My Girlfriend is a Zombie

Chapter 519

Chapter 519: Are You Like a Cockroach?

“You really prefer punishment over a toast… Try talking smack again, I dare you!”

Jian Qi twisted his neck, cracking his knuckles with a vicious grin as he slowly approached Ling Mo.

After overpowering the “regimental commander” and pinning him to the ground, Jian Qi’s gaze returned to its usual indifference, staring at Ling Mo as if he were looking at an insignificant ant.

With such severe injuries, it was impossible for Ling Mo to rise again. Jian Qi could do whatever he wanted next…

“You’ve got quite a heavy hand…”

Ling Mo coldly watched Jian Qi drawing closer, while assessing the condition of his battered body.

His internal organs were damaged, but he was not yet dead. His left arm was completely useless, unable to move at all.

However, the injury had immediately stimulated the virus within his body.

The sensation of the wounds slowly healing gave Ling Mo a deeper understanding of the zombies’ unique characteristics.

It seemed that in terms of regenerative abilities alone, his own body still couldn’t match that of a real zombie.

“Now, you should finally behave…”

Jian Qi looked down at Ling Mo from above, commanding.


Before Jian Qi could finish, Ling Mo viciously cut him off and leaped up abruptly.

Such trauma would be unbearable for a human, making it almost impossible to continue moving.

But for zombies, as long as they weren’t immediately killed, they could still leap up and bite, even if only half of their body remained.

This sudden turn of events made Jian Qi’s pupils shrink, and his mouth hung open in disbelief: “You…”


A chair flew across, aiming straight for Jian Qi’s head.

Jian Qi’s body arched back, dodging the attack, but before he could straighten up, a dark shadow loomed over him.

The chair was just a decoy. In the moment Jian Qi dodged, Ling Mo had already accelerated into a leap, his feet ruthlessly kicking towards Jian Qi.

“To think you’re even stronger than before…”

Jian Qi was shocked. The kick was aimed directly at his face.

But the Mosigan’s strength was indeed extraordinary. Even while maintaining a backward lean, he managed to twist his body.

“Hmph, I knew you’d dodge! But… you’ve fallen for it!”

The kick was another feint!

As Jian Qi revealed a smug smile, Ling Mo had already opened his wounded hand and pressed it fiercely toward his opponent’s face:

“Eat my palm!”

Jian Qi’s eyes widened, but in this situation, he no longer had the strength to dodge!


The moment Ling Mo’s palm made contact with Jian Qi’s face, it was like hitting a water release button, a warm gush spraying out.

Jian Qi’s nose was bleeding…josei

As blood splattered, the tremendous force slammed Jian Qi to the ground.

His body twitched like a broken sack, the thud of his head hitting the ground made even Ling Mo’s scalp tingle with coolness.


The intense pain in his head caused Jian Qi’s vision to go dark, and his head buzzed as if a drill was piercing through it, whirring incessantly.

The more pressing issue was that he had just been smacked squarely in the face with a sticky liquid…

“His nose is broken, so he must have been exposed to the virus to some extent, right?” Ling Mo thought to himself.

But then again, this guy was a virus researcher, so a bit of virus exposure probably wouldn’t pose much harm to him.

Besides, it was damn hard to actually get this guy hurt…

Otherwise, a large cut or just pouring the virus down his throat would do the trick—I refuse to believe he wouldn’t get infected.

Ling Mo had also tried to use mental Tentacles to disrupt him, but the guy’s reactions were too fast, and brute force simply wasn’t going to cut it.

But smearing his face was better than doing nothing—it’s not like it could get him pregnant…


Although nearly passing out, Jian Qi immediately grabbed Ling Mo’s arm and, with a strong twist, prevented him from continuing his attack.


The sound of breaking bones echoed as Jian Qi kicked out, planting his foot in Ling Mo’s abdomen.

“Is this guy made of iron?”

The thought had barely formed in Ling Mo’s mind when he was brutally kicked away, crashing heavily to the ground.

“You underestimate me… but do you think this is enough to defeat me…”

Jian Qi staggered to his feet, about to say something to cover up the bloodied mess of his face, but then he saw Ling Mo, whose arms were now useless, leap up even faster and charge at him again.

His face changed instantly, and he couldn’t afford to play it cool anymore, quickly retreating:

“Damn, are you cockroach-like or something?”

With such serious injuries, even if it wasn’t fatal, it shouldn’t seem so easy!

And… his expression hadn’t changed from the beginning to the end!

This was beyond stubborn resistance; the guy seemed to feel no pain at all!

Fire had had encounters with the Air Force Corps before. Although they weren’t strong enough to deal with the regimental commander, they had heard of him.

Weren’t there rumors that he wasn’t very strong and rarely took action, usually just smashing teacups and slamming tables?

He had never been known to be this formidable before!

“Hey, did you skip a meal or something? Can you put a little effort into it?”

Ling Mo sneered internally, feeling no pain even if he were torn to pieces.

Seeing the “regimental commander” with an expressionless face, Jian Qi clenched his fists in fury.

His face, covered in blood, looked particularly ferocious at that moment.

“So it doesn’t hurt, huh? Good… very good…”

Taking advantage of Jian Qi’s unstable stance, Ling Mo charged fiercely, slamming into him.

“Damn, taking advantage while I’m still talking…”

Jian Qi was sent flying by the blow, but Ling Mo had already leapt forward, delivering a ruthless kick to his abdomen.

Before Jian Qi could hit the ground, Ling Mo was already beside him, using his head as a battering ram and smashing down with force.

A successful sneak attack, a triple strike!


Jian Qi hit the ground hard, spitting out a mouthful of blood.

But as he landed, Jian Qi managed to land a kick on Ling Mo’s shin.

“Damn, this guy is too tough!”

Ling Mo was caught off guard, and with a “crack,” his lower leg was broken, effectively crippling him.

Taking advantage of the moment, Jian Qi quickly scrambled up. Without giving Ling Mo a chance to recover, he charged fiercely at him.

He realized that he couldn’t afford to give this guy a chance to catch his breath, otherwise… he might be ground down to death!


Ling Mo was kicked away, landing right beside Tom.

Just as he was about to get up, Tom suddenly let out a groan: “Ah…”

“Damn it! You didn’t wake up during the intense fight, and now when I’m pretty much done for, you decide to wake up?!”

Ling Mo’s heart skipped a beat, and he quickly looked up, only to “bang” his head against Tom’s.

He measured his strength perfectly, not enough to harm Tom, but enough to knock him out.

But this brief delay was all it took for a dark shadow to appear above him…


Ling Mo’s physical body abruptly opened his eyes and sat up.

His complexion was somewhat pale, and his eyes looked rather lost.

A few seconds later, he slowly came back to his senses.

“What’s… what’s wrong?” Ye Lian leaned in curiously and asked.


Seeing that Shana and the others were turning their heads to look at him, and Lucy looked particularly puzzled, Ling Mo slowly shook his head: “I’m fine.”

“Damn, that guy hits hard, I didn’t even have time to sever the psychic connection…”

Although his avatar was killed, at least he managed to save Tom.

Ling Mo really wanted to contact Yuwen Xuan immediately and have him take people out to finish off Jian Qi.

But Yuwen Xuan was currently busy taking over the Air Force Corps and couldn’t spare the energy to deal with Jian Qi.

Starting a fight now could cause unrest in the recently stabilized Air Force Corps, leading to unforeseen consequences.

Furthermore, although the people from the f group were mostly positioned outside, each one was a Psychic, and their potential threat should not be underestimated.

Ling Mo had gone through a lot to get the Air Force Corps for Yuwen Xuan, and he didn’t intend to destroy it in the blink of an eye.

“No rush, as long as this guy shows up…”

Ling Mo compared the strength of both sides. Truth be told, in a one-on-one, he wasn’t completely sure he could take Jian Qi down.

Jian Qi was a rare powerhouse among enhancement ability users. In terms of close combat, he was leagues ahead of Ling Mo.

But Ling Mo’s own psychic abilities were not to be taken lightly either…

“Whether it’s because of his actions or his research on the virus… I must engage with him again…”

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