My life as a reborn monster

Chapter 176 Meeting Between A Dragon And A King

Chapter 176 Meeting Between A Dragon And A King

We stood there looking at eachother for a few seconds, It looking down at me with a hungry glint in its eye and me staring up at it with a look of excitement in mine. I didn't want to think about the possibility of other creatures like this one hiding nearby but I wasn't going to let that just slip from my mind. I needed to be vigilant for when they come out.

"W-w-what do we do?" stuttered the woman as she was grabbing tightly onto my arm. She was shaking so hard that I felt bad for her, but what did you expect when you came out into the wild like this? Did she expect to get saved or something everytime she gets into trouble?

I didn't dare speak as I continued to keep eye contact with the beast. I was hoping that just my presence would scare it off if I kept an aggressive stance and things like that but all it did was practically ring the challenger bell inside this things head. It lowered its body slightly into a more aerodynamic posture and I braced myself for what was to come, I knew i was going to have to fight and this poor woman might not make it out alive if there are more around us.

"When the fighting starts you need to run towards my party got it. If you're lucky then you can reach them before the others in hiding can catch you. If you have any sort of magic that could alert them and bring them then do it as you run. I'll try and give you a headstart but I cannot make any promises." I said while still looking ahead. She gripped tighter onto my arm but she muttered an "ok" before she took a deep shakey breath to try and calm her nerves.

I tried to do the same but my excitement and I'll be honest the slight fear made it to where all I could think about was the possibilty of my heart bursting out of my chest. I couldn't use magic so I had to rely on my own physical abilities..... When I get back I should really learn to use a weapon....

"Run!" I shouted before we took off down the path. I stayed close to her but it wasn't long before I was blindsided by something large tackling me and with a sharp pain in my side I saw as trees flew by and I was crashing down onto the ground as a huge gaping maw of teeth were closing down on me. I knew there were more but I didn't expect to get speared even though I was paying attention to our surroundings. These things have a stupid level of skill in sneaking.

I grabbed the mouth and pushed it away and I winced as the pain in my side doubled as its claws were ripped out. This one wasn't as big as the one I stared at and this one looked leaner and more built for speed. Taking a quick look I saw as the 3 claws on its hands weren't big enough to make that huge gouge out of the tree, however they were still nothing to scoff at. I would guess that the big one in the middle was atleast 4-5 inches long while the other 2 were 3-4.

It darted into a nearby bush and I saw the bushes around me all start to rustle and soon that guttural clicking was heard again from infront of me as soon the big one almost seemed to merge or melt out of the surrounding greenery. It was like one second it wasn't there but the next it was. Either it's camouflage ability was that damn good, or something magical was happening here because damn that was awesome to see aswell as terrifying.

I felt as warmth spread down my side but I could feel the dull throb of my innate healing magic taking effect. I just had to power through this and hope that the chick was able to make it to my wives and have them hurry over here. I didn't want to put them in danger but I'm not strong enough right now to pull off a win by myself. I could hold out for a few minutes, probably, but I would rather not put my life at too much of a risk.

I breathed in deeply as the big one took a step towards me, it was not even trying to be careful, it was like it was confident in killing me.

"You're gonna have to work for this meal you big featherless chicken!" I yelled a shitty attempt and roared as I ran towards it. I saw some of the smaller ones run out of the bushes and counted up to 4 all running at me from the left and right. I jumped up and over a couple of them and landed on the back of the slowest one, I slashed the back of its neck and drew lines of exposed flesh before jumping off to avoid a swipe from one of the others that had turned around.

Seeing how fast they could react and run was a bit difficult to handle since for the longest time I was always strengthened with magic. Now that I have to solely rely on my physical body I am having to adjust but hey what better situation than by jumping straight into a burning inferno for a trial?

The creature that I slashed was starting to wobble a bit as blood spilled down around its neck and a flow of it was falling onto the ground behind it. I had to give it respect for still coming at me even at the end of its life, but I was merciful and planned to end it soon. Thankfully I was getting used to moving faster and faster as I got comfortable without magic, I was able to dodge the attempted slams and swipes as the smaller ones jumped towards me or ran past me. Eventually I could dodge and send my own attack that would leave a small slash across a retreating back or side as they dashed away, They only had the 2 attacks that they would do, either try and slam into me or swipe their claws at me..... It was like they weren't very experienced hunting or something?josei

Something was nagging at me from the back of my mind as I kept dodging and countering the creatures, I kept slashing and eventually the first one I slashed had finally fell victim to blood loss and it toppled over and slowly it breathed its last. But then that was when that nagging thought surfaced fully and with wide eyes I quickly looked around. The big one was gone, nowhere to be seen.... That was until a hot breath was felt from behind me. I turned slowly and was face to face with two huge blood red eyes with reptillian slit pupils. The look it had was one of pure fury that was directed entirely on me.

I backed away slowly and ducked quickly just in time to avoid a claw swipe that went right over my head, Immediately I had to roll away to the side as the big creature followed the swipe with a stomp of its foot. The small tremor it caused knocked me back to the ground as I was trying to hurry and stand back up. I wasn't in a place where I could fight against this thing! I didn't have magic, hell even my innate regeneration is magically based, I can't heal without hurting dammit.... This was pissing me off! How the hell are warriors or close range fighters that do not use magic handle this shit....

I feel freaking useless right now. Without any other clue and still having to dodge the attacks that could end me I was slowly feeling a sense of utterlessness sprout inside my heart, I had no way to fight without my magic.... Should I use magic and just power through the pain? If I just use small spells or enhancements it should be ok right?

I channeled a small amount of magic into my claws and activated my lightning skill and grimaced as from the start of channeling I felt the dull pain start and progressively get worse. But I wasn't going to stop and instead roared again and jumped towards the big bastard as the pain started to fuel my rage and my muscles started to swell up. I slashed out and made contact with its soft belly area and I was soon covered in a spray of blood, at the same time the electricity raced across its body causing it to shudder and become paralyzed for a few moments. Those few moments allowed me to land and jump back towards it and strike the same place and this time I dug in deeper and ripped out pieces of its insides while also causing it to stay paralyzed from the shocks.

I was going to end it but I felt a slam hit my side and I slid a few feet as one of the smaller ones came to try and rescue the big one.... By now I was being consumed with the pain of exruciating pulses that radiated from my soul and the rage that was being fueled by my pain. I couldn't feel much else let alone the attack of some baby raptor on its first hunt.

Going by instinct I jumped forward and wrapped my arms around its neck and I squeezed and wrenched causing a small snapping sound and its body immediately went limp. I heard a pained roar and a couple smaller roars come from behind me. Turning around there was the other 2 baby raptors that was now standing in front of the big one in a protective manner as if I was the predator here.... They were correct in that assumption as I ran forward and passed them before sending my claws deep into the chest of the still prone big raptor and I grasped my hand around its heart that was pounding rapidly like a jackhammer. I smiled before squeezing and bursting it and then I brought it out and reveled in the blood still pouring from it.

I opened wide and bit off a huge chunk like an apple and stood there staring at the smaller ones with a dangerous gleam in my eyes. If they attacked me I would kill them and eat them, if not then I would claim them as my pets. They dared to attack me and caused me to use magic, it's only fair that they deal with the consequences.

"Vexsus!" I heard Kitsoma yell my name from the direction of the path and soon 5 women came through the brush and stood there staring at me with wide eyes. I only smiled at them before quickly turning back to the two little ones that were still standing there. I walked fowards and they flinched when I reached my hands out towards them, They didn't attack even when I made contact so I activated my brand and placed my mark on their souls that would mark them as under my control.

"There we go, first things first, you two are to go with the ladies here and protect them on the way back to camp. I'm going to stay behind and eat. Kitsoma, these little ones just witnessed something pretty fucked up and they are hungry, why don't you see about giving them something. I'll see about catching a boar or two on my way back to camp."

The two little raptors just nodded before turning and walked to stand near Kitsoma who they designated as the one to follow. The women started to speak up but I just raised my hand to silence them.

"I'll explain later ok? Right now just listen to what I say and go back to camp." After a few minutes they finally listened as Kitsoma was the first to turn and go back followed shortly by Mara and Lula. The woman I sent to them was right on their heels but Vannessa was the one to stay behind.

"Vannessa, I promise I'll be ok alright? Just go back with the others and I'll be back in a couple hours." I gave her a small smile but she only shook her head before she asked me a question.

"Did you forget what I am? I have some rations for myself and I can survive off of conventional food that you all eat, but what am I Vexsus? What do I consume?"

I was confused for a second before I noticed all the blood on my hands and all over the ground. That's when it clicked in my head as I raised my head to look at her with a wide eyed expression and then smirked as she walked forward slowly, It could be the rush of adrenaline or maybe the pain was causing hallucinations but I could have swore her hips were taking more of my attention than usual. She reached me and grabbed one of my hands before bringing it to her mouth and sucked on one of my fingers.

"Mmmm, it's still warm. This one was full of life." She licked the blood off her lips and looked up into my eyes and her eyes were screaming out with lust as they started to glow blood red.

"Sweet black fucking sabbath.... If I wasn't in so much pain I would fuck the red out of those eyes."

"Oh really? Maybe I can help with that." She whispered as she brought her lips towards my neck and bit down. I gasped at the slight stab but soon I felt a small pull as she sucked my blood and then the pain in my body started to dull down, pretty soon I was feeling way better and I started feeling a little frisky as I started to unclasp her armor and let it fall down at our feet.

Quickly I had her down to just a basic shirt she had on and her pants and I was running my hands up and down her curves, the pain had all but disappeared and was replaced with the need to bed this woman right here and now. She released my neck and gave it a little lick to help it heal and she looked up at me with a smile that told me she knew all too well what was going to happen.

"I'm suprised you did this, I didn't expect you do make the first move like this."

"Me neither but I couldn't pass up the opportunity to has such an amazing feast." She said as she undressed fully to show off the rest of her well toned body. She led me towards the big body that still oozed blood and she looked at me one last time before she knelt down and started to pool the blood in her hands and bring it up to her mouth. She drank like that a couple times before she went ravenous and just stuck her whole head onto the bleeding wound and slurping up the blood. I'll be honest.... Not something you see everday, but I was still into it, especially because she had bent over onto her knees and I was in full view of everything! Her plump ass in the air just begging for a good slap. The thing that sealed the deal was the hand that slowly made its way down her body before rubbing a certain bean... Hey when you date a vampire shit like this is bound to happen am I right?

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