My Evil Imperial Wife is Too Arrogant

Chapter 253

Chapter 253: Act Separately

After returning to the inn, the identity jade tablets of Lou Mu Yan and the others flashed repeatedly, and the competition organisers sent the information one after another through the Array.

“The semi-finals this time actually takes five months. It seems that we have to improve our strength as soon as possible.” He’lian Lie said while looking at his jade tablet.

After coming into the competition space, in addition to the possibility of being selected by the Six Major Sects and winning glory for their Empire, there was also one great advantage—the Spiritual Force here was very abundant, and here was rich in resources.

The speed of cultivation in this space was basically twice as fast as outside, so in each competition, there would be a period of time left for Sword Masters of various kingdoms to cultivate and improve their strength.

“Who knew that entering the top ten would be rewarded with purple jade tablets, not bad.” Luo Li flipped through the information and said.

Lou Mu Yan set her sights on the awards for the top ten in the rankings of the semi-finals. Unexpectedly, they were all Spiritual Items of Heaven and earth. The power of the organisers of this competition sure were really strong.

“For the rewards for the top ten, I can only go all out.” She said with a smile and put the jade tablet away.

Hearing her ambition, the other people’s eyelids couldn’t help but jump. The second round of the competition wasn’t to kill Demonic Beasts—something that could be easily accomplished by finding Beast Tides at night-time. They had to face more than a thousand geniuses from the younger generation.

“You’re thinking about entering the top ten again? The top ten in the semi-finals isn’t so easy to get into.” He’lian Lie shrugged. His goal was to advance into the top fifty.

Lou Mu Yan glanced at him, “Not promising. Only by daring to think can you dare to do. If you don’t even dare to think about it, you might as well just give up directly.”

The rewards for the top ten included two types of Spiritual Items that Mo Yan and Xue Xue needed to increase their strength. She must obtain it.

Hearing her calm tone saying bold words, the expressions of the others changed, especially He’lian Lie.

There was an unpleasant feeling in his heart. Lou Mu Yan even dared to think it, why didn’t he dare? So this was the largest gap between them?

“Shameless bastard, how about we compare who could advance into the top ten in the semi-finals?” Last time, he was only ranked sixth because Si Nan did him dirty. This time, he must get back at him.

Si Nan’s expression was calm, and he raised an eyebrow slovenly: “Sure, you think I’ll be afraid of you?”

The two attacked each other again, and Luo Ye interrupted with a light cough: “Are we still going to act together in the semi-finals?

He was certain that if so many of them set off together, the other teams would definitely run away when they saw them, and they wouldn’t be able to snatch many jade tablets at all.

What he thought of, the others also thought of, but it was difficult for them to voice it. After all, the ones that would drag them back would mainly be Lou Mu Yan, and Ye Qing Han’s teams.Of course, they didn’t mean that they disliked them. If Lou Mu Yan still wanted to act together, they wouldn’t object either.

Lou Mu Yan could guess their thoughts and conflicted emotions. She smile lightly and said: “Let’s act separately. One, we can let the enemy relax their vigilance and two, we don’t have to worry about being unable to divide the snatched jade tablets because there are too many people.”

“Then how should we split up?” Luo Li asked.

He and Si Nan actually didn’t want to be separated from Lou Mu Yan, but judging from the current situation, it seemed that they couldn’t not separate.

“We’ll be with my Elder Cousin Brother and his group, and it would be best for you four groups to separate individually.” Lou Mu Yan thought about it, then suggested.

Then she added: “Of course, you can also join forces to snatch from others. Either way, those who hold jade tablets of the same colour can’t snatch each other’s for the first four months.”

“Then let’s not separate for the first four months.” Luo Li said.

Lou Mu Yan rolled her eyes at him, “How can we compete for jade tablets if we’re with you? Those elite teams of the large kingdoms won’t dare to come snatch when they see you, so how can I enter the top ten then!”

“…” Luo Li’s forehead was deeply creased. So it was like they were dragging her down.

“Those elite teams from large kingdoms aren’t easy to deal with. You might all be in danger if you act independently.” Si Nan raised a key problem.

Lou Mu Yan raised an eyebrow: “We didn’t come into the competition space to hide behind you and take a rank. How can we see a rainbow without experiencing wind and rain?”

“That’s not what I meant. It was also mentioned in the information in the jade tablet just now. If anyone steals the jade tablets of the top ten, the rewarded jade tablets will also become theirs. We’re afraid that someone will deal with you specifically.” Si Nan smiled gaudily, but there was a hint of worry on his handsome face.

Lou Mu Yan’s strength was indeed good, but she relied too much on Arrays. If someone impeded on her forming seals, then she would definitely be in danger.

“I’m begging for it. I’m precisely afraid that they won’t come find me.” Lou Mu Yan took a sip from her teacup confidently—as expected, high-end Spiritual Tea tasted very fragrant.

Last time, she saw this kind of Spiritual Herb on the list from the Pill Tower, so she bought some at a high price.

Hearing her words, everyone fell speechless. Even they had to admit that she was definitely a troublemaker, causing trouble wherever she went.

“Their two teams indeed need to experience some life-and-death situations. It’s better to be separated!” Luo Ye, who had been silent for a while, suddenly spoke up.josei

When one entered the competition space, then one couldn’t be greedy for life and be afraid of death. It was necessary to cherish the resources one could enjoy and improve one’s strength as soon as possible.

If they formed a team together, the danger they would encounter would be reduced a lot, and they wouldn’t receive much training.

Ye Qing Han was also in favour of separation, not just because of his rivals in love, but also because he wanted to become stronger.

Only in times of tension and danger could human potential be realised.

“We agree to separate.”

Seeing that they all said this, Luo Li and Si Nan couldn’t propose to form a team again either, “Then our four groups should also separate.”

They only got together because of Lou Mu Yan. Now that Lou Mu Yan wanted to be separated, they naturally wouldn’t think about being tied together.

Lou Mu Yan took out a few bottles of pills from her interspatial ring and tossed it to them, “You can all keep these pills for spare use. Let’s meet in five months!

“Don’t fall too far behind!” She then stood up and added.

The corners of Si Nan’s lips twitched. Where did this woman get so much confidence, “Don’t worry, we’ll never let you surpass us.”

If they let teams from small and medium-sized kingdoms surpass them when they’ve separated, then how could their four elite teams from large kingdoms endure this.

“Then let’s wait and see.” Lou Mu Yan’s face was dyed with a brilliant confidence, smiling beautifully.

Her confident smile was the most attractive, which resonated in the hearts of Luo Li and the others.

“Lou Mu Yan, I hope to see your name in the top ten of the rankings in five months.” Luo Li quickly hugged Lou Mu Yan, then let go—just a hug and encouragement from a friend.

Lou Mu Yan patted Luo Li on the shoulder, “Little wild cat, good luck to you all as well. Let’s compete to see which group will have the most people advancing into the top thirty.”

“Let’s compete then!” Luo Li felt his heart tickle, then asked: “Are you going to cultivate first or snatch jade tablets?”

“You still need to ask? Definitely cultivate first. Even if you go snatch jade tablets first, you probably won’t see many people.”

“True, then you all take care!”

“You all as well!”

Early the next morning, the group of people divided into five teams, leaving the central city and began their journey in the semi-finals.

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