My Evil System

Chapter 142 My Usual Day . . .

Chapter 142 My Usual Day . . .


I woke up feeling fresh for once without the morning light flashing on my face from the window.

I really needed to get curtains for that.

I sat on the bed and stretched my arms while cracking my neck before releasing a satisfied breath.

I looked over at Thomas and found that he was in front of the window, blocking the sun from entering the room.

He wore a no-nonsense face and was looking at me without blinking.

"Goo . . . mo . . . ning," he greeted.

I think his throat was broken from how groggy his voice was.

"Did you stand there all day?"

Thomas nodded.

"You didn't sleep?"

Thomas shook his head.

"Right." I got up and changed my clothes. "It's not like you're alive anyway to fall asleep."

When I looked at the time, it was already past nine in the morning.

I didn't care. I had no intention of going to this class anymore. I've already got the information that I need.

Time to grab something to eat.

As I finished my thought, a loud bang made me shifted my eyes to the door.

"Hey, gil guy! We know that you're there! Come out! It's time to give us the money!"

"You're late! We didn't eat breakfast because of you!"

"You better compensate us, double!"josei

After their loud voices came their condescending laughter.

Thomas released a growl, and his face turned dark, claws flexing like he was about to attack whoever was on the other side door.

"Lay down," I said and instructed, "Stay here until I say so. Got me?"

Thomas retrieved his claws, but there was still a low rumble vibrating on his chest. His face told me that he was giving it all to restrain himself.

When I was sure that he wouldn't leap and attack whoever was on the other side, I opened the door and found three players.

They were noobs, so my disappointment.

I wonder when the seniors would attack me.

I got out and made sure to lock the door from the inside. Not that it would do anything to hold Thomas if he decided to roam free. But I trusted him that he would follow my orders.

"It's about time!" player one snarled.

"Why are you so late?" player two added.

"Are you avoiding us by hiding in your room the whole day." player three ended.

Their loud voice was hurting my ears. Not to mention that I just woke up and felt . . . very hungry.

There was no student in the hall, for they were already in their class or taking their breakfast, so I summoned Lucy without a second thought.

The three took a step back when they saw Lucy's intimidating form.

"Heh! What's that?" player one broke the silence and faked a laugh to diffuse the tense situation.

Player two equipped his sword and pointed at me. "Are you trying to challenge us, huh?"

Player three was in the middle of equipping his staff when his body was cut into pieces, and he burst into nothing but particles.

And before the others could react, a powerful strike cleaved through their feeble defenses, and their arms and legs were torn into mincemeat.

They were surprised even to manage a shout, and their adrenaline kicked in before they could feel any pain and scream their heart's out.

I quickly unlocked the door of our room and kicked those two inside.

"Here's breakfast," I said to Thomas and immediately shut the door and went on my way.

Half through the hallway, I heard those two guys muffled screams, but no one could listen to them, for the students were on the other side of the building.

I decided to eat lunch in the restaurant in town so no one could bother me.

As I went to town, my ears perked up rumors from the inhabitant's mouth.

"I know a shop that sells this lamp."


"That new limited product that cost thousands of gil?"

"I heard that it could light an entire room!"

"It's not even burning. It's operated by a switch, and the design is very beautiful."

"Where can we buy one?"

"It's already sold out."

"As usual, the nobles got hold of those lamps and chandeliers first."

Good. Good. I mused to myself.

The lamps' popularity was quickly spreading. It would only be a matter of time before the merchant guild contacted me again for its production.

In a good mood, I ate a poached egg, salmon, and bread at a popular café in town. They didn't have coffee in here, only tea and milk.

Maybe I need to produce coffee as well?

<As long as Host gets his hands on a coffee machine, then you can>

The big problem was . . . was there a coffee bean here?

<Every plant back on earth and more are available in this world, Host. You just need to destroy a specific village or town. Or do a system quest!>

I'll think about it later.

After a hearty breakfast, I went out of town and waited for the players that were following me since I got out of the Academy's gates.

I applaud their patience, though. They even waited for me to finish my food.

In the open field so that no one could bother us, I called them, "Get out. I know you're following me."

From behind the gates of Castle Rock town came out two players whose ATP was nearing a hundred.


Some older players would add to my Evil Points.

"Are you Cross? The noob gil guy?" Player A asked.

I shrugged.

Player B equipped his sword and threatened me, "Hand over that weird weapon if you don't want to die."

Player A stepped forward and added. "Don't even think of screaming for help. No one would help you. The inhabitants of this world don't care about players."

"And the players definitely don't care about us fighting," Player B added.

Then the two laughed and sneered. "We need to thank you because you're such an idiot. Instead of going back to the Academy, where you have a high chance of escaping, you went out from town instead, where it was easier to kill you."

I smiled and equipped Lucy in my hand. "Is that so?"

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