My life as a reborn monster

Chapter 116 - Finally A Break Pt 2.

Chapter 116 - Finally A Break Pt 2.

I stood there looking up at this beast of an apeman with a look of excitement visible on his face, he smiled real wide and without even blinking he sent a punch towards me that felt like it could split the wind itself with how much force was behind it.

"This is gonna hurt...." I needed to find out how much percentage I should put into this fight and the only way to do that was.... well take the hit.

Like a thunderclap just went off I hear and then feel the fist as it connects with my face. I realized that as it got closer to my face that it was actually roughly the same size as my entire head. Ok, so maybe a minor miscalculation but otherwise not so bad, I may have to plant some trees to cover for the ones that helped slow me down but otherwise the punch wasn't all that big a deal. My regen took effect immediately and the pain from the meteor that was that monkeys fist reduced down to a small dull ache in my temple.

I picked myself up from the ground and dusted off the dirt and rocks that covered me while having to do a little digging to pull out the sharp ones that were embedded in me. I looked around and it looked like a scene from a UFO flick, just a large dug out path leading to the crash site, that UFO ofcourse being my body as it sailed at mach 5 but other than that I took the hit like a champ.

After amping up my legs with electricity from my skills and adding a bit of magic to em, I was able to quickly run back to the big boy who stood there with a grin on his face like he just won the lottery as he drooled while looking at some of the women in my base.

"Hey monkey boy!" I yelled as I got closer which made him turn around slowly with a confused look on his face.

"Was that the best you got?" I smirked at him while I put my hands behind my back and started conjuring up a Spatial bullet. But this one I condensed and focused down until it was the size of a dime. I kept it hidden and waited for the thing that always happens when someone threatens a meatheads dominance.

He charged at me with wild abandon for some reason or another. I couldn't care less to be honest because when he got within spitting distance I just flicked my hand at him and instantly a dime sized hole appeared through where his nose used to be.

"Tsk, I missed." I scowled as I looked at the giant Ape still running at me but this time is was only his body moving with the Inertia from the Inital charge. There was nobody home anymore as his eyes were glossed over and the light was gone.

His body soon fell and I had to hop away as it started sliding along the ground.

I looked at the body and then I turned back towards the other Apemen who were so confident just a couple minutes ago.

"So... Care to fill me in on what you can do for me and my family?" I put on the aura of a business man as I walked over to the cowering fools and started inspecting them. I used analyze as they were to scared to speak up. None of them had anything to do with farming but they seemed to have a knack for building and crafting basic tier stuff.

"For now Sondar here will be in charge of you cowering idiots. Don't fuck around because he has the right to kill you where you stand for any reason. We could always use more meat for dinner, but some of you will be used for production while others for labor. But that's all after I come back so for now go untie the ones you captured. Shorunt, go find Sylvania and start healing the guards. Make sure none of them die you got me?"

"Yes Master." Shorunt nodded and said before he ran off.

"Sondar start coming up with some fortification suggestions that these guys can build now that we have the labor force sorted out. Prescilla, Kitsoma, Baxton, come with me and we will discuss the living arrangements while surveying the area."

After sorting out the tasks me and the 3 others started walking around the base area. I didn't really have time to give a thorough tour so I just walked straight to where the housing areas would be. First stop was in front of the forest where I fought and killed Mcillian and his lover. I knelt down next to Missy and Jazzy's gravestone and patted the ground.

"I'll make sure none of your siblings die, I promise."

I stand back up and looked towards Prescilla. "This is going to be the entrance of your housing. I want you and your brood to be within shouting distance of base. I know the trees are not as tall and there is alot of sunlight here, but with your skills as thread creation I'm sure you can come up with something." I left Prescilla and her brood to get started while I took Baxton to the otherside of camp where the old shaman hut was that still had the entrance to the treasury.

"This hut is the entrance to a treasury vault. It shouldn't pose any problem for you and yours to take over the place and make it your own. I'm putting you in charge of this place, I get the feeling that there is more to this Vault then just what I saw so do some exploring while you're in there. Just let Kitsoma know what materials you need and she will help get you sorted. ok?"

Baxton looked at the hut with excitement as he called over a few of his trusted subordinates and they walked into the hut. It took a few minutes until they came back out but once they did they had nothing but smiles.

"This is excellent, there is so much room that we can even create rooms in there. I did a quick look around and found that at the start in a corner was an odd colored rock that stood out. But for materials, I think for now just something to give a bit of privacy will do. Also can we set up like a market or something of the sort somewhere? A few of my people are merchants by profession."

"Hmmmm Well Kitsoma is planning on making a trip to one of the central cities near here." I look over at kitsoma and ask.

"What are your thought on the matter honey?"

"I think it would be an excellent idea. I'm pretty handy with numbers but if I can get already experience people to help me out than my work will be cut down significantly."

Baxton smiled at the thought that his people would have a place again. At first he was scared of Vexsus but after seeing him in action and talking to him for a bit, He can now say with certainty that Vexsus means well for the people who serve him.

"I will let the merchants know and when we get settled I will send them your way."

"Sounds good." As Baxton left to settle the living area I turned to Kitsoma and she looked at me with a knowing look already, she smiled at me as I looked at her with a sheepish smile.

"I know you have to leave already. Just bring hannah back ok? I love you." She hugged me as we shared a passionate kiss before she left and started walking away towards the direction of the merchant tent.

I was starting to look away but stopped as I started to see her tail swaying back and forth as her hips followed and she looked over her shoulder at me with a teasing smile.

"Oh, you tease." I shook my head with a smile.

"Brother, I heard we are going to find our siblings. Is this true?" Gaia then walked up to me and asked.

"Yes, that dumbass Aurum made a deal with that necromancer and he is sending me to collect whatever the payment is, he told me that they are located at the village of pride... I don't know what this means but if we go by how that arrogant bastard was before I left, I can only assume he took over as leader."

"I agree, should I get some supplies before we set off? I'm not like you who can eat just anything."

"Haha, yea go ahead. While your at it go get an upgrade for your spear, I don't think this is going to be an easy task but we should be prepared nonetheless."

With a nod he left and that left me to go find my favorite part of this whole base... The Food Pit.

As I arrived I could see Romeo serving up some boar meat straight from the spit to the newly indentured Apemen.josei

"Hey my favorite chef, time to eat before your old man sets off on another bullshit mission. I brought you a new ingredient so I wanna see what you can cook up before I leave."

I pulled and placed the huge Apeman body in front of him and Romeo's eyes lit up and he brought out a large sharp looking knife before he dove in and started butchering the body. With a speed that only I could watch, I saw as the body was taken apart with the skill of a master and parts were broken down and placed in piles. He even skinned and placed the hide to the side.

He finished in a few minutes and wiped his forehead to remove the sweat.

"Done! Give me a few minutes to get the feel for what would go best with it. I am getting a feeling of mostly just roasting the meat and adding something fatty to it. I'm seeing alot of muscle and not a whole lot fat in this body. So probly just a stew. I can add some of the Fire boar fat to help but it'll mess up the buffs I can give. I feel like if I had somekind of fat that mixes well with the meat it would give a huge strength boost."

I instantly looked at the Apemen who were sitting down with their jaws dropped and even a few of them were throwing up from watching their leader be taken apart like some kind of animal.

I looked over them but was disappointed as none of them seemed to be fatty enough to help.

"I'll see what I can find during my journey, for now just do the best you can."

I sat down and closed my eyes to rest as I waited for Romeo to cook up something awesome.


I woke up after a few hours and saw as Romeo had pieces of meat roasting over the fire and a huge pot filled with a very fragrant liquid with pieces of meat and some vegetables bobbing up and down in it.

After stretching and yawing I walked over to inspect it.

"The Apemen brought supplies with them, I guess they really did plan on taking us over, but they brought along some fruits and vegetables thankfully so I took a few of them and threw the potentially tasty ones into the pot. I think it worked out pretty good seeing as how it even woke you up dad." Romeo beamed in happiness as he spoke.

I was drooling from the smell alone and couldn't wait to eat.

"You know I can almost read your mind right now dad. Just wait a few more minutes it's almost done. Uncle came by to see you but left after hearing your world breaking snores. He said he would be in the guard area for when you woke up."

"Got it, let me know when it's ready."

I walked off to find Gaia and found him training with Sondar as he thrusts with a metal looking spear. It was just a basic training spear but the way he moved was elegant and almost like a dance as he swung the spear in one moment and the next he would thrust while still moving his body. Sondar ofcourse was better and faster so the spear would never come close to hitting him while also giving pointers to improve Gaia's ability.

"You're feet need to be planted with the thrusts. When you're swinging that's when you can move, the more you swing with your hips the better the force behind the swing. Thrusting needs a firm stance dammit."

That was just one of many pointers I heard but I started laughing as Sondar finally had enough and full on karate chopped the spear and bent it.

"Fuck it I'm done. You know the basics so just figure it out yourself gods damn it."

As sondar walked off I walked up.

"Hey bro, did you want something? Sorry I passed out while waiting for the food."

"Haha, yea I heard, but anyways I'm packed and ready to go whenever you are. We didn't have any other spear for me to upgrade to so I still have my usual one. It's not the strongest but it's the one I'm most familiar with."

"No big deal, I'm sure after this we can find something to upgrade ya. Now let's go back to the Food Pit and eat before heading out."

We got back to the Food pit and in front of us as if a mind reader was Romeo with a bowl in each hand filled with the stew.

"Just finished and you guys are my taste testers."

With a smile I grabbed the bowl and enjoyed the scent wafting from the stew, I took a sip of the broth and it was heavenly as the vegetable flavor mixed with the saltiness of the meat to form a soothing drink that send a jolt of energy through my body. I grabbed a spoonful of even vegetables and meat and it was just as good as the broth. It mixed so well together while sending huge amounts of energy rushing through me. I felt my adrenaline rise as my determination to finish this quest increased to epic proportions.

"The Meat and vegetable mix produced a unique buff. When I tasted it I felt a surge of energy and my determination to create the perfect dish became my one goal. I also feel stronger but the main thing was the boost in mental resolve."

"Hold on and I'll give you an accurate description." I said as I stopped eating and used Analyze.

[Epic Meat Stew]


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