My life as a reborn monster

Chapter 142 Journey Of Redemption Pt. 1

Chapter 142 Journey Of Redemption Pt. 1

After my meal I was soon lead to another room of the manor by a maid that had light blonde hair down to her shoulders, and an outfit that seemed a size to small as her curves seemed to be hugged by her uniform a bit to tightly. I couldn't tell the bust because she was in front but from what I was seeing from the back.... I would say she had a thing for pink, if the flashes of color I kept catching everytime she would take a step were any indication.

"Ahem" "I was just wondering ma'am, was it laundry day for the maids? or was this intentional?" I just had to ask because I was getting an eye full. imagine if you will two perfectly rounded melons but instead of fruit it was partially made of jello, now cover that with some barely sun kissed skin and a piece of pink fabric for seperation and boom, that my friends is exactly what I'm seeing.

But the maid made a noise similar to eep before turning around and bowing to me. "Lady Mara told me to wear this today lord Vexsus, she said that while escorting you to wear this uniform as you would enjoy seeing me like this."

That damn woman, I could just imagine now her smirking while ordering this poor girl to wear this. "Ugh, point me to where my family is and go change into your normal uniform."

The maid looked up at me with shock in her eyes but I could see for a split second that she was relieved. "But my lord, am-am I not pretty enough for you? I can do better my lord I promise.... I-I-I can come tonight to you and my ladies room to-to-to s-s-ser...."

"Alright, Alright, Alright, enough of that. Listen here girly as much as I enjoy the eye candy I enjoy it more when the other party does it of their own free will, I will talk to Mara and have a serious discussion about this ok? So just point me in the direction of where they are and then go get changed ok?"

I tried to calm down the maid but she started to cry and started shaking her head. "No, No, I need you to enjoy me, I need you to use me, If I can get the one who killed the Duke to owe me just one favor and help me than it will be worth it, no matter how painful it will be, IT WILL BE WORTH IT!" She yells before busting down into tears.

And pan the camera over to me and you'll see me just standing there with a dumb look on my face shocked and looking around for an adult because what the fuck am I supposed to do with this!?

Eventually I crouch down and lift up the poor girl in my arms, I still haven't shrunken down so I'm still standing at a 3 meters high and in my arms this girl is small when I actually lift her. I go ahead and use detection and walk find my family. I walk in and before anyone can say anything I look over at Mara.

"Come with me." I turn around and walk away as I start walking towards where the butler was the last time I saw him. Mara rushed to catch up with me as she quickly noticed the maid in my arms. She smiled and chuckled as she looked the maid over.

"My god Vexsus, how hard were you on the poor maid? If you were so desperate you should have just said so."

"This was because she broke down crying and fell asleep in the middle of the hall.... Oh, and don't make your maids wear outfits like that if they don't want to ok? That aint right. But more importantly where did you find this girl? What is her back story?"

"Oh, um, well for one, I'm a succubus and the lady of this territory so you can fuck off on that, they are mine and I'll do as I please with them, but I found her while inspecting the land one day. She was walking along one of the roads that led from a neighboring territory and as I watched she fell down a hill, I ran and caught her and brought her back here and had her trainged as a maid. She didn't really talk about her time in that other place but I know from her body back then that she was used in more ways than one and that she had escaped somehow. I led a party a week after I found her and we found a wagon that had been hauling slaves across borders that had been attacked by monsters and everbody was killed except her.... That's all I know Vexsus I swear."

"Hmmm, well I think she has a family member or something that is still over there and is either in worse condition or she wants revenge for what was done to said person. She said she needed me to use her so that I can owe her a favor. she needed my help for something, She had a funny way of asking for it but I figure if you ok with it, then we can bring her along and she can work for her help along the way?"

"Oh? Interesting idea honey I like that idea, ok sounds good. I will have some traveling clothes prepared for when she wakes up and have her prepped and ready by tomorrow. For now let's leave her with the others and rejoin with our family to celebrate the start of our journey."

She said that just as we turned the corner and came upon the returning group and maids and butlers that were cleaning the 'dining' room.

"Here, take her to the quarters and prepare traveling clothes for her, she will be traveling with us when we leave tomorrow." Mara said before she turns and leaves without so much as a thank you.josei

"I really appreciate this you guys, I know I didn't thank you before when I left you such a big mess but I was riding the high of killing so that was my fault. I should have stayed and helped." I laid the girl down gently and apologized the rest but was quickly stopped by the head butler.

"Lord Vexsus please do not apologize, we are the help, it is our job to clean up after the lord and lady. Lady Mara made it crystal clear how... 'Voracious' you can get with your meals, so we knew full well that it could get a bit messy, I apologize for my misconduct." He then bowed but that just led to me feeling super awkward because I just tried to apologize only to then be apologized to..... this was going knowhere so I just nodded my head with an awkward smile and quickly left to follow Mara.


"That is one weird guy wouldn't you say Johnny." Says one of the butlers.

"Shut up you idiot, here you call me James or Boss, Remember that or I will send you back to the slums to work on the other project got it!" Said the head Butler or 'Johnny/James'

"But what are we going to do with this one? She almost gave up our entire plan? What's going to happen when they find out that not only the Duke was eaten but that we can't provide our quota for the month?"

"Then we will have to provide something else, we did just get some new residents in our fine territory didn't we? Why don't we pay them a visit and say that we need workers for project somewhere near the border, they look strong enough but also if we only take a few at a time we should be able to overpower them."

"Hehehe, I like your thinking boss, ok let's go before that bitch comes back." one of the butlers say before picking up the unconscious maid and leaving.


I quickly catch up to Mara and fall in line with her. "So what are you're plans for that problem?"

"Whatever do you mean my dear?" She looks at me with a knowing side glance.

"Hmmm, Do you need me to do anything?" I can go around and quickly use my powers real quick.

"No need, I have a few of my actually trusted servants looking into the issues. By the way Donna come here please?"

Out of the air a shimmer of air appears almost like a gateway before a woman in airy light clothing walks through and kneels before Mara.

"Yes Lady Mara you called?" the woman said before looking up with deep green eyes.

"Hello, any news? Have we made any progress in discovering who they deliver to or even who set up the slave trade here?"

"I'm sorry my lady, nothing new has been discovered, but currently there is a delivery of fresh slaves being carted off sometime tonight and I will personally be on it as the lead protection. I will have more info for you in a weeks time I swear it!"

"The only thing I need from you is the promise that you will stay safe. I know who is leading the slave trade here, we can always find out the ones who started it here later on, I can easily go kill them right now. But I need you to stay alive and well, you are just as important to me as your brother you understand? Stay alive no matter the cost. Do you need extra hands? I'm sure some of the others have returned from their missions by now."

"No ma'am, I am fine, Me and a few others are still fighting fit and ready to exucute the plan whenever you give the word."

Mara looks at me for a second before I nod and she only smiles. If we were leaving this place for who knows how long then there was no way I was going to want to just leave some slavers be to prey on the innocent while I knew they were here. Especially When I was a victim of almost being sold as one myself.

"Alright, tonight then, kill every slaver and release the prisoners. Bring them here and we will deal with it before we leave."

"Understood my lady, my lord." Then a shimmer of air appeared and the woman jumped back through and disappeared.

"You know that whoever these idiots work for will come for revenge right? and they won't just come with an army, no, no, they will come at night, and with deadly arts." Mara said.

"Yea, I know. But that's why We will go talk to the guys before we leave, I have 2 very well accomplished people who are good at staying out of sight who could teach your people a thing or two. Plus I've been thinking of trying to fly more instead of just walking, I have my dragon form but I don't ever use my wings so this journey will be my chance to work them out and make it quicker."


We finally got to the room with our family in it and opened it up to reveal the kids and Kitsoma ready and waiting outside the room.

"About time you guys got back, what did you guys stop to make sure the baby took? haha." Greyson said before Harper slapped the back of his head.

"You idiot." She said while shaking her head.

"We have a problem, Just found out that there is a group of slavers that are here. Mara sent out the order to execute them tonight and in the morning me and her will deal with the released prisoners, but before that we have to go see Sondar and the others again as once word gets back to whoever orchestrated this group, they will come back for revenge, since we are cutting off a source of income for them. I will talk to Sondar and Howy about maybe talking and teaching some of the other villagers and guards about becoming specialized in their fields."

"Ugh, didn't we just leave because of the crap they pulled after Hannah? Do you really think they will sit down and listen to you?"

At this moment Mara spoke up. "To be honest, no, However, as the Lady of the Territory I am bearing Vexsus child, and even though we haven't officially gotten married by the customs of the kingdom, I consider him my husband and by that makes him the Lord of this Territory hehe..." She left the sentence open after that and soon the others caught on to what she was saying as they all opened their eyes wide.

"Ohhhh, that is sneaky dad. was that your plan this whole time? no wonder you didn't care if you were the leader of the base or not anyore hahahaha." Michael started to laugh while holding his belly.

"Wait no, that wasn't it at all. It just happened like that ok? Her people just started calling me that all of a sudden and she started making people think of me like that." I sighed. "But, if this is how things are than I might aswell make use of it and hope that something good comes from it. Now let's go since the sooner we get through with this, the sooner we can get going to Necro's land and get this bullshit Marriage over with."

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