My life as a reborn monster

Chapter 26 - 2nd Test

Chapter 26 - 2nd Test

In the middle of a clearing stood 10 monsters all of them had the shape of large red furred apes, except for 2. One of them was a big silver furred ape that stood above the rest with a crude club and patchwork leather covering its torso, the other was a slightly shorter black ape with a broken greatsword that when held by the apes looked like a shortsword.

'Monster POV'

The big silver ape looks around and with a sigh it looks down and shakes its head. "Hmmph the oracle said one of the gods chosen was to be here shortly. We are the ones whose duty is to test if it is truly worthy of the power. MEN GET INTO POSITION AND START TO LAY DOWN THE TRAPS."

The others get to work quickly and within minutes the clearing was made into a space covered in various traps. Some were pitfalls that were made quickly with earth magic and some were just simple vine traps that were meant to hinder and contain.

"Good lads good, Son get ready I have a feeling we have been found out already. I can feel the eyes of the chosen looking at us." The silver ape states and looks directly towards a tree big enough to look over the area with a clear view of its surroundings.

"Father, please this is to be my first fight let me take charge of the men and fight in your stead." The black ape speaks up looking with a worried look at his father. "I know you have been to see the healer quite alot recently, I forced the healer to tell me what's wrong with you. We both know this could very well be your last outing."

The father looks down at his son and with a smile laughs out loud and boasts. "HAHA, boy let me remind you I am the king around here. Even the world masters bow to my strength, I cannot nor will not cower and flee from a fight. If I die here than to die by the chosen of a god is a death worthy of entrance into the halls of the afterlife."

The father and son laugh together for a brief moment before the others join in and share a bonding moment before the battle begins.

"Vexsus POV" on the way to the clearing and after

'Ah this tree would be best to climb up and see the surroundings, it would be best to strategize when I get a clear view of who it is that I'm supposed to be fighting against.'

After climbing the tree and trying to stay hidden I could see that it was a bunch of red apes with a huge silver one and a slightly smaller one in the lead. I also saw that they had actually made the clearing into a minefield of various traps.

'Looks like this isn't going to be easy... Shit did that big one just spot me? it looked directly over at me. Ahwell time to start this show.'

I jump down and Heard for a short bit a loud roar of laughter. 'Since this is a jolly event might aswell take advantage and perhaps talk to em before we start the fighting.' I walk out of the cover of the forest and upon seeing me the laughter dies down and an air of seriousness covers the field.

"Hey guys what happened to the jolly atmosphere? Why so serious all of a sudden?" I ask with a smirk on my face. "I got a message from my Sin that you guys are here to fight me am I right?" A look of confusion crosses their faces.

"What do you mean SIN? We had received word from the esteemed oracle of our village that a gods chosen would be here and that we were needed in order to test it." The black ape stepped forward and announced with a chest puffed with pride.

The silver one grabs the black ones shoulder and pulls back before speaking. "Son listen, this dragon youngling is oozing with power and in terms of strength even you would be thrashed. I can sense that it has even grown stronger than what the oracle predicted we have to be careful and watch eachothers back and use teamwork for this fight."

Seeing as how talking would be pointless I shoot out a [Spatial bullet] towards the apes. I ofcourse miss due to how slow it is but I could tell that it has a suction effect. Saving that knowledge for the future I activate my [Electric scales of vitality] and using the flash of speed I charge into the enemy group.

The spatial bullet was dodged easily but I used that as a quick second cover for my flash run that ended in my foot being lodged in the chest of one of the apes. Me and the ape both stared into eachothers eyes with non belief as we both look down to see my broken foot impaling the right side of his chest. I looked up and could see the life slowly fading as his eyes lost its light and with a thud the lifeless body fell down onto the ground . I couldn't move not because of the pain rocketing up from my foot but because I had just watched the life fade from the body of an intelligent being.

Shaking my head to clear it I jumped back from the body just as a huge club swung from my side, Narrowly missing my face. I couldn't run anymore because of my foot, Luckily the pain was easily bearable with the maxing out of my skill [Pain Tolerance]. But even then I was still unable to move except for short hops using the way I walked with 3 legs as a reference. That was able to save me for a few moments until I lost sight of the black one only to feel a crack and see splinters shower over me as I turn to see the same ape appear out of the shade of a tree and using insane strength it broke said tree and slammed it against my body.

I was thrown through the air all the way to the other side of the clearing with just that one hit. The pain was nearing the limit of my skill as my body racked up the injuries. I tried to think of what I could do in this moment but nothing seemed to be the best for this situation, so I just relied on a move I would only use when its just myself.

I went back to the beginning and spewed out [Smoke breath] until the clearing was nothing but my smoke and using [Detection] I was able to see where the enemies were. So using that information I used [Quick step] to rapidly approach through the fog and when I was in range I used [Shadow strike] to inflict damage on the enemies and before long I could see the silhouettes and hear the sounds of coughing as my smokes secondary effect was starting to act.

I then heard a cough and a loud yell. "MEN THIS SMOKE IS POISONOUS COVER YOUR FACES AND FOR THE LOVE OF GOD SOMEBODY CAST WIND MAGIC." Next I felt a breeze of wind building up and it drew in the smoke. I saw a clear view of one of the apes with a large wind orb swirling in circles in its palm start to fill up with my smoke before it sent it hurtling at me.

It picked up insane speed to the point I couldn't dodge it and was smacked right in the center of my body and a explosion of wind magic and my own smoke rammed into my body. I was barely able to open my eyes from that attack before I saw a silver foot land infront of my eyes and a voice speak above my head.

"Looks like the chosen one isn't as powerful as we thought boys, looks like we are going to be having some dragon for dinner tonight AHAHAHA Load it up fellas lets go." I heard as 2 black furry hands wrapped around my legs and started to drag me across the field.


Those words filled my heart with relief as a loud bang filled the air and a powerful gust of wind followed by a tremor broke me free of the grip and sent me tumbling towards the direction of the voice.

"Who is it that dares lay claim to King Gibbons prize." The black ape stepped forward and spoke loudly. "We were duty bound to fight against this so called chosen one and have prevailed. Our prize is this dragons flesh for our food."josei

Out of the forest steps Master Lucan who quickly bows. "King Gibbon, this dragon is my disciple. I have chosen him to be apart of a special squad that will fight against the upcoming Shadow Eater invasion. Please King will you overlook what has happened today and grant him a reprieve on my behalf?"

The King looks at me and back at Lucan for a while before a huge sigh escapes its mouth. "Dammit Lucan, you know that we have to listen to the oracle or else bad things start to happen. Even if its you that makes this request I just can't do it. I may be the King but even I have a higher power to answer to."

"I know Gibbon but listen, I have information that claims that the other masters are plotting alongside the Shadow Eaters to destroy the world in order to keep ruling after the Invasion is over. Who knows how deep or how expansive this plan has gone. If I'm not mistaken your oracle is a close relative to one of the Master's right?"

"Yes Master Junbei the Master of the Earth is the close cousin to our oracle. They supposedly grew up together, and trained alongside other potential masters and powerful warriors. But this still does not give me enough to go on to even suspect that our oracle is plotting against us all, nor does this have anything to do with the Chosen ones test."

The whole time they were talking I was slowly absorbing the ambient magic from the air to slowly repair my body. I could feel a burning coming from my foot which was slowly getting filled with magic. I Could barely focus on the conversation at hand until the last few sentences.

"Master Lucan, my father has given you his reply. We will be taking this young dragons life and use its flesh for our strength and nourishment as is the way of our clan so your only option is to obey or die."

'Oh shit well this isn't going to go over very well.' Next thing I knew I feel a powerful fireball emerge from the palm of one of the red apes and shoot it towards Lucan. He saw it coming and in a split second and a flawless flow almost resembling a dance he swung with the fireball and instead of getting hit he twirled and sent the fireball returning back towards the ape killing it with its own magic.

"LUCAN YOU DARE TO KILL MY MEN? Ugh Dammit I will give you one final chance, please reconsider. I will not ask again, Step aside and I will forget this ever happened and you will remain friends to the Earthbound Kingdom."

"I'm sorry old friend but the future of our world may very well depend on that young dragon. I will sacrifice everything to ensure his survival and the survival of our world, even if that sacrifice is the peace between us." With a sad look in his eyes Lucan unleashes a torrent of water from his surroundings towards the apes but with a flick of his wrist he erects an ice wall and as quickly as he could he snatched me up and started running from the area. He looked down at me and with a sad smile he spoke.. "I really hope your worth this kid."

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