My life as a reborn monster

Chapter 30 - The Discovery Of A City.

Chapter 30 - The Discovery Of A City.

"It looks like you are showing your true colors Lucan you might want to take a breather." The man jumped off the vulture and landed in front of us. He had a hood on that showed just his mouth. He had pale skin but his arms and legs were elongated with longer than normal nails at the end of the fingers. He walked towards Lucan without a care in the world with an aura of indifference towards what he just saw.

"Little wolfie do I need to remind you of how important a dragons blood is? and on top of that you bring me a dragon who is a variant who possesses the space element. You need to remember who is working for who." The unknown man then grabs Lucans throat and lifts him off the ground while looking at me with a smile.

"Dragon let me introduce myself I am known around these parts as the Necromancer I hired this so called master here to be my armies trainer aswell as my delivery boy. I am currently in need of an army that can fight the Shadow Eaters, However I uncovered the plot that the other masters are strengthening those vile bastards.

He was starting to rattle on while letting Lucan down by then the others had come back and I could see Lizaria look away from me in embarrassment. I don't know why she was acting like that I'm the one that was charmed damn near to obsession.

But looking back towards the Necromancer it appeared as he was analyzing the others as a notification popped up.

[User is currently being scanned by another entity. Would user like to block?]

I decided not to block it only because I did not have enough strength to defend myself if he decided to end me. He scanned all of us and after staring at me for a few seconds longer than the others he smiled and took off his hood revealing a face that was rather shocking. For a Necromancer I expected a skeletal or otherwise undead look, maybe some rotting flesh or no hair or damn near anything depicting the usual look of a ruler of undeath.

This guy however was damn near gorgeous his face was more of a robust roundish face, his eyes were a piercing deep green, he had a a slightly lighter shade of brown hair that was shaggy down to his ears. He also had a beard that showed a tinge of red in the sunlight.

"oh my bad I apologize for the awkward silence I was just scanning you all to see who was the best in this group. It looks like Vexsus here is the best while Desmaros is second with Stoney being last place. Lizaria my dear it appears you have the sin of Lust, I would advise you to keep that power in check while on my land as some of the higher leveled beings under my control are susceptible to the sins power."

She only nodded and then started to move behind Desmaros. I couldn't help but wonder what these higher beings were to make him warn her like that? The only things I could think of were the demons called succubus or Incubus. I didn't think that the undead had higher mental functions closer to what a mortal creature would have. But nonetheless the goal in the end was always to unlock and control our sins power.

The Necromancer talked with us for a few minutes with Lucan behind him looking at me every once and awhile with a stare that was filled with anger while the words, 'Keep your mouth shut' were being repeated in my head because he was sending it telepathically. I got fed up and decided to try and shut him out of my head so I sent a short burst of mana through the small connection I was able to sense. The next second Lucan screamed in pain as he grabbed his head and a small amount of blood trickled out of his ears.

"AHAHAH this dragon has become more intriguing. You should stop messing with him Lucan he will be stronger than you given enough training so I suggest you get on his good side. Or kill him now." with a daring look in his eyes the Necromancer stares down Lucan until our so called master yelled and started to transform into his wolf form but this time he merged the 2 and became a human-wolf hybrid. 'HOLY SHIT THIS GUY IS A WEREWOLF' Was the only thought going through my head as this huge wolf like monstrosity was taking steps closer and closer towards me in particular.

I prepared to fight this beast as the thoughts of him breaking then resetting my shoulder and also the fact that he fooled me from the beginning, making me think that he was actually wanting to help us but instead he was just kidnapping us and delivering us to this guy. with those thoughts running through my head I use my Electric scales of vitality buff and on top of that I activated rage.

​ The werewolf grinned showing off rows of insanely sharp teeth with drool and foam dripping from its mouth. I charged fearlessly towards it while spewing out a rolling fog to try and cloud his senses. If I knew anything it was that Werewolves in the books I read had highly sensitive senses of smell, sight, and hearing.

I was able to cover up my movements as the werewolf just stood there, I heard a cough and smiling I knew my fog was taking effect so I decided to take the chance and attack. So using Shadow strike I jumped up and aimed to slash its back but in the next second I was dangling in the air as a furred, and clawed hand was wrapped around my throat and through the fog came a smiling wolf face right up to mine.

In a deep growling voice It speaks. "Nice try Vexsus but I know your tricks although the charge was new but your very predictable boy." He threw me away and I slammed into a nearby tree and with a groan I stand up, only to hear the sounds of rapid approaching thuds and next I open my eyes to see myself several feet above the trees with Lucan staring up at me before crouching down and jumping up towards me and reaching me within seconds. He threw a punch with a slight red glow aimed at my stomach, but I used Smoke blast to propel myself away to dodge. I could feel the life threatening power behind that punch.

I didn't plan ahead and ended up spinning in circles in the air before crashing into trees far away from the others. I barely was able to stand up through the pain and a loud voice echoed throughout the area.


With those words echoing in my ears I used what energy I could muster and bolted through the forest not even worrying about which direction I was headed aslong as it was away from the bastard who betrayed me into believing he was trustworthy. As for the others I sent a silent apology into the air. 'Guys I'm sorry please forgive me, once I grow strong enough I will come back for you.'

Several days pass by between me hiding and eating the various rodents or whatever I could find to eat. I eventually found my way to a city with a large farm and fields of different crops outlying it. I neared the gate that was 1 of 4, 1 at each cardinal direction entering into the city with a mixture of stone and reinforced wooden walls all around it. It looks like the city was under construction as multiple carriages passed by me on the road loaded with different construction materials, either cut stone or varying pieces of lumber.

As I got closer to the gate I was stopped by a human guard who raised his weapon towards me.

"Halt, if you are intelligent than state your purpose otherwise prepare for death."josei

Being scared of my first encounter with an actual human I was only able to stutter barely audible words. "I-I-I I am a-a-a-a dragon from the v-v-v-village of Pride, I am new t-t-t-to the area and am l-l-lost, please sir I need help." The guard took a few seconds to give me a once over then with a wave the giant iron studded wooden doors behind him opened up and he let me pass. He bent down and whispered in my ear.

"Its best you immediately head for mistress Hilda's House of Runaways, she's known for helping demi-humans and intelligent monsters acclimate and also provides protection." I gave him a confused look but he only shook his head and pointed towards a small wooden sign at the start of a side alley with small words etched into it.

(Mistress Hilda's House of Runaways)

(Will help any newcomers acclimate)

(Must be Demi-human or Intelligent monster)

Then underneath in bright red capitalized letters were the words. (NO HUMANS ALLOWED)

I was relieved to see that there was a place for me to go as I really did not want to struggle to figure out what to do in this city.

I started walking down the alleyway and at the end of the small road was a ramshackle house that was 2 storied but had enough windows to indicate that is was a hotel of sorts. I walk up to the door and tapping my claws lightly against the door I knock and wait until I hear a feminine voice shout from within.

"I swear to god Alex, I will not repeat myself I will not go out with you so leave me alone." the last words were spoken as the door was swung open and a gorgeous woman with an tall but curvy body and shoulder length black-brownish hair appeared with a glare until she noticed that this Alex or whoever wasn't there and instead was a greyish-yellow tinted scale dragon with a confused look on his face, and a look of embarrassment quickly covered her face.

"Oh god I'm sorry I thought you were someone else."

"No problem, my name is Vexsus and I was told by the guard at the gate that you can help me? This is my first time being in a city."


Rage 0 ->1

Electric scales of Vitality 3 -> 4

Rolling fog 5 -> 6

Smoke blast 8 -> 9

/susKVM4Zzh NEW DISCORD Im totally open to new ideas or just to chat who knows maybe you can help me create a better book

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