My Girlfriend is a Zombie

Chapter 531

Chapter 531: The Counterattack on Zero


Ling Mo quickly freed his hands and pinched the bridge of his nose. At the moment of the attack, he had already extracted himself in time, avoiding any significant harm.


Although he had only temporarily invaded the other’s mental world, seeing through their eyes had provided him a glimpse, albeit as blurry as if looking through frosted glass.

The objects that appeared shadowy and instrument-like, along with the flickering lights scattered around, suggested that he might be in a hospital ward, a laboratory, or perhaps even some kind of factory…

“That hand… could I have seen it wrong?”josei

At that moment, Ling Mo’s perspective should have been that of Zero himself.

From the angle and proximity, it was probable that the hand belonged to Zero.

Having looked twice and from a close distance, Ling Mo had a fairly clear view of it.

It was wrinkled, pale as if just retrieved from preservative fluids, and most crucially… it was tiny!

Ling Mo glanced down at his own hand and then turned to compare it with Ye Lian’s beside him.

“A child’s hand… plus that crying sound… Impossible, right?”

Ling Mo’s mind raced with wild thoughts at the mere sight of the hand—it was intriguing!

And it seemed that Zero was either unable to move or simply wouldn’t…

Then there was the face he saw last; although it was only for an instant, with Ling Mo’s quick neural responses, he caught it immediately.

It was scarred, with eyes filled with shock.

Ling Mo couldn’t shake the feeling that at the moment he withdrew, he might have made eye contact with this person…

“It was just mental power, they didn’t invade my mental world, so they couldn’t have seen me… Too bad, I didn’t manage to finish off Zero.”

This was just a thought, as the strength of Zero’s mental power was beyond Ling Mo’s imagination.

And the ability to implant such “surveillance” in the mind and maintain two-way communication was even more powerful than the Communicators painstakingly devised by Falcon.

Psychic abilities really do come in many forms; just mental power alone already has so many variations…

“The downside is the lack of strong attack power; otherwise, it wouldn’t have backfired against me.”

Ling Mo quickly deduced the basic situation of Zero. Moreover, during the assimilation process, he had learned some information from both Jian Qi and Zero.

When Zero first appeared, Ling Mo also felt an immense pressure momentarily.

But when he successfully counterattacked Zero, Ling Mo immediately realized something.

The opponent was a deeply hidden force with intricate connections, but no matter how strong they were, it was impossible for them to mobilize en masse and form a large fist to strike at Ling Mo.

Ling Mo’s advantage lay in his own substantial strength and the fact that he wasn’t fighting alone…

Moreover, it was still the Disaster Outbreak period, with communication and transportation severely underdeveloped.

Overall, he was in the shadows, and the enemy was exposed. It was not yet clear who would outmaneuver whom…

So while there was danger, it wasn’t enough to intimidate him.

He looked down at Jian Qi, who was now only twitching, and a hint of an unusual hue flashed in his eyes…

Jian Qi was a strong person, not in terms of authority, but in terms of power.

At first, he wanted to earn the respect of others in his team, but as time went on, he began to simply enjoy the feeling.

Even when faced with a horde of zombies, there was a chance to survive.

Even if everyone around him died, he would still be alive…

That feeling fascinated him, and he even began to think he was the most special…

“Who would have thought there’d be such a dark history… Looking back, don’t you feel foolish?” Ling Mo muttered to himself.

However, as time passed, Jian Qi started to realize how naive he had been.

As his strength grew, the zombies were evolving too.

But what truly changed his mind was an encounter with a high-level zombie…

“Hey, Brother Jian, there’s a dry goods store here!”

On a narrow, secluded street, a group of people cautiously advanced, armed with various weapons.

One of the more observant men suddenly pointed to a store not far off and shouted. After glancing around and seeing no danger, he excitedly ran towards it.

“Don’t run, hey!”

A girl called out nervously and chased after him.

Not just her, but others followed suit.

Their floating steps betrayed their hunger; they hadn’t had a full meal in a long time, and any food could spark their interest.

Jian Qi walked at the back. Whether he rushed or not, the others would willingly give him the best of what they found.

His presence was the guarantee that allowed this group to survive.

But at that moment, a chill suddenly shot up from under his feet.

He turned around, looking behind him.

The empty street, littered with random trash, was void of anything else.

“The wind?”

He shuffled his feet slightly, scanning the shopfronts on either side of the street.

Still, he found nothing… And from inside the dry goods store, cheers and the sounds of scrambling could be heard.

The girl’s shrill voice was annoying him. Although there were no zombies nearby, such yelling was still irritating…

“Damn it! Can you stop shouting! It’s just some food…”

As Jian Qi turned around, he froze.

The girl who had been shouting moments ago was now staring at him with lifeless, ashen eyes.

Her body was covered in blood, her neck nearly severed from her head, like a broken ragdoll held up by a pale hand gripping her hair.

Inside the previously noisy dry goods store, there was silence, only a stream of blood flowing from a collapsed shelf…

The owner of the hand was a disheveled woman, about thirty years old, with distinctly red pupils that fixed on him.

In the days that followed, Jian Qi would always remember those eyes…

“A leader level zombie…” Ling Mo said.

Those red pupils were like two knives, piercing deeply into Jian Qi.

Two seconds? No… One second?

In just one second, the high-level zombie had killed at least five or six survivors, and they hadn’t even had the chance to cry out for help…

The speed and strength were far beyond Jian Qi’s imagination.

A high-level zombie! Even more advanced than any zombie he had encountered before!

“The shock on your face shows you’re from an earlier time… Judging by the survivor’s clothes, a few months back, I’d say.” Ling Mo analyzed.


Jian Qi swallowed hard, which annoyed Ling Mo, who was experiencing this from Jian Qi’s perspective.

But considering it was his memory, Ling Mo realized that no punch he could throw now would change Jian Qi’s reaction, so he just had to tolerate it.


The female zombie dropped the corpse she was holding and then stretched her blood-plasma-covered fingers to her mouth and licked them.


Jian Qi’s breathing became heavy. He was aware of the vast gap in strength between himself and the female zombie—possibly even larger than he had imagined.

Every move she made put him on edge, his nerves as tight as if they were about to snap at any moment.

“Humans… Human.” The female zombie spoke, scrutinizing Jian Qi with a discerning gaze.

Her look was like that of a cat eyeing a larger mouse, one that also happened to be holding a piece of brick—

In Jian Qi’s hand was a hatchet, which probably seemed no different from a brick in the eyes of the female zombie.


Jian Qi’s heart raced. An intelligent zombie didn’t mean she would spare him; it just meant she was more dangerous and harder to deal with.

“What do you want? You can tell me.” Jian Qi still tried to stall for time, slowly backing away.

“Hmm…” The female zombie had no intention of conversing, and with a grunt, she pounced at him ferociously.

“Damn it, are you insane?! At least tell me!”

As Jian Qi shrieked, he retreated towards a building behind him. In such an open space, fighting a high-level zombie was less appealing to him than jumping off a building.

The female zombie chased Jian Qi like she was toying with her prey, occasionally pretending to scratch him with a sudden burst of speed, yet never really striking.

Meanwhile, Jian Qi sprinted desperately through the abandoned building, cursing in his mind: “Damn it, damn it, damn it! I’m going to die!”

But just then, a metal chain whizzed past from behind and collided with the female zombie with a “clang.”

At the same time, a shadow zipped past him.

Seven or eight figures leaped from their hiding spots, each wielding a metal chain and a gun in the other hand.

These people ignored him completely, with only one of them briefly saying one word: “Scram.”

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