My life as a reborn monster

Chapter 137 The Punishment

Chapter 137 The Punishment

"Honey.... Are you ok?" Kitsoma asked as she looked over me with hesitation and slight fear. Hearing her voice was the thing that brought me back to the present, I was so lost in the back and forth in my mind that I didn't even sense her or hear her approach. I shook my head a little as I raised up and stood in front of her.

"No darling... I'm not ok. The weight of what I've done combined with my own self doubt and hatred is becoming a constant battle the last week or so. My head is filled with the idea that I'm not doing the best I can and today, well today proved that voice right... I could have done so many more things.... So many better choices were available but I was to stupid to think of them."

I chuckled a little while looking down at her. I gently rubbed her cheek and she leaned into my hand while grabbing it. "Kitsoma, I love you, I'm so happy that you are mine. I'm sorry that I chose to have another woman but I do not regret it.... They are coming and in the chance that I am told to leave I want you and mara to get along ok? Will you do that for me?"

She looked confused for a moment as she spoke. "What do you mean? If you leave than so do I. You are the reason I'm alive, you are the reason my soul is in my body. You sacrificed yourself to save me and you are the man I love... Without you I wouldn't have any place here. Yea I love these people like my family and your children might aswell be my own. You are stuck with me mister wether you like it or not hehe."

She laughed as she closed her eyes and stretched up to give me a kiss. I ofcourse returned her love with passion for a split moment before there was a heavy knock at the door. I sighed as I looked at the door then back to her. "Looks like it's time honey. You ready?"

"Ofcourse my dear."

I opened the door and Sondar, Sylvania, and Howy were there in front of my door. Sondar had a look of hesitation on his face but Sylvania and Howy both had determined faces.

"Vexsus.... we decided that it would be best if you weren't the leader anymore.... I will be taking you're place as leader and you will step down as punishment."

"Phew... There for a moment I was worried you guys wanted me gone. Damn man you didn't have to be so worried about this. You were the real leader anyways, I was just the idiot who gave orders now and then, I'm honored that you are taking my place Sondar... You deserve this."

Everone there stared at me with a look of shock and surprise at the way that I acted. I knew it was a shock to them but I didn't care. I was relieved someone else was taking the reigns. I'm not ready to lead, it's obvious, plus I want to adventure, I got so much stuff I wanna do that Leading a group like this isn't something I could juggle. So yea I was super happy Sondar was taking over, he lead this group while I was gone and he can do it again. I walked up to him and patted his shoulder.

"Congrats man, now since I didn't have anything to move, this place is now yours, I will go tell Mara about the change and more than likely she will renovate it since she planned on this being my house. But since I'm no longer the leader I will make some changes around here and then I will be leaving. First off....." I went to Sylvania and grabbed her branded hand.

"This might hurt." I said before I focused on her brand that connected us and I withdrew that power... This might be petty but I didn't want her shackled to me and hey they agreed to have me step down as leader.

She groaned in pain for a second as the mana was forcefully withdrawn from her hand.

"There all done. Now I will go to my minions and have a chat." I walked away from the 3 as Kitsoma checked up on Sylvania while the other 2 watched me walk away. Howy had a look of anger on his face while Sondar had a worried look at what I was going to do.

I walked into a big open field and drew in a deep breath before shouting. "MY CHILDREN COME HERE!!!! MY MINIONS COME HERE!!!" Within minutes I felt as the ground rumbled as a horde of people ran towards me. My children leading the pack next to the human and the Arachne. They settled down in front of me as I waited for the rest.... But the ones who I was really calling for did not come. The hobgoblins did not show up with the rest...

"Now that's strange? They should have come running when I called them."

"SHORUNT, KONNA, LIOSA!!! COME HERE NOW!!!" I yelled as the air itself vibrated. A few minutes go by but still I do not see them.

"They are not you'rs anymore Vexsus. Liosa is mine, Shorunt is Sylvania's, Konna and Sondar have been a thing for a long time. You have no control over them anymore."

Howy's voice rang out next to me as if a ghost just spoke. He stayed invisible using his skills but what he said just seemed to tick me off a bit.... My minions aren't mine? Have they forgotten what I am? Sylvania was one thing. I didn't want her to have my power anymore... But those goddam goblins are mine to do with as I please and this little rodent dares to talk to me like this? I get that he has a grudge with me since I did stupid shit but did this guy really forget who I am?

I raised an eyebrow at this and smiled. "Howy, my dear friend, those hobgoblins carry my mark. They will come when I call them or there will be punishment."

"Ha, you talk big but what can you do against all of us. You're not the leader anymore ya fucking idiot. You made so many mistakes for a long time that we have been fed up with it. It just sucks that Hannah leaving us was the catalyst that drove us to remove you from the lead."

"Howy... Dude, you're starting to talk a little bit to big for your position. Remember who you are talking to before shit gets real."

"Hahaha" Was all I heard before Sondar came walking up.

"Howy is right Vexsus. Konna isn't yours anymore. She and I have fallen in love and I forbid you from commanding her."

I only looked with sadness towards him. "Comeon man not you too. I just want to talk to them ok? I'm not ordering them to come with me or anything, I just wanted to speak to them before I head out on my adventure ok?"

Sondar looked between me pleading and Howy shaking his head no excitedly. He for whatever reason wanted no part of me speaking to Liosa.

"Fine. But if you order them to do..."

"WHat? Huh? What the fuck are you gonna do if I order my own minions to do something?"

"....I'll go get them stay here." Sondar walked away with his shoulders tensed and his fists clenched. I didn't want to challenge him like that but Howy already used up the fuse that is my patience.

A few minutes later here comes the trio of hobgoblins following Sondar. They looked nervous but tried to keep up a facade of confidence as they stared at me. I could sense a hint of defiance but I let that pass since I was really trying to do a good deed before I left with everyone who wanted to follow me.

They arrived and Shorunt stepped forward and didn't even show me respect but instead called me by name.

"Vexsus, what do you want with us." Welp that does it.

I smiled real big as I released my draconic aura that covered this entire 1 mile area that we were in. I focused it directly on Shorunt as I watched him start to choke, the others started to scream at me to stop but I wasn't done yet. I wanted him to suffer for a few seconds more before I released him and contained my aura yet again.

"YOu FUCKING BASTARD!" Sylvania yelled as she flew towards me with her talons spread wide and the sun glinted off them. I felt the bloodlust from her but I only chuckled.

"You guys were family.... How did this change so drastically just from one fuckup? Did you forget all that I did for you already? Or is it perhaps that you forgot what I'm capable of?" Still smiling at the incoming feathered missile I chuckled before my body started to emit small particles of space as I activated my skill [Scales of the Void] If she wanted to attack me and betray me than why should I show mercy?

I let her hit me as my scales absorbed her talons as she released a horrid scream of pain as the spatial distortion within my scales ripped her talons away and absorbed them within me.

[Subordinate [Sylvania] removed. Now classified as Enemy]

[Sin of Wrath has issued a quest]

[Kill and devour the enemy. Rewards will be given upon completion.]

Oooo I like the sound of that.... But again I still cared for these people. I didn't want to kill them.... but at the same time I'm no p*ssy. If they come at me with bloodlust and actually try to kill me, then I will enjoy their flesh like an exotic steak.

"Listen, stop. Here." I quickly healed Sylvania using a quick magic circle. It was just a thrown together circle that barely had enough juice to relieve her pain but not enough to regrow her talons. She had to pay for trying to attack me.

"Just listen goddamit, I was just trying to release them from being my fucking minions. I was going to happily give them over as a Father would a daughter. I care about you fucking assholes and I want to see you be happy. Those three hobgoblins are mine, I'm a damn dragon at the end of the day and for me to give something is a big deal ok? You cannot even try to take away what's mine but I just wanted to be nice a final time before I say goodbye.... So calm down and relax and I will gladly continue being nice...."

I left the sentence open as I stared at the three so called family that I had. Sondar and Howy were both in a stance with weapons ready and Sylvania was being carried away by Shorunt.

"Shorunt come here." This time I didn't ask but instead I used my authority as his master to order him, and as my voice undulated with power his body immediately dropped Sylvania and walked like a robot to stand in front of me.

"For your actions of disobedience I punished you... But now as your master I release you from your service. I want you and Sylvania to grow old and happy together. You will always protect her and grow strong to defend her and your family. Understood?" I sent a small stream of mana onto his forehead where the mark of a tamed monster is and I wiped it away. Almost instantly he became conscious and he smiled as he looked at his hands before looking back up at me.

"Thank you Vexsus. I know how hard this must have been for you.... I'm sorry things had to come to this." He said before he ran back to Sylvania. I pushed down the feelings that were threatening to well up in me but I refused to show emotions... it was just easier that way to move on.

"Next is Liosa." Liosa walked up to me but she wasn't looking at me, she was looking behind me at Howy. I wasn't worried about the little rat since I had Detection going this whole time to make sure he was in my 'sight' so to speak. I no longer trusted him and was ready to act if he got a wild idea.

"Liosa." I said to snap her attention back to me.

"Yes, master?"

"Kneel." As Liosa kneeled I walked over to her and when I was behind her I looked up to Howy and smiled. I then went around to her front and bent down to look her in the eyes.

"You are free Liosa. But let me warn you that I will take his life if he threatens me. I will be gone for a long time to let things cool down but try to keep him on somewhat of a leash ok? I want you to be happy but not at the cost of my life got it? Be happy and have many children." I did the same to her as Shorunt and wiped her mark.

I raised up with a smile and so did she as she hugged me tightly with tears in her eyes. "Thank you master... I mean Vexsus, and I promise I will." She let go of me as she ran towards Howy and grabbed onto him before whispering in his ear. His eyes went wide as he looked from her to me as I just smiled at him while nodding, no words were needed as I got my point across.

"Konna, come here." Konna walked up and kneeled without me saying anything. I kneeled down next to her and smiled at her.

"You are a fantastic warrior. You and Sondar are a perfect match and I approved of it from the first moment I suspected something between you two. He is and always will be my brother, and you will now be considered as my sister. I know I'm not the best at this but I know you can keep him on track. The Shadow Eaters are coming and I want you guys to get stronger. Can you do that for me? Just watch after my brother and don't let the stress be to much for him."

"Yes master, I love him and will do whatever is needed to make sure he is happy."

"I am happy to hear that.... So, Konna, I hereby release you from your service and wish you a happy life." With a wave of my hand her mark disappeared and she raised up with a smile while her eyes were glistening. She was to tough to let tears fall but she was close. I gave her a quick hug before I pushed her away.

"That is everything I planned on doing. I will be leaving for a long adventure and I wanted to ask if anyone wanted to follow me. This is not mandatory and instead if you want to stay here I wouldn't think less of you at all."

I looked around and quite a few of the dragonants wanted to stay aswell as the humans and even the Arachne wanted to stay. They said that this place was safer and they didn't want to risk being killed by my decisions. Which hey, totally fine, I completely agree that at the best of times my decisions are iffy at best. So with a nod I agreed and was only followed by my four main children, Kitsoma, Gaia, and surprising the 2 raccoon twins Jasper and Victor. They said they wanted to come with me since I was the best possible way to become stronger. I just nodded and started heading towards Mara's location.

This is the start of something new. I was leaving behind a family, but I made mistakes and now I'm dealing with the aftermath. But still I was super excited at what the future holds for me.


[DNA acquired]

[Snow harpy DNA is now being assimilated.]

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