My life as a reborn monster

Chapter 25 - Secrets Revealed

Chapter 25 - Secrets Revealed

I look at all of the enemies and see that there are atleast 5 attacking us but I can also smell 4 others in hiding and then 1 really big one off in the distance. I figure that the big one is the king Panther that Master is fighting so I focus on the ones that are trying to stare me down. I can sense that the hunger is building within me again as drool starts to leak from my snout.

(System can I transform a part of my body yet?) I ask in my head as I try and figure out what would be the best option for handling so many monsters.

[Error] [User has not consumed enough DNA]

Shit ok so that plan is still out but I can still use this as a training opportunity for my skills. If I use it right I could potentially just start tanking the hits and return the damage somehow or I could use Spatial bullet to try and hit multiple targets at once.

I end up deciding to try using [Pack mentality] but nothing happened. I tried focusing on how I trusted the others to watch my back and watch over my body but the skill still did not activate. Seeing as how I didn't have time to waste I gave up on that and instead used [Static Hide] and added that to the combo of [Vitality of the boar] and [Hardened scales]. Which resulted in my scales turning a light blue as arcs of static electricity zapped between them and I could feel a rush of energy in my body almost like I was weightless and I had the sudden urge to run as fast as I could.

[Condition has been met. The skill [Synthesis] has been unlocked.]

[The skills [Static Hide], [Vitality of the boar], and [Hardened scales] have been combined to create the new skill [Electric Scales of Vitality]. use of [Synthesis] used automatically, Uses of skill [Synthesis] has decreased by 1. Uses left (1/2) for the remainder of the day]josei

Well lookie here this was something I didn't think I would get I was just trying to be awesome for a little bit. But the urge to run was almost overwhelming so I put the thoughts aside and just ran towards the Panthers and in a flash of blue I slammed into a tree..... After opening my eyes after a quick second I look behind me and see that in fact I had Ran through 2 of the Panthers causing a instant shower of blood and gore to rain down on us.

"Holy hell Vexsus what was that." I look back at the sound of Desmaros' voice and just see him under a stone roof that Stoney had erected to shield from the downpour.

"To be honest I just tried to be awesome for a second and overwhelm them quickly. By the way where are the other Panthers?" Looking around I couldn't see anymore Panthers. I did however get a whiff of an overwhelming Ammonia smell.

"Man as soon as you up and disappeared 2 of the Panthers just poofed and then I see you smacking full body into a tree. The others ran away instantly but bad news is that it was in the direction of Master."

"Dammit ok you guys wait here get healed up I will go towards Master and see if I can help out." I rush over to Lizaria and place my forehead against her arm giving her a quick top up. "I know how you are and I'm guessing your at your limit so here is a quick refill of magic, Don't worry about me I got it handled." I run off afterwards but not before I catch the redness that covers her face.

As I run towards the area the Master was supposed to be in I start to feel powerful tremors and can even see the trees shaking around me. I get closer and can see huge holes in the earth and trees uprooted and just overall destruction that increases the closer I get to the sounds of fighting.

I finally get to the epicenter and can see Master in his human form fighting a Massive black Panther with a white stripe down its spine and a red mane around its neck. I could also see what looks like the bodies of the normal panthers littering the area, The bodies were in various forms of death some being burned while others had parts of their bodies missing from what looked like some form of impact. I could only stand there and watch as these 2 powerhouses fought but I caught few exchanges between the 2 that were spoken in between the impact sounds.

"Lucan you useless bastard what are you plotting now, You were at the Masters meeting, you know we do not plan on helping in this invasion."

"Shut your mouth Paunius, we both know if we do not do something this world will be destroyed by the Shadow Eaters. Even the newborns are powerful now we need to get to the bottom of how they are acquiring this new power."

"You utter fool if only you had agreed to our demands we would have let you in on the secret. We the remaining masters have struck a deal with the Progenitors we grant their newborns power and in exchange we can retain our rule after the world ends. We only need to deal with you and your disciples and the path will be cleared."

My heart dropped at those words, granted I did not know who the remaining masters were exactly but if they are all as powerful as Master Lucan than the thought of that power combining with the frightening abilities of the Shadow Eaters sent my mind into a tailspin. All I could think about was the horror that would spread across this whole world that I just barely started to explore. I dropped onto the ground as my body started to give up in fear.

[Condition has been met the skill [Terror Resistance] has been granted]

After I get that notification I feel slightly less afraid of what is in store for this world and I can focus on the battle in front of me a little easier. The thoughts of terror still were swimming in my head but it was easier to look past them for a moment. Without thought I turn back around and run towards the others racing as fast as I can with the only thought being that if I ran away fast enough the horrifying thoughts would be left behind. Left behind where 2 Masters of unimaginable power were having a chat while displaying earth shattering ability.

As I near the cave I can smell fresh blood covering the area. Scanning the area I can see that there are now small rodent like creatures scurrying around and scavenging from the dead bodies as some are picked up by a flying Vulture looking bird and eaten in midair. I ignore all the bodies as I could not even think of eating right now and instead walk into the cave to check on the others. I can see Desmaros still on guard duty, and behind him was a limping Stoney that was focused on channeling magic into the walls of the cave to strengthen and shape the cave into a normal looking large room. Lizaria is on a bed of furs that were brought and piled enough to provide some comfort to the sleeper.

"Desmaros, how are things going was there another attack?"

"Nah so far so good, no more enemies so I told Lizaria to rest and I guess Stoney got bored so he said he was gonna turn the cave into a house." He laughs while looking at the struggling Stoney that I could see was starting to waver in his focus as his magic was running on empty.

I laugh and walk up to him. "Hey Stoney how's it going buddy. I know you're wanting to help but don't force yourself man ok? just take it easy plus what would happen if Lizaria woke up and you were over exerting yourself?" With those words he instantly stopped and shot a glance over to the sleeping body of Lizaria.

With a sheepish grin and a slight blush he nodded. "Yea I guess your right I shouldn't over do it and risk wasting the time she took to help me."

'Ahhhh I see what's going on here, haha this is so cute.' I couldn't help but think as I see Stoney keep glancing over at her, I look over at Desmaros to see how he feels about this and I smile wide as I see him frowning. 'Looks like he is taking his big brother duty a bit to seriously.'

As I was enjoying this scene I get a ache in my head stemming from my left ear.

'Little one can you hear me test, test, test.'

Looking around I was shocked at the voice of my sin but after noticing that I couldn't see it I realized it was just in my head.

'Yes Ancestor I can hear you, how are you'

'I am just fine no need to worry I was just testing out the Sigil to see if it was applied correctly, I also wanted to remind you that the incoming test is to arrive shortly and that you need to prepare.'

'Damn, Ancestor Please can you postpone the test my Master is currently fighting another Master from this world and we just started regrouping from an outside forces attack.'

I could hear a chuckle from the other side of the spiritual connection that sounded faintly feminine. 'No you will fight or you will die and I will find another vessel for my power, goodbye and goodluck little one.'

I can feel a faint buzzing go off as the connection ends. Great I knew it wouldn't work but I had to ask no harm in it. I look back at the others. "Ok I just received a message from my Sin. It said that it is going to send me a test and if its anything like the last test it'll be in the form of a wave of monsters. I will be gone for some time because this is a life or death kind of test and I do not want to involve you guys its to risky considering I have no idea what is coming."

Stoney and Desmaros nod their head. "We don't want to risk it either, I'm sorry but right now I don't really trust you fully just yet and Lizaria is still asleep so I have to watch over her." Desmaros says before turning back to resume his guard duty. It hurt to hear him say that but it was reasonable considering what he's seen me do

"I feel the same and I also need to watch over Lizaria." Stoney says with yet another sheepish smile while looking at her sleeping. I could half-heartedly smile at this but in my head I could only think of how it was starting to lose its cute factor and start having more of a stalker vibe.

Disregarding that I shake my head and walk out of the cave and using Detection I found a group of 10 monsters heading in my direction from my left and then all of a sudden they stop in the middle of an open field almost like they were waiting on me.

'Well if they are going to be nice and wait might aswell not keep them waiting to much longer.'


[Terror Resistance] 1% - User is able to handle extreme levels of terror.

[Synthesis] - lvl 0 1/10 - User can combine similar material for the creation of A higher tiered material.

[Electric Scales of Vitality] lvl 0 1/10 - The user gains a temporary form utilizing Electricity harden the scales and energize the bodies overall function. Grants Buffs to multiple stats.. 'Warning' Over use will result in extreme Fatigue.

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