My interracial harem of beautiful queens

Chapter 231 Tied To A Table

Chapter 231 Tied To A Table

This is the author again. I feel ashamed for promising to publish chapters and then disappearing for such a long time. Honestly, the statistics started to decline, and it threw me off balance a bit, but I promise to return to the regular pace of releasing chapters. Additional chapters haven't been forgotten and will be published soon when I recover from illnesses and difficult times. Thank you.

Enjoy your reading!


Such a beautiful song sounded so melodious, capturing the hearts of the listeners, while the gentle sea breeze approached Adam's feet as if wanting to drag him underwater. The man sat with a relaxed expression on his face, on which nothing could be understood—whether he was enchanted, angry, or simply wary.

However, it was evident that he was only looking at the beautiful girl singing tender songs that reached the depth of his heart. She had beautiful, long, flowing blue hair, and her eyes sparkled as brightly as the stars in the sky—pure as the water's surface.

She was dressed in a delicate, semi-transparent white dress, under which a seductive and slender body was visible, attracting attention and causing breath to catch.


Adam was stunned, and his gaze was fixed directly on this girl. Although he felt uncomfortable, his entire body seemed not to obey him. There was only one command in his mind—to approach her and embrace her, and then sail together to distant lands. These were unforgivable thoughts that alarmed him.


However, the power of enchantment was so strong that he could not resist. In his state, he was truly helpless.

Just at the moment when his mind was on the verge of collapse, he suddenly woke up from a sound familiar to the point of pain.


[Detected attempt to interfere with the user's mind. The mind protection inherent to the [email protected] Inheritor has been activated...]



Two consecutive notifications echoed in his head, and a system message appeared before him, delivering pleasant news. The man frowned and was infuriated to the extent that his demonic aura burst outward, seemingly gaining consciousness and approaching the girl, who was no longer singing but only smiling, and her smile was extremely cunning.

"You..." Adam muttered, irritated.

His demonic energy exploded, and sharp needles shot out of his body, reaching the enemy within a second. However, the expected result did not follow—suddenly, a barrier appeared that easily deflected Adam's strike, making the man frown and become even more vigilant.

She's at least an S-rank, given how easily she blocked my attack," he thought and snorted, feeling discomfort. "It's too challenging to fight with such creatures; I almost have no chance. Moreover, I inflicted considerable damage to myself with that attack... now I'll have to recover even longer."

Taking a step back, Adam skillfully dodged a sharp stone enchanted with magical energy that could easily kill a Lower Demon. Squinting his eyes, he clenched his fists and prepared for battle.

Suddenly, the girl descended from the rock on which she had been sitting all this time, smiling, and started walking on water! Adam was left speechless, not understanding how such a simultaneously ostentatious and practically harmless girl could exist at the S-rank level and higher. It seemed more important for her to look impressive than to finish the battle.

Nevertheless, setting aside her ostentatious behavior... when the girl stepped onto the shore, the sand exploded, rising and creating an obstacle to sight, which made Adam lose sight of her for a split second.

"She's... behind me?" he thought and suddenly jumped, avoiding a swift strike to his calf. In mid-air, the man noticed her pose and once again lost his speech: "What the hell?"

Considering that she wore quite revealing clothing, barely covering anything... she wasn't wearing underwear! Therefore, in a pose where her right leg was raised at 90 degrees, an unusual view of undiscovered natural wonders was revealed.

"Hmm?" The girl chuckled, followed his gaze, then shook her head with a smile and lowered her leg. She stomped on the sand, and suddenly, Adam, who had already landed, froze in place.

"Oh shi-"

Not having time to swear, Adam suddenly found himself in sand shackles that compressed his body so tightly that it felt like he would die any second. It was very dangerous. Moreover, his magical energy was at zero, and there was no strength left to resist.

Looking at the approaching girl, he sighed.

"I'm screwed."


Returning to the city of Elysium, it was now somewhat restless there. Amarantha sat in Adam's office, holding a small turquoise semi-transparent worm in her hand, wriggling as if it had intelligence. The woman with a cold expression snorted and began to speak.

"I've been tracking this trace for over two weeks and finally found you. Who are you? Why did you kidnap my husband?" The woman asked with an extremely unfriendly tone, looking irritated. Her body trembled, and she barely restrained her anger.

They had returned from the Abyss, finally overcoming the danger, and now another problem arose! Sometimes it seemed to her that her husband's fate was controlled by a mentally ill person who didn't want to see how he sat still on his backside. It infuriated her greatly.

However, she couldn't give in to anger and could only conduct the investigation as thoroughly as possible. And now, in search of clues, she found this worm where Adam disappeared. After the investigation, she understood that it was a Mystical Space Worm. This creature is not from our world, and it can gnaw through space, creating portals.


Of course, the worm remained silent, as its intelligence as a creature was very low. Amarantha was in dialogue with the being who controlled the worm, but she still didn't receive any answers. She frowned.josei

"Strange... the worm contains the magical thread of another being. I can't detect its level, which means it's stronger than me."

She couldn't help but be wary, as the situation smelled fishy. Was this a conspiracy?

"How is this possible? No one knows about Adam's existence and his connections. The chance that someone knows about this is extremely small... besides, Veronica said he is under the protection of the Demon King's legacy or something like that," Amarantha thought and sighed.


While the girl approached him, Adam lost consciousness due to the interference of an alien force. And now, when he woke up, he found himself in a rather strange place with almost no light. Additionally, there was a dampness that slightly alarmed him.

"Why is my face wet?" he thought puzzledly and suddenly raised an eyebrow, sensing that he was underwater. "Hey... did they drown me or something?"

Examining his body for wounds and injuries, he found nothing. Except for the golden chains, he looked as if he had just come out of the shower. Moreover, this place possessed a strange power that allowed him to recover. His magical energy had already been restored to 5%!

Although it was very little, considering the magical energy in this place, it was very fast. Looking around, the man found nothing that could give a clue about his location.

He was in a room that was quite large and could accommodate more than a hundred people. However, the room, more like a hall, was extremely barren. The only thing here was a small platform proportional to Adam's height, where he was chained.

"It looks like a heretic ritual hall..." he thought and shook his head.

It had been a week since he ended up here. During this time, his magical energy had recovered by 10%! The man was stunned and couldn't help but be overjoyed. The faster he could recover, the better for him! Maybe he could even use a spell to create a teleport.

However, before that, he needed to find a way to get out of there. Despite his restored magical energy, he couldn't use it. The chains didn't restrict the absorption of magical energy but limited its application. Therefore, he felt like a sack of potatoes.

During this time, no one had come to see him, and it felt like they had decided to bury him here.

"Maybe they'll bury me here because I saw something I shouldn't have?" Adam remembered aloud the pose of his enemy and smirked, shaking his head. "It's even funny to imagine. Who is this girl? She looks young, but she's probably an old hag."

"Who are you calling an old hag?!" suddenly erupted an angry female voice.


Adam raised an eyebrow and looked at the entrance; he was surprised. In the doorway stood the same girl who had lured him here with her songs. The real sorceress looked at him with an irritated expression, but there was amusement in her eyes. Adam just snorted and turned away, unwilling to engage in a conversation.

The girl noticed his unwillingness to communicate, so she chuckled and initiated the conversation herself. Her voice was beautiful and sweet, sounding innocently girlish.

"Why do you look so mean? Why are you so ruthless to a young lady? Don't you know that indifference to a lady is poison for future relationships?" the girl asked with innocent laughter, throwing something like a joke. She approached him and smiled, kneeling at his feet. "But you look not bad! I noticed you a few weeks ago when you arrived on the island."


Adam didn't answer and just sighed, feeling uncomfortable. He couldn't understand at all what this crazy girl wanted from him! Although she behaved as if she had recently turned twenty, Adam felt her deep life energy, which led to one conclusion:

We're dealing with an old hag!

To be continued...

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