My Girlfriend is a Zombie

Chapter 520

Chapter 520: The Puppet Master

“Cough cough…”

Jian Qi clutched his abdomen, coughing twice: “To think I’d be wounded by such a cockroach…”

His expression didn’t betray much pain, but the steady flow of blood from his nose, even trickling from the corners of his mouth, painted a rather tragic picture.

Compared to Ling Mo’s actual self, Jian Qi appeared considerably more disheveled.

It took him a good few minutes of rest before he wiped the blood off his face and cleaned the footprints from his clothes.


Jian Qi shoved the bloodied rag into his clothes, casting a resentful glance at the regimental commander’s corpse, then turning his gaze to Tom, who was lying nearby.

He had heard Tom’s cry of pain loud and clear.

And the regimental commander’s move to knock Tom unconscious had not escaped his notice.

“This regimental commander was definitely fishy… What reason did he have to spare this big guy? If he hadn’t bothered with this big guy, allowing him to regain consciousness, he wouldn’t have been killed by me so easily. Maybe he could have even used this big guy to try and escape… Not that he would have managed to.”

Jian Qi walked over to Tom, his eyes suddenly turning cold, his fist clenched tightly, a dangerous glint flashing through them: “If I kill this big guy, then see Ling Mo’s reaction and attitude, I’d know the connection between him and the commander… But…”

After his gaze flickered for a moment, Jian Qi slowly relaxed his hand: “You’re lucky.”

Common sense suggested that even if Tom were to die amidst heavy suspicion, Yuwen Xuan, in the interest of maintaining stability, would likely not pursue the matter too far.

But that’s common sense, and Yuwen Xuan was a madman, whose actions could not be predicted by common sense.

The most important thing was the look in the “regimental commander’s” eyes just before he died, which Jian Qi found very concerning…

Although it could be a misperception, it was better not to touch Tom if it was true…

“After all the effort to extend my reach into City X, I can’t just ruin everything now…”

Jian Qi touched his hair, glanced at Tom on the ground once more, then cleared his throat and walked towards the Air Force Corps member.

“Overcome with rage, you ended up killing the despicable commander… I’ll have to ask you to take full responsibility for this incident,” Jian Qi lifted the Air Force Corps member, squatting down to look at his closed eyes, and spoke in a negotiating tone: “Hmm… let’s arrange it like this, you knocked out Tom, killed the commander, and the motive… was disappointment and confusion with the commander’s actions… some kind of impulsive personal reason which I couldn’t possibly be clear about, right?… And then, while committing the act, you happened to be encountered by me…”

“Uh, no, that’s not quite right, this place is too secluded, I wouldn’t have a reason to pass by here, would I? So, this is how it’ll go, I happened upon you during your escape…”

“That’s better! Let’s go choose a suitable spot. Don’t worry, it won’t hurt much…”

Dragging the Air Force Corps member by the collar, Jian Qi and he slowly disappeared around the corner of the corridor…

As the evening drew later, Ling Mo and his group were ushered in by Tom.

Seeing that this guy was indeed unscathed, Ling Mo had expected as much, but he still couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief.

“Ling Mo, let me tell you, I almost bit the dust today!”josei

The big oaf came running in full of bluster, flinging his arms wide as he barreled towards Ling Mo.

If it weren’t for the large lump on his head that he had gotten from his own doing, Ling Mo really felt like kicking him out.

“Ah, this is what you’d call a narrow escape!”

“Let… go…”

Ling Mo was embraced in a bear hug by this guy, looking helpless, and then he promptly pushed him away as soon as he could.

“What happened?”

At Ling Mo’s question, the big guy immediately started to exaggerate the story.

“Look!” Tom pointed at the large lump on his head and said, “I even got injured!”

“You think this is a badge of honor? Don’t act so proud after being ambushed!”

Ling Mo rolled his eyes and said, “Is that what Jian Qi told you?”

“Yeah. Although he arrived late, the regimental commander was already dead. But I think he got what he deserved! You have no idea how much I wanted to hit him… On the other hand, Captain Yuwen seemed pretty upset, maybe he wanted to keep the regimental commander alive for his own purposes, or had some agreement with him? Ah, it’s confusing…”

“Hmph, this guy really knows how to clear his own name…”

Ling Mo snorted coldly in his mind, and then asked, “So now, has the situation completely stabilized?”

“Yes, basically everyone with a bit of power and prestige has been controlled. The previous helicopter shipment took another bunch away, so there’s no chance of any trouble brewing now.”

Tom rubbed the back of his head and said, “But because of the sneak attack incident, Captain Yuwen did another round of cleaning up, and actually found a few guys secretly hiding weapons, and locked them up too. Now it’s totally fine, so you guys don’t have to wait outside to back us up anymore.”

As he spoke, Tom suddenly lowered his voice and chuckled, “You’re quite famous in the Air Force Corps, but it’s fine, they haven’t seen you.”

“What does it matter now if they know?”

Ling Mo pinched the bridge of his nose and said.

Leaning on his skills and tactics, Ling Mo had spent some time in the Air Force Corps as well.

The real big shots were just a dozen or so people with power and influence, the rest were just following orders.

Eliminating them wouldn’t affect the foundation of the Air Force Corps at all.

Like the pilots, although they were the treasures of the Air Force Corps, they didn’t have any real power in their hands.

Entering the Air Force Corps now, Ling Mo felt somewhat different.

Previously, he had sneaked in under the radar, constantly in danger, but now he entered openly as a victor.

Just a few days ago, he was the target of the Air Force Corps’ manhunt, an ant they wanted to crush at the first opportunity.

But now, he was the puppet master who controlled the fate of the Air Force Corps…

“Hey, you guys are here.”

Just as they went upstairs, Ling Mo and his people ran into Jian Qi.

The two exchanged glances, but neither could read anything from the other’s eyes.

“Lucy, Vice-Captain Zhang will be discussing the next steps with us later. You should come too.”

Jian Qi smiled at Ling Mo, then turned his gaze to Lucy and said.

“Oh, okay,” Lucy nodded and replied.

On the surface, it seemed that Jian Qi was there to pick up Lucy, but Ling Mo felt that this guy was probably there to see his reaction.

However, he was disappointed. Ling Mo acted very naturally.

Jian Qi’s expression also remained quite indifferent.

“Pretty good acting… But even if I don’t go looking for trouble with him, judging by his demeanor, he’ll probably come to me on his own accord.”

Ling Mo felt that same sense of danger from the other side again, and he was slightly disappointed that the virus had indeed not affected him.

“But no effect from the virus… though, by the looks of it, getting beaten up must have felt pretty exhilarating, huh?”

Ling Mo’s eyes lingered on Jian Qi’s reddened nose, and suddenly the corner of his mouth curled up as he asked, “Mr. Jian?”

“Could you please use the full name…”

Jian Qi twitched the corner of his eye, looking at Ling Mo.

“I heard you caught a troublemaker, and it seems you got hurt in the process. You’ve had a tough time.”

As soon as Ling Mo finished speaking, everyone’s attention immediately focused on Jian Qi’s face.

His red nose, combined with the broom-like Mosigan hairstyle, looked really…


A Falcon member, who had come out with Tom to greet Ling Mo, couldn’t help but laugh, but he quickly covered it up with a cough.

Lucy was keeping a straight face, but her cheeks were already turning red, clearly struggling to hold back…

Li Ya Lin turned her head to glance at Shana and commented, “That does look quite tough…”

“Senior sister, shh…”

The gentle look on Jian Qi’s face disappeared instantly, and his smile became forced.

But seeing Ling Mo’s sincere expression, he couldn’t just lash out…

“Thanks for your concern,” Jian Qi said. “But this place isn’t entirely peaceful yet, so Mr. Ling should be careful too.”


Ling Mo replied with a slight smile.

An undercurrent surged between the two as they engaged in seemingly calm conversation. As they passed by each other, Ling Mo heard the other man’s voice deliberately lowered: “We’ll meet again if fate allows…”

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