My Last Hunt

Chapter 324

Chapter 324: Your Master

Your Master

Qiao was in another dilemma whether to kill this man or send him toward his Hunting School. It will increase the threat. There was no chance that he would reach his master and tell what happened at the lodge; the master would kill him for sure. Using him as bait might create suspicion. "Will you tell the name of the master?" Qiao plainly asked and the hunter hesitated. This helped Qiao decide. He moved like thunder and finished off the fourth. They were loyal toward the master and disloyal toward the Hightown. There was no way that they would change their path. 

Qiao remembered the words of his mother when he was little kid. 'The one who hesitated the right path eventually lost it' now he was sitting worry free. The blood of the dead hunters was slowly tainting the floor. Qiao was sitting on the chair looking through the window toward the next lodge. The night passed. The spy was resting in the next lodge and there another hunter was present. The spy told him that both would head toward the School of Hunting and meet the master. After completing this mission; the spy will be given enough of sources letting him explore the one whole continent. 

All those hired for collecting secret information were given such offers. This built sense of trust for the master. The golden arch and the elder Finfin were sitting; they were not worried that the hunter did not return by evening. They were trying to figure out what possible reason can cause such level of disloyalty. "I will meet the third Rank Master and talk about it." The golden arch broke the silence. However I am waiting for the School Lord show up. He is not present in the school. I will inform him and he better relate it to higher ups. Things would not go overboard but without concrete proof; the talk and the meeting would bear nothing." 

The Rank Masters did not give second thought about random insecurities; they demand proof. "Suppose if my concerns appear true and the first School Lord is involved in this hide and seek then…" Finfin had been very keen at the actions of the School Lord during the event and he was fifty percent clear that he was not among loyals. His appointment was also suspicious. Most of the elders were astounded as to how did he killed the rumored third grade beast and brought its essence? 

Well it was the doing of the wicked hunter. He handed his hunted essence to the candidate and he returned with the expressions of winner so soon. Since he met the test requirement; the Rank Master could not point it out too. Among all the rush activities soon they forgot about it. "The question is; after knowing about it, what would happen to the School Lord?" golden arch could imagine the worst scenario. "This would not end the hidden disloyals. Their enmity is leading them toward the dead end. I cannot tell whether hunters walking around me are loyals as before or they have sold themselves in front of beasts." Finfin voiced disappointed. 

The day began and the door of the lodge opened. The spy came out with another hunter. He looked around and walked the straight path. This path led toward three various central places. One of them being the path of first Hunting School; it was the destiny of the both hunters. Qiao did the same and did not directly walk in their direction. They spy was not looking around; it means he was sure that no one was chasing behind. 

"We will both explore the seventh continent; I have heard it is full of fascinations. I can imagine my life there." The spy gladly patted his chest. The second hunter was his fellow and he decided to bring him along. "Indeed brother; we will be more free and unbounded there. This new School Lord is generous." The hunter added. They reached in front of the entrance of the Hunting School. Qiao saw them entering and noted the entrance. Qiao placed the stone under his tongue and entered the school. Now he was constantly following them. They walked between many buildings and reached the last but grand one. Qiao could clearly hear their conversation and came to know that they were working for the new School Lord of the First Hunting School. They entered the big office and greeted the Lord. Qiao was standing outside listening them while sitting bench near the window. Window was opened and their crisp voice brought round of worry for Qiao. His name was added in the list. This list was compiled by the spy. After giving all the information; the spy demanded his reward. The guild Lord laughed and used his stone killing both hunters in the blink of eye. 

Qiao was satisfied knowing the end result however he was short of time. He left the School the same way he entered. Coming at the main path; he rushed resembling the gust of wind. The elders should know about it as soon as possible; thinking this he increased his pace and many hunters around the pathway staggered. They were worried what urgency forced the stronger hunter use the ultimate grade of the skill. Qiao finally reached his School. Golden Arch was still in his office. Finfin was present as well. 

"The School Lord of First Hunting School got the information from the spy and then killed him." Qiao uttered after greeting. Both elders stood up looking at each other. The suspicion was proved. The Golden Arch gestured Qiao to sit in his office and he himself went toward the office of the School Lord. The school lord recently reached the office. He was quite surprise to see the Golden Arch. "Delay would throw the lives of the loyal hunters under the danger. I am sure Hightown can settle this problem." The golden arch explained the situation and spoke his concerns too. 

The school lord nodded. It seemed his job was going to take his life; a busy schedule with the constant threats. "I am going to meet the third Rank Masters." The School Lord spoke and left in hurry. josei

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