My Girlfriend is a Zombie

Chapter 530

Chapter 530: The Enigmatic Voice

In Jian Qi’s mind, a fierce three-way tug-of-war unfolded in silence.josei

The mental shield, which seemed to possess a will of its own, split into parts to resist after Ling Mo “bit off” a chunk of it.

One part of it began desperately assaulting the remaining Mental Sphere of Jian Qi.

“Damn, where did this glutton come from?” Ling Mo exclaimed in anger. This clue was hard-won; he couldn’t let it be destroyed by this bundle of mental energy.

Amidst Jian Qi’s screams, a dozen mental Tentacles forcefully invaded from the outside, binding the energy tightly.

After all, it was fighting alone, whereas Ling Mo’s mental Tentacles were relentless.

After several struggles, the mental energy began to weaken…

Suddenly, Ling Mo felt the energy fluctuate, and then a blurry shadow appeared in his mind like a ghostly apparition.

“Damn it!” Ling Mo was startled, but the surprises didn’t end there.

With the shadow’s appearance, an enigmatic voice suddenly rang out: “Stop… cease your actions, or else…”

“Damn it!” Ling Mo swore again.

“I… I am not called ‘damn it’… stop immediately…”

The voice was intermittent, clearly conveying speech through mental power was no easy feat for its owner.

However, for Ling Mo, this was downright amazing. His mental power was so strong, yet he couldn’t achieve this effect.

Moreover, this voice was definitely not from Jian Qi’s mind, and there was no sign of mental linkage energy around Jian Qi…

“Long-distance? Right, the other party must be a mental ability user specializing in this!”

Only “expertise” could explain this phenomenon, and now was not the time to be astonished…

After his initial shock, Ling Mo immediately asked, “Who are you?”

“I… there’s no need to tell… you must stop now…” the enigmatic voice continued.

“Heh, why should I stop if I don’t even know who you are?” Ling Mo retorted.

Jian Qi’s previous howling, in Ling Mo’s view, was nothing more than a futile threat, meaningless.

But now, it seemed there really was someone behind him!

Ling Mo wondered if Jian Qi was aware of this situation, carrying a 24-hour surveillance camera everywhere — the thought itself was unbearable…

“Besides, if you want me to stop, what’s in it for me?” Ling Mo asked again.


The enigmatic voice seemed to short-circuit, probably thinking its mere presence was impressive enough. It hadn’t expected Ling Mo to be unfazed, and instead, to start negotiating terms.

After a moment of hesitation, the voice capitulated: “You… tell me, what do you want… as a benefit?”

“Heh heh… I knew it.” Ling Mo smiled triumphantly.

Clearly, the owner of the voice was far away from him.

His display of mental power, though strong, wasn’t enough to intimidate this person.

The quick compromise showed that the other party was currently powerless against him.

With this realization, Ling Mo felt a sudden ease wash over him.

The mass of mental energy was enveloped by his grasp, and Jian Qi’s Mental Sphere was being devoured by him…

“Hmm… I’ll ask just once, who are you? Speak now, or I’ll consume you,” Ling Mo chuckled darkly.

“…” The mysterious voice fell silent.

After a long pause, the voice finally continued, “I hope you… won’t regret… ah!”

Before the orb of light could vanish, it screamed as though it had been suddenly pricked in the rear.

Ling Mo’s mental Tentacles had already contracted swiftly and violently inward, seizing the moment when the adversary’s consciousness was still exposed, he began to voraciously devour it.

“Ah! Ah!”

In a vast room, a series of cries like those of a wailing infant echoed incessantly.

A man clad in a white protective suit, donning a mask, sprinted out from inside, dripping with sweat, and slammed his palm down on a red button.

The alarm immediately blared through the external loudspeakers, reverberating down the entire corridor, and then spreading out, winding through corridor after corridor.


A door at the end of the hallway burst open, and a towering figure emerged.

Under the dim lighting, his scar-ridden face looked particularly ferocious.

Mr. Ai was still holding that report: “It hasn’t even been five minutes, and the alarm has been sounded?”

Even without any new information, Mr. Ai intuitively sensed a connection between this alarm and the report…

Sure enough, in less than two minutes, the previous figure stumbled around the corner of the hallway.

Before the person could even reach him, he was already shouting: “Zero… has been attacked!”


The folder in Mr. Ai’s grip emitted a mournful creak, its surface cracked.

His expression remained largely unchanged, but his voice dropped colder, “Check it out.”

“You… ah!”

Ling Mo was drenched in sweat, but he dared not relax for a moment.

Taking advantage of the moment when his opponent’s attention was scattered, Ling Mo launched a surprise attack. The figure of light was writhing in agony.

This way, Ling Mo could gather as much information as possible.

He also had a vague sense that the force that made Jian Qi fearfully dread and even left such a protective barrier in his mind might possess a very powerful strength.

Moreover, this force seemed neither like Falcon nor like the F group.

The fact that Jian Qi, as a member of their ranks, would stay with the F group and even use the entire F group as test subjects, already indicated some issues.

If possible, Ling Mo would not provoke such a deeply hidden and mysterious force.

However, when it came to the virus Origin, Ling Mo could not easily back down.

Since he had offended them already, it was time to take the initiative to cause as much damage as possible while he had the upper hand!

As Ling Mo attacked from both sides, simultaneously devouring, Jian Qi immediately tensed up and let out a dreadful scream.

He rolled his eyes wildly, his fingers digging into the ground, nails flipping outward, leaving ten bloody trails across the floor.

“What’s Ling Mo doing?” Lucy asked nervously, standing to the side.

Ye Lian, who was meticulously wiping sweat from Ling Mo’s brow with her sleeve, turned her head and stared at Lucy with her big eyes before placing a finger to her lips: “Shh.”


Lucy quickly lowered her voice, but then she realized something.

What was the point of whispering when Jian Qi was howling like a wolf anyway?

Before she could voice her question, she saw Shana step forward and stomp her foot down on Jian Qi’s face.

The howling stopped abruptly, and Lucy felt a chill run down her spine once again.

She bit her lip, hesitated, and then sighed.

This former companion… he had it coming…

Even if they ignored the fact that he had planned to use the entire F group as test subjects, the mere fact that he had once betrayed Ling Mo was enough to warrant a death sentence from Ling Mo.

Meanwhile, a torrent of light and shadow fragments was flooding into Ling Mo’s mind.

He clenched his fists, enduring the throbbing pain in his temples, and suddenly spat out two words: “Zero…”

Through this cluster of mental power, Ling Mo seemed to catch a glimpse of a very spacious, brightly lit room.

The cry of a baby seemed to ring directly in his mind, causing Ling Mo some irritation.

“Zero is under attack!”

“Get someone here quick!”

Vague figures seemed to run back and forth in front of him, while distant voices also fuzzily reached Ling Mo’s ears.


The one called Zero let out another high-pitched scream of agony, and a hand flashed before Ling Mo’s eyes.

“What is it…”

Ling Mo was initially confused, but as the output of mental power increased, he suddenly realized that through this cluster of mental power, he was seeing the other party’s location!

The other could converse with him in this bizarre way, and at the moment of being devoured, Ling Mo had inexplicably invaded into the other’s very essence.

“Did I accidentally stumble into the enemy’s headquarters?”

Ling Mo quickly concentrated his mental power, unsure of how long this would last…

The hand flashed by again, and the place he was in seemed to be filled with instruments…

Suddenly, a figure lunged at him, and Ling Mo felt a sharp pain in his head, and everything before his eyes disappeared instantly.

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