My Last Hunt

Chapter 323

Chapter 323: Killing

They saw the unfamiliar face and stood up. His words also brought sense of threat for them. Qiao was standing in front of them figure out their levels as well as the weapons. From their appearance they looked like the ruffians of the underworld with all those tattoos and unnecessary stuff added to their clothing. It was first ever that Qiao witnessed real hooligans of this world. It seemed all criminal type of people bear same level of intellect and wishful appearances. Qiao side smiled knowing that it was similar of tackling the hooligans of the advanced world. 

Four hunters scrutinized the intruder; seeing his silence they got alert. Qiao has clear decision in his head; kill them all then spend the night seeing the dead bodies in this lodge. This will help him keep a glance at the next lodge. "Why are you glaring us?" one of the hunters asked. He had some bad premonition about the situation. His lush shining weapon was in his hands and he waved it in front of Qiao. "I glare when I have something crude in my mind." Qiao voiced realistic. His strange voice and the words brought another round of threat. josei

There was stone underneath his tongue and one could imagine his distorted wording and the strange tone. They shook their heads; the gruesome voice of the intruder was opposite of his handsome appearance though it was not recognizable in first place. "Then we will glare with our weapons." The hunter understood the meaning behind the threat and came attacking. Qiao was actually waiting for any of them to attack first. His shapeless weapon shined the crudeness and shook aside the hunter. The hunter crashed against the wall and the next came forward. Perhaps he was not well versed with the use of weapon. Qiao held his weapon aside with the help of his shapeless weapon and slapped with the right hand. 

The brutal slap imprinted the hand on the face of the hunter and he fell back. The remaining two leapt at the same time. Now the fight began. What Qiao liked about the building structures and characteristics of all lodges, offices and whatever important and unimportant buildings were built in the Hightown; these were built very carefully. The thickness of the wall won't let the small screams or fights outside unless someone uses level eight stone and destroy the building intentionally. 

The lodges were designed on per demand. For example lodges of the Higher level hunters were more resistible for their training. Qiao avoided his face from the sword of the first hunter and pierced his weapon in the stomach of the second hunter. It was aggressive and brutal. The hunter that earlier crashed against the wall came fuming. His accessories were thrown on the ground with this plight. He threw his upper fleece and yelled at the intruder, "Who are you rascal?" His weapon pointed at Qiao. "I am your ancestor; I had been looking your deeds, now your journey ends here." Qiao voiced in thick tone and his weapon brushed past the neck. There was no second sound or scream as the body fell on the floor. 

It was immensely frightening for the remaining two. They saw the heroic actions of the intruder. It was no ways possible for them take next breath without his permission. Well Qiao was not generous to grant them next breath. He looked through the window at the entrance of the next lodge and nodded his head. The door was closed. It means the spy has finally decided to stay for the night. 

Now he could understand why the old Golden Acrh sent him telling that it was his mission. Every hunter was familiar with the importance of missions. Failed missions can bring irreversible damage. It has similar importance. If the things were messy under the nose of the elders of the Hightown then it was only the fate that keeping the Hightown secure until now. Qiao was curious to know how long this chain of disloyal was working. Taking this mission meant that he was responsible collect every bit of information. He might have killed the spy but uncovering the master was vital too. 

As for the concern of killing these disloyals; he was clearing path for the elders of the Hightown. This way the numbers will decrease and they only need to care big fish. "You two can save your life; if you really care it." After killing two furious and energetic hunters; the remaining two were looking vulnerable. They were worried for their lives. Qiao voiced bring fear in them. "What you want from us?" one of them asked trembling. He was afraid from the core of his heart. This intruder only put single attack for killing one at a time. What he could imagine further. 

"How do you know the man who left earlier?" Qiao asked winding question. "Did he offend you? We are not acquainted with him personally. Its only because of the master…" before the first hunter could add more; the second one stopped him. "Having a master on backing won't let him go free. I will eventually kill him." Qiao gritted his teeth but then resumed his attention toward them. "Perhaps your second buddy is tired of his life." Qiao looked at the second hunter who stopped from exposing the culprit. Before the hunter could defend with attack; the weapon pierced in the skull. 

It was more horrible for the last one. His trembling legs gave in and he fell on the floor. "What do you want from me?" the hunter started begging for his life. Qiao took deep breath seeing the three lifeless bodies on the floor; he halted his actions. "You are living in the Hightown with no identity. What guild you belong?" Qiao cleaned his weapon with the fleece of the last killed hunter and asked slowly. "We are not part of guild but the first Hunting School." The hunter uttered worried whether it was good or bad exposing the real identity. 

However the threat of life was bigger than the identity. Qiao nodded and sat on the chair. Now it was clear that the enemy was among the strong hunters. 

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