My life as a reborn monster

Chapter 115 - Finally A Break......

Chapter 115 - Finally A Break......

It took me only a few minutes to dash towards the camp full of the people I planned on making work for me. Upon arriving I was met with a group of people smiling and ready to go. The tents and supplies they had previously sprawled out was packed up onto a sort of sled like thing. It was pretty impressive actually.

"Where's the brat?" I asked looking around. I thought he would have been the first to meet me but I didn't see him anywhere.

"My name is Baxton Ironhew, and while you were gone we got attacked by some spiders. Me and a few of the others had to fend them off, and I was in the middle of procession the carcasses."

He pointed towards a direction and I soon saw a pile of long thin spider legs all jumbled together in a pile. Next to it I saw huge oval shaped bodies still oozing out purplish blood, and then next to that being cleaned by hand were a small pile of purple colored gems roughly the size of a grape.

"What's the spiders called? And what are those gem looking things?"

"The spiders are called Lanky legged Fathers, Don't ask why, that's just what they've been called for as long as I've known. The gems are their cores, We use them for crafting, selling, and a multitude of other things in the bigger cities. I heard they have machines that can use the cores to light up the whole city and even power weapons."

That might be something to look into in the future, especially considering we were planning on opening trade routes to the nearest city center.

"Well I can pack up all of this in a convenient space if you want. I should be able to carry that much atleast, then we can head out. We have to meet up with my companions but after that we are headed back home."

I saw a few smiles as they got ready to head out. They followed me pretty closely in fear of the spiders but I assured them that the spiders up ahead held no threat anymore. I took care of the problem for good, I didn't mention that the queen had a hard on for me but then again they didn't need to know that.

I met up with the others and as expected the group of humans gasped in horror upon seeing the Arachne Queen. Only Baxton and a few of his followers instinctively drew weapons and stepped forward.

"Oho? Seems you picked up some snacks for me, what a loving husband you---" She was then interupted by a quick wack from Kitsoma.

"I told you not to call him that. And you know he is going to have this humans work, so don't play around." It seemed the two women got along quickly after things were settled. Kitsoma was first and Prescilla would have to work at getting a chance with me.

Sondar only sighed as he walked up to me. "Did you really have to blatantly say you wanted both of them? You know you're just begging for a beatdown right? How are you going to handle two women, not even the same species no less?"

"I don't know if you've noticed, but I'm not exactly a Kitsune or an Arachne... Plus I decided I'll do what I want. If I need to apologize for it I will but in the meantime if I think it will benefit me or bring me happiness I will do it. Just keep being my brother and I promise it will never be dull." I smiled as I clapped his shoulder as I walked by him.

Clapping my hands I got everyones attention.

"Hello everyone, As you can see there are a few different species here today, I plan on having the Spiders and the humans come work for me and improve my home. You will be treated just the same as everyone else. So remember that when you meet the others ok? We will start building a more permanent solution for housing as soon as we get back home, since it will take a few hours with everyone walking we have some time to kill and socialize between eachother. I know the spiders can't talk but Prescilla I'm sure can mediate and translate."

"Baxton, as the human in charge of the others I don't have to tell you what will happen if you're people act up right? I don't want to lose a potentially good worker to some stupide action in the heat of the moment." I gave him a narrowed gaze that made sure he knew what I was talking about.josei

"Kitsoma, Sondar, We will need gear for the humans and a plan for housing, so on the walk I want us to brainstorm. Now with that out of the way let's hit the road."

I started to walk and Prescilla rushed besides me.

"Actually, if it's ok with you, my family can just make a nest neaby your home with our webbing, It will be out of the way I promise."

"haha, Prescilla my Arachne Queen, I plan on having you and your brood become the trap experts of our base, I will be training your brood to become excellent fighters and the ones who don't want to fight can instead become production workers and help create clothing and things like that. I won't be a dictator but I do expect hard work."

She seemed to thing of a few things with a pensive look but she agreed with a nod and left to go gather her offsprings and pack up her nest. I saw them quickly dismantle it and they even rolled the excess webbing into giant spindles that they carried like luggage on their backs.

"Is it just me or are they already showing huge potential? I can see huge battlemonts if we can just figure out how to stop getting stuck on them." Sondar said with a side whisper as we continued watching.

"We will come up with some at a later date, I have to go deal with The task that Necro gave me a few days ago. I need to get Hannah back before she's to corrupted by his evil ways."

"I know and I promise to help as much as I can-"

"No, only me and Gaia will be leaving on this mission. It involves our siblings...."

"Oh... So that's why you left Hannah's tent so messed up. I get it now, didn't you say something about you being the oldest but in fact your youngest brother was the strongest and basically beat you daily?"

"I wouldn't have said he was stronger than me but he did bully me along with the others back when I was just learning to use my powers. But now it looks like those dumbasses made a deal with Necro and he wants to collect on his part. So now as his errand boy I have to go get whatever it is he wants and then he will hand deliver Hannah's soul back to her body."

"Man, I got a bad feeling about this Vexsus, things aren't going to go smoothly you know that right?"

I nodded with a small smile. "Yea, I know, but then again when has it ever went smoothly for us? Ever since that fucking dungeon it has been one bullshit thing after another with only small breaks in between. It's nothing we haven't dealt with before and it surely won't be the last we have to fuck with. Just trust me and continue being the impromptu leader that I know you were assigned to be by the others."

He stiffened up and his eyes went a little wide. "So, you know about that huh? They still listen to you though so I'm just an fill in so don't take it to personally."

"Nah it's fine I get it. I'm not around all the time and prefer to finish missions on my own to not risk lives, but I always fuck up on way or another." I looked at him and smiled genuinely.

"It's good to have someone I know can cover for my mistakes and take over when I cannot. You're a good friend and I'm honored to call you my brother."

He looked a little like crying but soon sniffed and shook his head. "Don't say sappy things like that to another dude, that just leads to a misunderstanding. Plus you know I got Kona..."

"Oh yea that's another thing. You and Sylvania, and Howy just said screw it and decided to start fucking my minions. Nobody ran it by me at all."

"It started slowly happening when you were locked up as a cage fighter for Digger so don't even play that card now. It's only recently that we started really expressing our feelings now that we have a semi stable home to come back to."

"Hahaha I'm just fucking with you man, Those Goblins long gained their independence, They love who they want and live how they want. I don't even see them as minions so I don't command them like so..... Kona is lucky to have found such a good man." I was really happy to see him and her be together. It's like seeing a good friend finally be happy after a lifetime of bullshit, it just warms the heart.


It actually took around half a day to get back to town on account of the humans being pretty weak. Well by my standards they were weak, they were winded easily after only an hours walk, and when we were ambushed by creatures I had to jump in and save a few of them on multiple occasions from being eaten. I understood the children and the sickly but the healthy men and women had no excuse, When I got back from dealing with Aurum it was time for an all out training montage with these guys.

When we arrived back at home we were met with a huge crowd of people. Except it wasn't the people from my base, it was the apes from the nearby village and they looked angry.

"Who is the Leader here? This is our land and you have no right to it!"

"Go get em Sondar." I said before pushing him forward.

"Um bullshit your the real leader I just fill in from time to time. Gentleman, here is our Leader, the great Vexsus!" He said quickly with a reversal where he grabbed my wrist and flung me forwards with the momemtum of a slingshot.

I landed in front of the angry mob with a thud and a cloud of dust. I got up coughing and wiping off the dust from my scales.

Cough Cough "Ahem... Sorry about that, now what exactly can I do for you today? We just came back from a stroll through the woods and we are awfully tired."

The Apes just looked at me for a few seconds before looking at eachother and smiling. I looked around and saw a massive motherfucking ape just sitting on a broken off tree.... Yes he broke a tree and then used it as a chair. It was a bit intimidating if I do say so myself.

But he stood up and as he walked closer my neck starting straining as I had to look up more and more until eventually it was just a straight 90` incline as I looked up at his face. Then I grimaced as he fucking drooled on me and chuckled.

"The fuck! That's disgusting, if you wanted to fight you could have just said something. You didn't need to drop a swimming pool on my face like that, I am not that kind of lady dammit." I was still busy wiping off the spit when he spoke up and it sounded like someone just banging on a drum inside a cave, there was so much bass in his voice that my own throat started vibrating.

"We Want Your Land. Give It To Us."

I looked up at him with a smile. "We can come to an arrangement, but I won't just hand over everything me and my family worked for over to some monkeys."

"We Are Not Monkeys, We Are Apemen. Stronger And Better Than Anything In This World."

"Calm down there monkey boy, We can settle this without a fight and talk it out. I'm more than happy to give you jobs as a part of my guards that defend this place, or if you prefer I am more than happy to employ any of you that has other skills. We are  currently looking for anybody with nature based skills like farming or any natures blessing that can help to grow food."


"Fuck, comeone man, Don't do this. I got shit to do and I don't have time for a buffet right now."

I feel hostility coming from the big guy as his breathing starts getting quicker and his eyes start widening with excitement. Damn it I didn't want to do this.

I hear an audible smack as behind me every single person facepalms.

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