My Evil System

Chapter 141 Revenge . . .

Chapter 141 Revenge . . .

Before Ben could completely burst into particles, Thomas quickly snatched his heart and guts, afraid they would disappear too.

One thing I noticed about Thomas, his brown hair had grown. His skin was no longer greyish. His arm was back, as well as his teeth. There was no longer a bone sticking on his shoulder, and his ankle was healed.

He completely looked human now.

Maybe eating flesh kept him youthful. I chuckled at the thought.

"Y-you!" After screaming his lungs out, Edie was shaking with anger as he held his torn arm. "How dare you! How dare you do this to me! Don't you know who my brother is?! You're dead! All of you are dead!"josei

"Your brother?" I asked with faked fear on my face.

<Host is a good actor>

Edie smirked despite the fact that his teeth were rattling from how badly he was trembling in fear. "Y-Yes. You two. I don't know what you did and how you killed Ben and the others . . . b-but if you harm me, you can never leave to see the next day. My brother will kill you!"

"Is that so?" I retrieved the glass container from my inventory. Inside was Edgar's head, with his eyes rolling on the back of his head and his tongue sticking out from his mouth.

"Did you hear that, Edgar?" I chuckled. "Your little brother said that you will kill us if we do anything to him."

Edie couldn't register what he was seeing at first. "Y-you . . . what kind of sorcery is this? T-there's no way . . . There's no way that you can kill my brother! A bunch of noobs couldn't possibly defeat him! What did you do?! What did you do to him?!"

Amidst his hysteria, I shook my head and sighed my disappointment. "I paid ten thousand Evil Points to reunite you with your brother for the last time. I'm disappointed that you didn't appreciate my good intentions."

<+1000 Evil Points rewards to Host for his first time causing mental trauma to others!>

<Host is getting the hang of being evil, I see~. You just wanted to inflict mental pain on him before he died>

"If you don't want it, then I guess I have no choice but to give it to Thomas," I said and threw the container over to Thomas's way.

The sound of broken glass echoed in the arena, and at the sight of the torn head that was about to turn into particles, Thomas quickly grabbed and bit its cheek, ripping a good chunk, and promptly ate it, attempting to finish the whole head before it could completely disappear.

Now I was even gladder that I had preserved Edgar's head. Thomas completely absorbed his ATP, and now my Ghoul's stat was over a hundred.

Edie puked at the side, and he fell on his knees, tears and snot covered his face while he kept muttering to himself, "N-no . . . t-this couldn't be . . . No . . ."

When Edgar, what remained of him, was dissolved into nothing but a spec of clouds of dust, Thomas released a feral growl and aimed for Edie next.

The stunned man couldn't even react when Thomas leaped in his direction and tore the remaining of his arm.

With Thomas's current STR and with Edgar missing his limbs, the latter couldn't do anything but scream and trash under Thomas's hold.

Thomas clawed open Edie's stomach and ripped his guts before snatching his heart.

The sound of Edie made when Thomas disemboweled him was nothing human.

Edie cried the high incoherent words of a coward facing death. He kicked and twisted, whimpered like a dog, and wailed like a child, but Thomas continued to feast on his flesh.

In Edie's last breath, he looked at me. "P-please . . . I don't want to die . . ."

Edie was trashing, feet hammered on the stone floor in a frantic last attempt to get away. It slowed, then stopped.

I rubbed the back of my head and wryly looked over at the night sky.

The rage had finally simmered, and I could finally sleep tonight.


<Yes, Host?>

You said that I could mitigate useless emotions like this and only think logically, but this rage was out of bounce.

<It must be your other self, Host. Your other self's emotion was so great enough to even influence you>

So you meant to say that he could control me even if he weren't the one taking over this body?

<That's a possibility>

I thought this skill was absolute.

<In this world. Nothing is certain. But don't worry too much, Evil Host. As long as it's not a strong emotion, your other self couldn't influence your decision>

I hope not.

What's the point of taking over if he could influence me?

I stared at the horizon again. The time was already eleven in the evening.

It was getting late, and it was time to rest.

"Let's go, Thomas."

Thomas wiped the blood from his lips and immediately hopped to his feet, and caught up to me.

I shot it a glance. "Can you see without your glasses?"

He nodded. No longer growling every few seconds.

It was good news that he was acting like a human now.

"Can you speak?"

Thomas opened his mouth, and a raspy sound pushed through his lips. "A . . . lit . . . tle . . ."

Hmmm . . . he was like a baby, only learning to talk.

I guess it was better than nothing. I also noticed that he seemed to grow taller, and his body was no longer a stick. He got a little buff.

Was it related to his ATP? I wondered.

"From now on. You stay in the dorms until I say otherwise, okay?" I didn't want him to go rampaging in the hallways and attract unwanted attention.

Not when there were representatives here that would notice something off about him.

Thomas only nodded. ". . . Fo . . . od?"

"Don't worry about it. We'll hunt for food when night comes, when there aren't many players outside to notice you. For now, lay low in our room."

"Ok . . . ay . . ."

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