My life as a reborn monster

Chapter 29 - The Undead Rises.

Chapter 29 - The Undead Rises.

We all were gathered around the body of the undead, we were waiting for the thing to get up and attack us but after half an hour nothing happened. I eventually got up and inched closer suffering from the overwhelming stench that got stronger with every step, until I was looking down at it.

"Master if this is a warning shouldn't we turn back and find another way to the training ground?" I ask studying the corpse.

"No, unfortunately the training grounds are well known by the other masters and their disciples. I am taking us to my secret grounds that I have kept hidden even from the others in case of a situation like this. I had hoped that it would be a useless endeavor on my part, I tried hard to trust the others but in the end I was proven right."josei

I looked away from the corpse and saw that master was walking towards me with a look of sadness from being betrayed by the other masters. He walked up to me and in a flash sent down a pillar of fire onto the corpse burning it away, It was a good thing to as I turned I seen a grotesque and deformed clawed hand reaching for me. Now all that was left was me standing in shock at how close I was to being hurt or worse, and the horrid smell that was the burning body. The smell got so much worse that I couldn't handle it anymore and ran off to go fertilize the forest floor.

"Everybody listen up, as Vexsus just demonstrated you never, ever turn your back on an undead they are literally the masters of playing dead. They can wait forever in any weather, any condition, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. They have a few weaknesses, like fire for example or if your lucky to have a priest in your party, any and all holy or healing type spells. They survive off of eating flesh but this can also be their downfall as they cannot control themselves when baited, unless there is a higher functioning leader commanding them. Any questions?"

I finished wiping my mouth and after drinking some water I ask. "I do, what do you mean by higher functioning leader? Isn't that the Necromancer that you talked about earlier? Or are you saying that there are other types of undead around here that serve that purpose?"

The others agreed and nodded at my questions, It looked like they were also wondering this but were to nervous to find out the answer. I ofcourse already knew what Lucan was going to say but these 3 were raised in a village that was essentially hazard free. There was no way they would ever be subjected to this level of danger, hell the only reason I know is because of the stuff from the old world that I was so into. But I snapped back from my thoughts as Master started speaking again.

"Yes there is a basic hierarchy for the undead around here that is thanks to the Necromancer ofcourse, otherwise the undead would just swarm over everything and devour every living creature. There are ofcourse what you just seen known as zombies. They can come in any shape and size usually its just one body but as we get closer to the Necromancers home we will see zombies consisting of multiple bodies merged together which leads me to the next tier which is the captain class of zombies these are in charge of groups counting upwards of 100 - 1000 basic zombies depending on their strength. Next are the protectors of his home which are the Flesh golems. These monstrosities are what the Necromancer makes whenever a few of his captain zombies do not gain sentience. Then above those are the liches which have gained sentience and have gained the power over undeath aswell as slowly gaining more power the longer it has been since evolving. I have fought a lich before but it ended at the cost of several of my cherished teammates and family."

He looked down and I caught the sight of a small tear escape and roll down his face at the pain the memory caused. He shook his head then raised to stare at us with renewed confidence. "There are many deadly and overpowering variations to each layer but for the most part these 4 types are what we will encounter."

I stood there absolutely floored by what he just told me. "WHAT THE HELL. You mean to tell me that just 1 captain class zombie can command up to 1000 regular zombies doesn't that mean that we are walking towards certain death? Oh and don't think I didn't catch how you said that we are going to encounter the different types does that mean that we are intentionally going towards the Necromancer and not away from the things that want to eat us? Are you Fcking Insane."

I couldn't hold it in as the reality that my master was leading us towards death. Did he give up? What was his purpose in doing this? He said he had a secret training ground but why is it near the Necromancer who apparently has a army that rivaled the armies of my old world. My mind raced as these thoughts kept going in circles but was immediately stopped short as a slap came across my cheek. It was Lizaria who was looking into my eyes, hers was filled with determination and I could sense that she was willing to do what needed to be done to grow stronger.

"Vexsus how dare you question the master like that do you not trust him? He said he is leading us to a training ground to help make us stronger. I need to become as powerful as possible to protect my family and friends back home. The same should be for you aswell, We are apart of the same team and the rest of us need you."

She spoke with such certainty and even her words had such a commanding yet at the same such a cute tone that all I could do was sit there listening as my mind engraved every word she spoke. 'If she needed me than hell who am I to refuse, The others are capable but if its this Lizaria then I can see myself fighting the armies of the undead with my legs tied.'

"Lizaria your power is leaking. Vexsus has fallen under your charm regain control." Master spoke up but it sounded so far away as the only thing in my eyes was how I would fight the world for her.

"Oh god I'm so sorry Vexsus I didn't know please forgive me." Lizaria runs off with Desmaros and Stoney right behind her but all I felt in the next second was a void appear in my soul as I saw her run away from me. Next Master appears before me and gives me a bowl filled with a strange smelling liquid.

"Drink this Vexsus, it will help clear away the after effects of being charmed."

As the void was becoming stronger and stronger I felt myself diving into a whirlpool of depression as the thoughts of her leaving me were becoming to powerful. my eyes were becoming bloodshot as tears rolled down my eyes from the heart wrenching pain of her leaving took over. After what felt like forever being swallowed in the pits of despair I had to fight for a breath as master shoved my head into the bowl and I was forced to drink in some of the liquid. Almost instantly my mind started to clear.

"Master? what happened, why am I crying?"

"You had fallen under Lizaria's Sin she had unwittingly released it when she spoke to you just now. We will have to hurry and get to the training ground to help her master her power. I need you to get ahold of yourself and resolve your determination to get stronger, because what lies ahead is situations where I will be unable to help you. I withheld this from the others but I made a deal with the Necromancer shortly after we left the cave. I agreed to help train a new type of soldier that he created and in return he has given me a place for us to live and train."

Finally being freed from the spell I shook my head to clear away the last remnants of whatever was left behind clouding my thoughts. "Fine master I will keep this from the others but You have to let me in on what the hell is going on. I am not like the others, I will not blindly follow somebody just because they are stronger than me got it? I respect your strength but you lie to me or keep something from me and you will lose every ounce of respect and trust I gave you."

I looked straight into his eyes with a steeled and resolute stare. He stared right back and I could see anger fill his eyes before he quickly breathed out a sigh and placed a hand on my shoulder. "OK, I can agree to that but you will not like what I have to say. Also." He squeezed my shoulder so hard that I heard an audible pop and a snap before a burning pain shot down my arm. "Do. not. ever. speak. to. me. like. that. ever. again. do you understand? I will let this one slide but I do not care for respect If need be I will rule over you with fear. You are a valuable piece to my plan and have the most potential so do not mistake my niceness as anything but a privilege." The pain kept me from focusing on anything other than his face as he spoke. My mind was in a desperate frenzy thinking of ways to fight back but finding no paths of escape I resigned myself to bare the pain and listen.

The next thing after he finished he looked down at my shoulder. "Oh dear it looks like I was a little too rough my apologies I will fix it right up." His arm glowed red for a second as he placed it back onto my shoulder. Another wave of pain more intense than the last shot through me as I hear another pop and a searing pain that I swear sounded like a steak being cooked was heard. I look over and indeed a seared image of a palm was there covering where his hand was just seconds ago.

He leaned down and whispered. "This is a secret aswell little dragon, your best interest is to keep quiet and do as I tell you." The palm print was visibly disappearing as Master rises up just as a man riding a giant Bone vulture landed behind us.

"Ahhh it looks like I arrived just in time to see something quite interesting."

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