My life as a reborn monster

Chapter 177 Hunting For Sacrifices

Chapter 177 Hunting For Sacrifices

After several hours of vicarious blood sucking and getting to know Vannessa inside and out, we finally made our way back to the camp. I was able to grab a couple boars for the baby raptors aswell as a couple huge ones so the rest of us can have some dinner. Lula was saying how we needed to just eat it all to give energy to Gula but I told her that we would be focusing on that tomorrow that way tonight we could just focus on having a good time..... Plus I am in need of a serious rest after not only fighting but also from Vannessa being a total nympho....

After eating and laying down for a few hours I woke up to a yell from the forest. Thinking that it was one of my wives I jumped up and scanned the area with detection quickly without thinking, only for a sharp pain to cover my entire body. Thankfully my wives were still sleeping next to me... Along with the new girl sleeping while cuddled up to Lula. Bad news was that thanks to me groaning in pain they shot up ready to fight.

"I'm-I'm ok, I just heard someone yell and I wasn't thinking about it and used Detection.... Someone is in trouble nearby, I'm too weak right now to fight so can you 5 go and check it out? take Rex and Draco with you."

They looked at me confused. "Who?" They asked in unison.

"Oh, that's right. Those are the names I gave to the raptors. But nevermind that, get going!" I waved them off and I watched as they entered into the forest and soon heard the sounds of yelling and squealing before the sight of elemental discharges of fire and lighting went off just a short distance beyond the tree line. I tried to move towards the area but my body wasn't responding anymore and as the adrenaline wore off I was forced to lay down and close my eyes.

I woke up to the smell of cooked pork and with a groan I was able to open my eyes and move my body to sit up. What I saw was a massive boar that easily shadowed me even when I grew my body to 9 ft. tall, I would say an easy 14 ft would be a good guess.

"Ah honey you woke up. We let you sleep a bit and decided to cook up this big guy for dinner. Lula had to transform to finally kill it."

"Oh man was this bastard tough! He took on our spells like it was raindrops and just kept charging at us and throwing out different elements! I was able to finally kill him but I had to take a tusk to the leg to finally get a clean slash across the throat.... But MMMM that smell makes it sooo worth it."

I laughed as Lula takes a deep whiff of cooking pork and drool starts to escape from her lips. It did smell really really good and I couldn't wait until this thing was ready. I could see the claw mark across the throat aswell as several other deep gouges across the body, but nothing that could be considered as fatal as the throat. I knew these ladies weren't weak but to actually give them a pretty good fight? Especially to the point Lula has to transform? Just how tough are these guys?

"Hey you said you took a tusk to the leg right? Are you ok? And where is it?" I turned to take a closer look at Lula's legs after noticing the tusks were gone. She lifted up the natural looking skirt she was wearing to show me a still pinkish looking area of her lower thigh that was on the last of its healing, then with a blushing face she started lifting it a little higher while smiling at me.

"Oh? And what exactly are you doing missy?" I completely ignore the cooking pig now and walk over to the Bearkin that was doing her best to try and look confident and still tease me.

"I was thinking that since you couldn't do anything right now, I should give you something to encourage you to get better." She stands up and runs her finger down my chest lightly that causes a slight shiver to follow. "I wouldn't want you to hurt yourself over little ol' me." She looked up at me with a level of seduction in her eyes that I wasn't use to and quickly looked over at Mara to see her chest puffed up with pride.

"Mhm, I see how it is." I smirk and lift Lula up and she immediately wraps her legs around my torso. I have one hand under her ass for support and another rubbing up and down her back, I lean in and whisper.

"Just because I am hurt does not mean that I will stand to be teased." I nip her ear a little and I chuckle as she tries to stifle a moan. "Why don't we go enjoy some alone time my little bear? It'll be some time before the meat is done. Long enough for me to help you build up an appetite, how does that sound?"

Lula started sputtering and her face went bright red and I could have sworn steam was escaping from her ears until eventually she just leaned her head into my chest to hide her face.

"If you want." She whispered just loud enough for me to hear but I acted like I didn't.

"Huh? I couldn't hear you Lula my dear, you'll have to speak up." I chuckled as she slapped my chest.

"I know you heard me dammit, If that's what you want to do we can.... Just... I'm nervous." My heart was both melting and breaking at how soft and sweet she was sounding. I only laughed as I held her tighter and started stroking her back.

"We won't do anything until your ready honey. I know that this kind of thing is important, I can wait so don't rush."

She leaned her head up to look at me and smiled. "Thank you." Then she gave me a kiss before I let her down and she ran to hide behind Kitsoma. I chuckled again and went back to the huge boar over the fire. It was almost time for it to be finished cooking and after getting my blood boiling a little I needed something to take my mind off of it. What better than a nutrient rich, Mana filled pork chop?

After absolutely destroying that pig down to the bone everyone was filled with energy and looked ready to go on a hunting spree, especially Lula after she got her first bite of the mana rich pork. If I let her I'm sure she would start gnawing on the bones but I saved those for another use. Either for a bone broth or as a material.... Who knows, more likely the broth but hey ya never know.

The girls were a little worried about me hunting again after losing consciousness like that but I only looked over to Vannessa and that made everyone start chuckling before dismissing it and walking into the woods. We were going to hunt for the sacrifices now and the main target was the boars. If we encountered more of the raptors than the plan was to hopefully capture a few more of them so we could start a small breeding farm... Hey who wouldn't want an army of raptors at their disposal?

It took all of 5 minutes before we came up on signs of struggle in the woods. Signs pointed towards the East with tracks of multiple boar leading in that direction, following that however were the tracks of something that had an enormous footprint that I could place both feet in and still have room on either side aswell as atleast a few inches at the toes and the heel. It had 4 clawed front toes aswell as two larger clawed toes leading off the back. Whatever it was was built for grabbing prey and hooking into it to make sure it didn't leave.josei

Kitsoma and Vannessa weren't to fond of the idea of following said footprints but Me and Lula were determined to get something good as sacrifices. Her bond wouldn't give as much as mine would but it still has a lingering connection and can still trickle energy towards Gula and every little bit counts.

"Why don't we just go in the opposite direction and just massacre a whole horde of boars? I'm sure we are bound to find another big boar like before right?" Vannessa says as she starts glancing around nervously. Mara just chuckles before patting her on the back.

"That's because our two gluttons have their eyes set on a big meal, It's like you were with that big bloody creature earlier. Just they consume everything haha. I suggest we take things slow and proceed with caution ok honey?" She eyes me with a glint that tells me if I don't listen than she will not be happy.

I sigh and nod but soon something sets off my senses and I see as Lula and Kitsoma had the same thing happen to them. Something instinctual inside our bodies was screaming out that something dangerous enough to threaten us was nearby, Our bodies could feel the aura of a predator, even one that could threaten me. Draco and Rex were both already huddle against Kitsoma and shivering in fear.

"I think the opposite direction sounds like a good idea Vex... Whatever is in front of us is not something I want to deal with." Lula shudders and says as her and the others group up behind me. I grow my body to stand up a few feet bigger aswell as wider to give off that don't fuck with me look, even if I had to use magic to do it I was just going to suffer through the pain again.

"Slowly start to back up and head towards camp. We can just pick up something along the way. Gula will just have to understand... Nevermind just stay back as far as possible." I sighed a little as I caught a glimpse of something massive move through the brush in front of me. It didn't make any noise whatsoever and it seemed to swim around the trees it was moving so fluid. I only caught a glimpse but I saw dull green feathers that blended in with the surroundings. If they weren't moving I wouldn't have even seen them.

Soon I heard a quick burst of sounds like communication between both sides of our group and before long a creature stepped out of the brush, it looked just like a bigger version of the raptors but covered in a layer of feathers and atleast double the size. Granted my raptors are babies but still this thing was big. After it showed itself two more came out from where they were but these were covered in colorful feathers and even had bone armor covering their bodies.

"This is our hunting ground all who trespass will be served as food for the pack. I demand you return our young and leave.!" A deep guttural voice spoke up behind us. I turned my head just enough to keep my eyes on the three in front of me but still see who spoke and was shocked as a lizardman that was covered in feathers seamed to shimmer into existence out of nowhere. It standing slightly angled so not fully upright but it had feathers covering its arms and legs aswell as what looked like quills at the end of its tail. Extending from its forearm were scythe like bones that seemed jagged and sharp.

I examined it more and noticed the feathers were dull grey just like this huge raptor next to me. It looked menacingly at me and repeated itself.

"Return our young now!" It took a step forward towards us and the 3 raptors mimicked it and enclosed around us.

"What are we going to do?" Kitsoma whispered at me but I just shrugged my shoulders slightly. This was a whole new situation for me so I just did the first thing that came to mind.... I quickly raised my hands, palms out and looked as non threatening as possible.

"Hold on! We didn't steal any young. We were attacked by a giant raptor and these little ones were the ones that survived. I took them in after killing their mother. We will leave quietly just let us go."

The talking one started to glare at me and tightened its grip around the weapon in its hand and it barked out some kind of sound that agitated the 3 raptors.

"So you are the one that killed the pack mother..... You will come with us."

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