My interracial harem of beautiful queens

Chapter 230 Beautiful Singing

Chapter 230 Beautiful Singing

Hello. After a short break, I have returned to writing. I was very tired, and lacking ideas and motivation; I hope for your understanding and support.

P.S.: Tomorrow, I promise three chapters as planned. I apologize for the long delay.


A week passed as Adam healed his wounds, and during that time, he managed to somewhat recover, so his body was in a condition where he could somewhat fight against beasts. And then, in the second week, an important issue arose that forced him to leave the cave.

"Darn, I'm hungry."

The magical energy inside him was very low, so there was no longer the factor of satiety. To avoid feeling hungry, Adam would have to consume the magical cores inside monsters rather than regular food to replenish the diminishing magical energy, which fluctuated.

The surrounding terrain was generally unsuitable for practice, as magical energy was much heavier. In comparison, if Adam were to meditate in Sedyon, he would feel magical energy like water, but here, that water had turned into solid ice. Mastering such magical energy was extremely difficult, as it required giving time for his magic channels to adapt to the changed conditions.

Shush. Shush. Several rocks, along with dust, fell right into Adam's eyes as he tried to exit the cave. He squinted, muttered a curse under his breath, and continued to emerge, closing his eyes and mouth to prevent dust and sand from accidentally getting in. After twenty minutes of trying to find a normal position to exit the cave, he finally felt the cold sensation on his feet, indicating he found a cold spot.

"Fucking finally. I'm tired of spinning like a fucking worm," he muttered irritably and started crawling down.

Another five minutes were spent concentrating all his strength in his legs and leaning on a small protrusion. Looking around, he squinted and, not finding enemies, began to descend the mountain, avoiding particularly dangerous places where there was a chance of a landslide. Once at the bottom, he looked around and tried to spot monsters.

Since he couldn't use magical energy for the reason that it could cause him more injuries, he had to rely on his eyes and be cautious. Taking out a sword from his Inventory, enchanted for sharpness and durability, he headed into the forest in search of prey. Thanks to his body being strong and well-trained due to his lineage, he had no problem destroying monsters with brute force.

"Unusual, but oh well. I learned something from Veronica, so I can defend myself and kill the beast," Adam thought and shook his head, on which dried leaves had fallen. "Who's there above my head?"

He raised his head in puzzlement and froze in place. Two centimeters from his face was a huge creature, five meters tall, with a body resembling a gorilla, but it had red eyes and patterns on its skin.

"Holy shit..." Adam cursed and jumped backward.


Instantly, in the spot where he had been standing before, branches were reduced to powder, while a gigantic gorilla descended to the ground, beating its chest. Adam froze and couldn't move at this motion.

"Darn! Special ability!" he muttered, furrowing his brow, applying all his strength to break free from the charm. He succeeded.


The gorilla stomped on the ground and began approaching Adam with quick steps. The man, now freed from the charm, held a regular knight's sword in his hand and prepared to defend himself with a furrowed brow. He wasn't overly optimistic about the situation, as the enemy was of S+ level, challenging to handle without magic assistance. However, at the moment, he could only rely on his body.

"What a pain in the backside..." Adam thought, sighed, bent his shoulder back, and directed the blade horizontally.

In the next second, the man found himself in front of the gorilla, which reacted and crossed its arms on its chest, where the attack was expected. Suddenly, the gorilla roared in pain.


Adam smirked and jumped, evading the gorilla's chaotic left-hand strike. His blow went straight into the monster's left shoulder, leaving a deep wound oozing black blood with poisonous properties. Without wasting time, while the gorilla was distracted by intense pain, Adam stomped on the ground, and a bright glow suddenly appeared around him.


[User sent a borrowing skill request]

[Target: Veronica. Ability: [Aura of Enhancement]. 120 Seduction Points will be spent].

The aura shone even brighter, and Adam felt demonic energy entering his body, temporarily doubling his strength.


Terrified, the gorilla turned and began to flee but soon froze in place. Adam's sword had pierced through its back, traversing all internal organs and bones to reach the heart. Then, while the gorilla hadn't recovered, a radiance appeared on the sword's tip, obliterating the heart in a second.


A crash resounded. The gorilla's body landed on the ground, lifeless. Adam quickly withdrew the sword, deeply embedded in the gorilla's body, only revealing the sword's tip.


"I need to quickly dismember its body to retrieve the magic core," Adam reminded himself and began to disassemble the body. After a short time, he found a brightly shining black core in the abdominal area, with a matte coating. Without hesitation, he tossed the core into his mouth, and before it could touch his tongue, it was immediately absorbed into his body.

Adam swiftly descended to the ground, and crossed his legs, unwilling to lose a drop of magical energy. He closed his eyes and sighed, feeling a terrifying heat spreading throughout his body. It was like he had eaten hot potatoes without letting them cool, and now, his insides were burning.

It was incredibly painful. His stomach, magical channels, constantly tingled, and it felt like a sharp sword was piercing him from the inside. He sighed repeatedly, trying to regulate his breathing, not forgetting to absorb all the energy he received from the sphere.

Half an hour passed. The man opened his eyes and sighed, wiping the cold sweat from his forehead. He felt somewhat uncomfortable, but the slight sense of satiety pleased him. Despite only restoring 1% out of 100% magical energy by himself, he was still glad; at least he didn't have to venture into the forest now.

Looking around, he noticed that the gorilla's body had already decomposed, leaving only bones. Most likely, it was a peculiarity of its organism, and considering that its blood was nothing but poison, the body, devoid of magical energy protection, was soon dissolved. Shaking his head, the man simply stood up and walked away.


The third week. During all this time, he hadn't encountered the sea creatures that legends spoke so much about. Unfortunately, he didn't even have a chance to ask Amarantha about them, as she was thousands of kilometers away, and the communication was interrupted due to the strange environment in this place.

Lighting a cigarette that remained in his inventory, Adam sat on a rock near the beach and looked at the night sky. Today, the sky was gloomy, so the stars were hidden behind dark clouds, occasionally illuminated by flashes of lightning. The man sighed.

"How irritating. I have to live like a dog here. I still don't understand how I ended up here. Whether it's a conspiracy... though, no. I'm not that popular," he muttered, attempting to come to some conclusion, but there were no clues.

Initially, he thought it might be some conspiracy, but even if you exclude the fact that few people know about him, no one needs him at all. Sedyon City and his company are good places, but no one has such passionate intentions toward him, and they even spent resources on creating a portal.

Moreover, it's entirely plausible that this portal is a natural occurrence. Not always, of course, but during the ancient war, portals appeared, leading to other spaces or serving as teleportation between points A and B. This usually happened because Gods fought with other beings on this same level, creating spatial rifts that formed portals.

A very rare but possible case. However, Adam wasn't ready to claim the truth yet, as he believed that teleporting here might also be a plan of the gods. Especially since Veronica warned recently that the Gods were up to something. Considering his connection with Veronica... well, there's a high chance they decided to retaliate against him.

"It's infuriating, but I can't do anything about it. Even Veronica is powerless against the power of the gods, so I just have to be cautious. Besides, the goddess Veridia, with whom I planned to ally, still hasn't given her answer. And I can't wait," he thought, shaking his head, surveying the surroundings: "By the way..."

Wherever he went, in these three weeks, he found no trace of human settlements. Moreover, the territory around was exclusively owned by sea creatures, but couldn't negotiations be possible? By their nature, these creatures were very territorial, but one could always find common ground with them.

"If I can negotiate to take a territory for myself the size of Sedyon and Elysium, then..."

Adam suddenly smiled and felt that he had finally found a place where he could lay the foundation for his country.

"This... needs to be thought over. If it works out, I can start my plans, and then I'll build an entire country," he thought and suddenly frowned.

In the distance, a whistle sounded, interrupting his thoughts. Then followed by a gentle singing that momentarily stunned him. Turning his gaze towards the sea, Adam was surprised to see a beautiful girl singing with a lovely voice.

To be continued...

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