My life as a reborn monster

Chapter 143 Journey For Redemption Pt. 2

Chapter 143 Journey For Redemption Pt. 2

We left Mara's manor and made our way over to see Sondar and the others, Mara said she had already sent word ahead of us and so by the time we got there Sondar, Sylvania, Howy, and the Hobgoblins were all sitting on one side of a large table under a large tent that was erected to provide shade. Me, Kitsoma, and Mara sat on the other side while my children and other traveling companions stood near the back.

"Thanks for seeing me Sondar. I know this is short notice." I smiled slightly at Sondar hoping for some semblance of normalcy between us but I got nothing but a straight face from him.

"Yea, it is. So hurry up and spill it, I have stuff to do." He only spoke as if he was speaking to a stranger and a nuisance.

"Dad and you are brothers, all that shit that happened with Hannah shouldn't get in the way of that. You had eachother's back way before that happened. Don't change that know please?" Michael spoke up and said from the back but I only raised my hand and silenced him.

"It's ok buddy, I know how he feels and he knows how I feel, our connection has been strong this entire time and nothing has changed. He really is busy.... Why didn't you come to get me when people started to get sick? I may not be the leader anymore but I could have still helped."

When I said that the I heard an audible gasp from the room. Sylvania narrowed her eyes at me and so did Howy but Sondar only sighed.

"How did you guess? I know this connection can only send through feelings and messages but we can't just read eachother's mind like that? Unless somehow you gained another power that I'm not aware of?"

"No nothing like that.... on the walk up here I noticed that it was quieter than usual around here, it was always busy and loud but today it was solemn and quiet, it was like a graveyard around here. The few people I did see were walking around coughing and I even saw one trip and fall over. Then I used my power and saw that in the hut way in the back there was more than 70 people who were lying on beds in various states of sickness. So tell me what's going on? Has people died?"

I was seriously worried about these people, I may not be their leader anymore but dammit, I loved them all the same, I risked my life to protect them and did what I could to make sure they could prosper. But despite my seriousness all I heard was a huff and a small chuckle.

"Haha, you? Care? That's hilarious Vexsus. I think you can stop acting like you care about us now. You're not the leader anymore and as such you do not have any responsibilities in whether OUR people are healthy or not." Howy said as he huffed again and crossed his arms. I don't know what has gotten in to him or what I did to piss him off but the way he is acting towards me lately is really ticking me off.

"Actually Howy, I have to correct you on that. You see Mara here is carrying Darlings child... Although I am jealous, I do have to admit that as such it has come with the added benefit of him being considered as her husband. And as she is the Lady of this Territory what do you think that makes Vexsus Hmm? You want to run that by us again Howy?" Kitsoma spoke up and said while grabbing my hand, I agree that I wanted her to have our first child, she's right that with Mara it does come with benefits.

I turned from Kitsoma to look at the other side of the table and the others just looked narrow eyed at me.

"So that's why you willingly left us. You didn't care about us any more since you had a child on the way with the lady of this territory and you were already on the way to being the lord is that right? So fuck a ragtag group of misfits right? I get it now you backstabbing bastard. You and this whor...."

Before Howy could say anything else I had already used spatial blink to grab his face and bring it up to mine. My whole hand was big enough to wrap around and cover his head so I had to open it up a little in order for him to look me in the eye. When I did he was wide eyed and a look of terror was evident in it.

"Ah, I see now. You forgot who I am. You forgot what I can do is that right Howy? You forgot that I can cause this entire place to disappear if I wanted to... Well that's alright let's go for a little demonstration hows that sound little buddy." I smiled eerily and made sure to show off all of my teeth in a wide toothy grin that made Howy's eyes widen even further and he started to shake his head fervently. But it was already to late I was ticked off and he needed a quick lesson, and the others needed a reminder so I was in the instructor mood right now.

"Vexsus please don't do this. He was just playing around please don't do this to him... I promised to keep him on track and I will I swear, just give me some more time please, it's only been a day!" Liosa came up to me and grabbed my arm that was holding Howy as she looked at me in the eyes and begged me to let him go.

"Vexsus, just let him go. If you don't then you know you won't get out of this without a fight." Sondar said while standing up and grabbing a large sheathed sword from Kona that had stepped up to hand it to him. She also was brandishing a large sword as she looked at me straight in the eye but her look was one of doubt and uncertainty but also she wasn't going to back down aslong as Sondar wasn't and I knew that.

"Sondar, this little rat has pissed me off for the last time, I kept letting him talk to me like he has been and letting it go like it was a funny joke but now that I'm no longer apart of your little group he no longer has the right to speak to me like this. I still wanted to be friends, to be family, but you cast me aside, you cast me away and for what? A mistake I made because I was fucking busy taking care of the rest of you? Could you take care of half the shit I did huh? Could you do the stuff I did and not die huh!? You pathetic Fucking Weaklings Needed me more than my own Daughter did and so I made a FUcking choice as your LEADER!! And THIS IS HOW YOU TREAT ME!? I gave you back your life Sondar after you risked your own to save the others, we are bonded I owe you so much because you are amazing and deserve to be the leader but goddamit I didn't want to be treated like some piece of shit just because I tried to help. You didn't think I was suffering to? you didn't think I want't to go storm down the castle and kill Necro right then and there? I couldn't because I am an ant compared to him, he could snap his fingers and just one of his generals pinky toes could take me out like it was taking a piss. You idiots didn't think of a goddam thing and now you put all that shit on me and now I'm made to suffer even more. But now thanks to Mara, I'm the Lord here. So This rat will be coming with me."

I stop listening to the others as I walk out from under the tent with Howy still in my hand and I call Mara to my side.

"Call them, it's time."

"Understood honey, you can unveil yourselves now." Without a second lapse the shimmer appeared but this time it appeared over a wide expanse and from the shimmer appeared over 3 dozen men and women all dressed in loose fitting and partially revealing clothing. They all instanly kneeled while Donna stepped forward and bowed before us.

"Lord and Lady, May I present The Dark Embrace. The Ladies personal group of assassins, well I guess corrections are in order now right? We will serve you both with honor and loyalty.... Aswell ofcourse with any other 'service' you may require." Donna said while giving me a wink. Mara only chuckled before lightly tapping Donna on the head.

"Now, now Donna, keep it in your pants. We are here because Vexsus here thinks the wriggling thing in his hand could potentially help you out with the upcoming fights." She then tapped my hand and I released the Rodent to drop on his ass. I say Rodent but as a Ratman he's about 5 ft. tall. He still lands on his ass with a thud and stares up at me with a scared expression on his face.

"Don't run from me got it. This is your punishment, I want you and Liosa to help these guys and see if you can teach them a thing or two before whoever is supposed to counterattack comes, got it? I don't know if you are stronger than them or not but you should atleast have a few skills they don't and they should have some that you don't. It's a learning experience all around for everyone."

Howy just sits there listening and when I'm finished he just nods his head. I may have scared him to much but man that shit talking of his was getting old fast. I just turn around and walk up to Sondar and Kona.

"If you want to try anything, go ahead. But I won't be lenient any longer, I'm done being nice to you guys got it? You made your own choice but I'm going to give you one now ok? 1. you don't ever threaten me again, and when I as your Lord ask you to do something, you do it.... Or 2..... I will eat you."

Sondar just looked at me. He kept looking between my eyes trying to look for a hint of a joke.

"Hahaha, I'm just playing man, I'm not gonna eat you, shit not like I could your thick ass shell would probably break my teeth even if I tried, and it probably tastes like shit so no thank you hahaha." I started laughing and slapped his shoulder. He looked at Konna first with an awkward chuckle before he let out an awkward chuckle.

"yea, haha, funny."

I lead him back into the tent and sat him down. I opened up a small spacial bubble and rooted around until I saw something I thought would suit him as a congrats gift. I may be petty but he was my brother and I was happy that he was finally the official leader of the group. I huffed and puffed a bit but finally I was able to pull out a large black scabbard with a red jagged crack down the center, and a blue runic sentence down the left and right sides. from the hilt it expanded to a larged meter flat bottom then starts to come down to a point like an elongated triangle.

"Here man, I grabbed this awhile back but I've got no use for it. I think that since you are using huge swords maybe this would be useful for you? I've never used it so be careful just in case it's powerful. Let me know when I get back if it's cool or not."

I smiled at him before I got up and started to walk out of the tent, I didn't look back at him and frankly I didn't want to. I looked around and saw as a group of ragged looking people were under another tent and were being fed and handed water. I thought they were rescuing the prisoners tonight? I was confused so I walked over to Mara.

"Hey honey? What's up with the ragged looking ex-prisoners? I thought that mission was being carried out tonight?"

"Yea, I decided to go ahead and put a rush on that so we could hurry up and leave. I figured we hurry up and go to the wedding and then hurry up and come back in time to help with the fight."

"Hmm, sounds good, were any slavers taken as prisoners or escaped?"

"Ofcourse not my darling, The Dark Embrace is very efficient, they did a very thorough job in cleaning up that horrible situation. How about we go ahead and go speak to the poor souls and get this show on the road?" I nodded and had her lead the way. We got there and the maid from before was there helping with food and water and as soon as she saw us approach she finished her task before coming over and greeting us.

"Hello mistress, my lord, I have made sure to pass out food and water and made sure these poor souls knew we mean them no harm."josei

"Good job Patricia, job well done." Mara said as she gave Patricia's cheek a pat

"Ahh, well nice to finally know your name, nice to meet you Patricia, My name is Vexsus." I extended my hand towards Patricia like I was meeting her for the first time but she only stood there and stared back at me before looking at Mara and I saw as Mara just chuckled.

"You have to stop trying to be on the same level as the rest of them Vexsus, you are a Lord now honey."

"Eh! But Mara, it's so weird to just suddenly change how I act just on a whim like that. Just because you changed my title doesn't magically mean mentally I've changed how I act. I think we are all equal. I feel on the same level as Patricia here even if I'm stronger, I only deserve more because I've worked harder for more and that's it."

"Mmmm, yea you did baby." Mara said as she walked up to me and ran her finger down my chest while biting her lower lip while scanning my body up and down.

"I think before we leave me and you should head back to my room with little Patricia here and really make sure she 'works' for your help darling." She went on to say as she looked up and stared into my eyes. Her's started to glow slightly pink and a faint whiff of something sweet and musky filled my nostrils. A part of me knew what was happening but the rest of my body was all for it.

But right now was not the time and I shook my head and gently pushed her away. "Not now woman, If you still want some than I will gladly give you some but not right now ok? We have important stuff to do and filling you up isn't on the list of things to do."

"Hmph you're no fun hehe." Mara giggled before she went and sat down next to kitsoma who had come over with my daughters to help with making sure the people had what they needed.

"Lord Vexsus?" A small voice said from beside me. I looked over and down and there down next to my knee was a little girl with dirty hair covered in grime and nothing more than a burlap sack as a covering over her body. I felt horrible seeing that but quickly smiled and leaned down to greet her.

"Why hello there little one, what's your name?"

"My name is Maggy.... Are you really the lord? But your a big lizard."

Bleh Blood spout all the special anime effects.

"hehe, I'm a dragonoid honey, I just look like this so I can visit towns and interact with cute little girls like you without them getting scared."

"OH... Are you sure? You still just look like a big lizard? Where are your wings? Can you breath fire? Can you fly? My daddy read me a story about dragons having huge piles of gold and stuff? Where's yours?" This little girl had a lot of questions but I was more than happy to answer them. She asked about wings so I morphed my back and wings emerged. I walked out into the open and breathed fired into the air. I jumped into the air and flapped my wings for a little bit to show that I could fly. (It hurt because I wasn't use to actually flying but hey worth it to see the little girls smile.)

I landed and walked up to her but before I could say anything I smelt something... the smell, of blood.


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