldn’t help but smile. She stretched out her hand, took the Crystal Core from next to the Octopus Monster’s heart and tossed it to him directly.

“Take it to refine.”

Bing Ji held the Crystal Core in his beak, and his eyes were touched with emotion.

Little Owner disregarded her own life to go into the deep pond to save him, and now even gave him such a precious Crystal Core. Originally, Bing Ji thought of going free and unrestrained after breaking the Seal, but now he suddenly made up his mind to follow Lou Mu Yan well in the future.

Following such a mysterious and powerful Owner meant having a great future, and most importantly, Little Owner was too generous!

“Owner, Miao Miao is hungry.” Miao Miao looked at the Crystal Core of the Tier 8 Demonic Beast in Bing Ji’s beak with a bit of envy, but not negative jealousy. Whatever Owner did, it was right.

Lou Mu Yan rubbed her head intimately, took out a few Tier 6 Demonic Beast’s Crystal Cores and put them in her hand for her to swallow, “It’s not suitable for you and Xue Xue’s strength to eat high-level Crystal Cores. Wait until you both advance to a Tier 7 Demonic Beast. I’ll go get some Tier 7 and 8 Crystal Cores for you two to refine.

“Miao Miao loves Owner the most.” The little white snake swallowed a Crystal Core, then rubbed against Lou Mu Yan.

The Crystal Cores weren’t as attractive to the Human-Eating Blood Thorn Vine King. Ever since last time, he had transformed into a wood bracelet and hung on Lou Mu Yan’s wrist, “Owner, get some more high-level Sword Master’s blood for me in the future and it’ll be fine.”

In the competition space, he absorbed a lot of fresh blood of high-level Demonic Beasts and already felt the barrier of advancing. If he could suck and consume some Sword Master’s blood, he believed that he would soon be able to break through.

Lou Mu Yan rolled her eyes at him and warned: “Don’t always think about drinking human blood. Unless they’re an extremely wicked and evil person or my enemy, you’re not allowed to go randomly suck human blood, otherwise I’ll definitely throw you out into the desert to accompany cacti.”

Xue’s body froze and he deflated in decadence, “As per your order!” Little Owner’s words always counted. He definitely didn’t want to go to some desert area where birds don’t even lay eggs to accompany cacti.

Although he preferred fresh blood, but it wasn’t bad to have Crystal Cores to refine, so the few Spirit Pets went to refine the Demonic Beast’s Crystal Cores with a peace of mind.

There was a smile in Lou Mu Yan’s eyes—after taking these Spirit Pets, life sure wasn’t so boring anymore.

Early the next morning, the people from the Pill Tower delivered the Spiritual Herbs she needed to the inn. The efficiency was very high, and she was also very satisfied.

She remembered some information from the Phoenix Bangle previously, so she took out a hundred-year-old Spiritual Herb and placed it in a Profound Ice Box. With a thought, a green fog of Spiritual Energy flowed from her palm and poured into the box, then she sealed it.

If she was successful in accelerating this herb’s growth, then she’d make a huge profit and would basically not need to worry about having highly aged Spiritual Herbs in the future.

Compared to Crystal Cores, the few Spirit Pets preferred to eat pills more, but the pills she refined had practically all been consumed in the previous Beast Tide battles. This time, having replenished her Spiritual Herbs, she spent two days refining pills.

After another day passed, there were constant knocks outside her door. She put the last pill in a bottle and opened the door, seeing Luo Li’s bright and sunny handsome face.

“Are you refining pills?” Luo Li smelled a scent of pills as soon as he walked to the door.

Lou Mu Yan nodded: “The previous pills are all used up, so I need to refine some for spares.”

The corner of Luo Li’s lips twitched when he remembered that she swallowed pills like eating candy each time. Then he remembered the formal business and said with a smile: “Let’s go to the central square.”

“Why go to the central square?”

“You didn’t receive the news from the jade tablet?” Luo Li asked in surprise.

He came to knock on the door because he saw that Lou Mu Yan hadn’t appeared, but he didn’t expect that she didn’t know about it.

Lou Mu Yan didn’t pay attention because she was refining pills before, so now that she took out the jade tablet, she found out that the organisers of the competition notified them that in another hour, they should gather in the central square where they’ll announce the next round of the competition.

“Let’s go.”

When their group of people arrived at the central square, it was already filled with people, and it was very lively.

Lou Mu Yan and the others found a remote corner and stood there. She looked around and found many powerful groups.

The elite teams of superpower kingdoms were generally not just one group. Just like for Luo Ye and Si Nan’s kingdoms, there were two other teams from their kingdoms and their strength wasn’t bad either.

As soon as the time on the notification arrived, a loud voice sounded in the central square.

“You are all Sword Masters from various kingdoms who have passed the preliminary round of this time’s Continental Tournament for Hegemony. First, congratulations.”

As soon as his voice fell, everyone saw a middle-aged man in white appear in mid-air and he continued with a faint smile: “But don’t be arrogant, because the next two rounds are the key to whether you would be able to stand out.

“The top ten in the first round will be rewarded with jade tablets. The information will be sent to the identity jade tablets of the ten people later, which will be redeemed at the end of the second round.

“The second round of the Continental Tournament for Hegemony, which is the semi-final, will officially start tomorrow and last for five months.

“During these five months, you can use the ample Spiritual Force in this space to cultivate and raise your strength, or you can directly go snatch identity jade tablets. After five months, the identity jade tablet will remind you of the end date, and by then, the top five hundred who have the most of all seven colours of identity jade tablets will enter the final round.

“Of course, what I’m talking about isn’t just quantity, but also quality. The person with the most cyan, orange, and purple jade tablets would naturally rank high in the second round. As usual, the point system is used, and the rules of the entire competition will be passed through the Array into your identity jade tablets.

“By the way, a reminder, those who advance into the top ten of the rankings in the semi-finals will still have rewards, and they’re very generous rewards that will be distributed to you later.josei

“I won’t say more. I wish you all good results. We will meet again in five months.”

After the middle-aged, white-clothed man finished speaking, he turned around and disappeared from the central square, and the originally quiet square also exploded into chatter in an instant.

XD I decided to upload two a day again simply because I personally can’t wait to reach the part where LMY and MX interact more, so I want to hurry up and get to those chapters and translate them. I love the pair too much HAHAHAHA. Don’t know how long the two chapter a day will last, and it could be irregular, but definitely still expect at least one chapter a day~!

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