My life as a reborn monster

Chapter 138 The Start Of Something New

Chapter 138 The Start Of Something New

Me and the remaining  members of my group walk through the village on our way to mara's castle. I say castle because it's definitely bigger than a mansion and more fortified, it didn't have the stone towers or walls like what a normal castle would have but just looking at the smooth marble pillars that make up the entry way and the surrounding marble walls that cover a wide area that creates a courtyard that resembles more of a barracks than what a castle courtyard is supposed to look like. There were men and women of a few different species training together.

Humans, Beastfolk, Lizardfolk, all kinds were here training together without hatred and I was really impressed. That was until I saw a group of heavily armed guards with Dark armor that had gold inlayed along the edges. Their helmets had that Roman broom looking style but each one was oozing an aura of confidence that only comes with years and years of harsh training and dedication to becoming the strongest.

I looked closer and each one had a different weapon. That was odd as usually a group of guards like this had the same training regime that centered around a longer reach like a spear, then a shorter range combined with a defense like a sword and shield. You know, the normal image of a roman guard. But noo, these guys had Halberds, Two-handed axes that were taller than me, Rapiers, Even a Whip and a trident/net combo. Whoever these guys work for definitely considered versatility over practicality of his guards.josei

"This area is currently in use by the Duke Charles the IV, Nobody is permitted to enter the grounds unless apart of the guards or the meeting... Frankly you and you're... Group... Don't look very important to me so begone with you and you're kind back to the slums." One of the guards said as he stepped forward, This guy was the one holding the Two-handed axe and his armor had a dull look to it and covered in numerous scratches and slight dents. I could tell this guy fought and won life and death battles.

"Ok, no prob, but Mara told me to come here whenever I was finished so I do actually have permission to enter the grounds." I stepped up to the guy with an amicable attitude so as not to set off any tensions. But these guys just did not care, or thought I was lying either way this guy started to get a little heated.

"How dare you speak about Mistress Mara so casually! She is a Baron of these lands and she deserves the respect that that title holds you worthless Lizard. Take your fox whore and those four disfigured Lizards with you back to the nightmares you emerged from."

Kitsoma and my kids just looked at me with shock before she spoke up. "Honey, don't, ok? They aren't worth the hassle that it will bring if you get angry. Just let it go and we will come back in a couple hours."

"Yea dad, it's not worth it, they are just humans who don't know any better. I'm not letting their insults effect me and neither should you." Harper spoke up and tried to reassure me as the others tried to do the same.

"I say let's fucking rock em master! These fucking Humans, won't listen to anything except getting their heads shoved up their ass!" Victor said as Jasper nodded excitedly. They had a rough childhood but I didn't want to make a mess, seeing as how this little exchange just caught the attention of all the other guards that were training. Unfortunately the bossman heard what Victor said and with a red face he took a step forwards while drawing his weapon.

"What the hell did this little rodent say? Are you wanting to die you pathetic lesser waste of space species! You think you can become as strong as us humans? We are superior and we will destroy you got it? I will personally turn you and you into a set of shoes and then I'll take the 3 of those women and personally enjoy myself until they are used up and then I will feed them to my men... Then after that I will feed them to my fucking dogs. Do you even realize who I am?"


"No... But you don't realize who I am." Before I could take a single step I felt a gush of hot wind as a small fireball was unleashed from besides me and it crashed and erupted right on this guys face. I turned and saw as Kitsoma had her hand outstretched and I saw as little wisps of flames were coming off her fingertips. I raised an eyebroy in surprise since I thought she couldn't use magic anymore.

"I'm slowly getting it back. But that was the best I can do at the level I'm at." She said with a huff, it seems just that tiny fireball had taken alot out of her. I checked her with Appraisal and saw that her MP was actually 0 already. Meaning that tiny little thing that barely passed a baseball in size took up all of her MP.... She must of been more than a little mad haha.

I turned back around and was met with even more suprise as the guy was just standing there with his helmet still on fire. The top of his head was still in flames as the bristles of his broom helmet was still alight. But his eyes remained stoic and zeroed in on Kitsoma.

"I will kill you and turn you into a toy you WHORE!" He yelled but I had enough of some human calling my love a whore. So in a single step I appeared in front of him and grabbed his still flaming helmet with my bare hands. I may have used a little shapeshifting to make sure my hand was big enough to fully encompass the helmet but the fires licking my hand was little more than a warming sensation. It was like the flames themselves didn't want to hurt me and instead were just caressing my hand... Hmmm

The other guards took a step back in reflex.

"W-What the hell was that? Did that Lizardman just teleport? How can his hand fully grab captains helmet like that?"

"FUck that, do you see how he isn't even taking damage from those flames? He has to have [Fire Immunity] just like Captain!"

A few other guards who were training stopped and rushed over with their weapons but I didn't care about them as I lifted the so called captain up until we were eye to eye. He had since grabbed onto my arm trying to wrestle himself free but his strength couldn't even apply pressure to my scales... And here he was talking all that good shit about being superior....HA!

"Listen here you human piece of garbage. That so called Whore? Well she is my wife! Those disfigured creatures you see? Well they are my children and by the gods they will wipe out this entire fucking barracks of your filth. Those Raccoon twins? They are under my protection and They will be trained to be the strongest this world has ever seen.... You on the other hand unfortunately have fucked up not once, not twice, hell not even three times but continuosly and I'm afraid.... My stomach is growling."

With a whip of my head I fully transform my head and neck into my true dragon form and easily munch and mash before finally swallowing the human. Every guard around was shocked and before long screams started to ring out as they all started to run around. The royal looking guards however soon took up their weapons and took on a determined, stoic expressions as they slowly started to surround me and my group.

"Don't do this if you want to live. My dad already took care of the one who caused this problem, but he has no issues with eating more of you ok? Just do the smart thing and run away." Michael said before shaking his head in defeat as his words fell on deaf ears.

"You are very kind my son. You tried to help them and that is a good quality to have... But you must also know when to not speak and instead brace for the fight." Saying those words to Michael was exactly the advise I needed to take for myself as shortly after a shorter, leaner guard appeared and while dual wielding daggers, he slashed at my neck and face in the hopes to kill me quickly or atleast blind me. I dodged easily but as the daggers swung by my nose I caught the whiff of a very potent bitter smell, I knew it was a poison.

After his attacks missed I shot out my hand and with my claws I covered them in lightning and used my draconic lightning slash to completely eviscerate him before he even hit the ground. The others seemed like they weren't even phased by the death of this guy....

Ugh this is going to be a hectic fight.

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