My Pick Up Artist System

Chapter 286 Burrito investments

Chapter 286 Burrito investments

Chapter 286 Burrito investments

Inside his dorm room, Ben kept attempting to materialize the magical leaf once again, his brows furrowing because it wasn’t reacting. However, a few seconds later, his face relaxed. "Tch...I forgot about that."

He remembered the cause. It was due to a significant limitation of the leaf—a cooldown of seven days. He also realized that with the cooldown, this item wasn’t one he’d be able to use whenever he wanted.

Once he released the energy, he’d need to recharge the leaf for a week, which was also the current situation. In addition, that wasn’t the only restriction. For example, he could only release the energy on one woman. So as Ben considered all the limitations, he soon understood that this item was more of a strategic weapon than a regular one. Yet, its potential, was more than enough to accept that!

Ben chuckled, still in a wonderful mood. He’d let the leaf recharge for now, but he already looked forward to all the ways he could use it. Thus, his gamble...paid off! The top level mystery box didn’t disappoint, delivering a wonderful item! In addition, this wasn’t even the end!

Ben’s excitement still hadn’t faded because he knew he had other rewards to get through, and they were substantial! Perhaps no less incredible than the Energy Transferring Magical Leaf!

He still had 8100 points remaining too but decided to save them for now, although that didn’t mean he would only buy top level mystery boxes in the future. The 50000 point boxes were no doubt tremendous items, but Ben wouldn’t mind buying cheaper boxes as well. It would all depend on the circumstances. At the moment though, there was nothing urgent happening in his life, so he didn’t mind saving in case he wanted to use the points on a low level multiplier instead.

In any case, it wasn’t like Ben was short on remaining rewards, and speaking of that...

Reaching into his pocket, Ben took out a tiny chest...the booty chest from Professor Tremblay, and as he looked at it, his eyes sparkled!

It was an uncommon reaction for someone who’d seen so many chests before, and that was for a simple reason—this chest was purple!

It was an epic!

[Booty Chest(Consumable, Epic) x1 - Drops one object of guaranteed associated quality]

When he first saw it in the professor’s office, Ben almost stopped breathing, leading to Miyuki even questioning if he felt all right, worrying if he was having a sex-induced heart attack or stroke...

At the time, the purple chest stunned him to such a degree that he didn’t even hit any puns on those softballs...

Now, as he stared at the chest, it was the same, as drool leaked out of his mouth. He didn’t expect to get an epic chest from the Professor, but in hindsight, it wasn’t too surprising. After all, she possessed many desirable aspects. Her beauty was at the top level, she was an authoritative figure, a milf, intelligent, and in a professional position that made it extremely unlikely for Ben to seduce her. Beyond that, he also didn’t know much about her, making it possible there were even more lustrous elements in her background.

With all these factors combined though, it was a miraculous pick up, and it even happened in a threesome! Although Miyuki helped him, that was also somewhat his merit, because their relationship was something Ben nurtured to get to this point, for her to be willing to do such a thing. So all in all, Ben believed he deserved this chest!

Yet, it wasn’t the chest that was so valuable but what was inside it. So as he gazed at it, Ben narrowed his eyes. "Will it drop what I think it will?"

This wasn’t his first time with an epic chest, and based on how the rare chests all dropped physical-boosting potions, and the last epic dropped a Refined Elite Human Bloodline Essence, he possessed a good idea of what was coming. As such, he didn’t require much fanfare. So after sitting down on his bed, he smirked, and opened it!

A few seconds later...Ben nodded, as his fingers traced the smooth surface of a narrow glass tube full of luminous red liquid. "As I expected..." It was the same item as the previous occasion.

[Refined Elite Human Bloodline Essence - Increases the genetic potential of the human who drinks it]

Ben was developing an understanding of these chests. They were roads to self-development. The rare chests improved his physical capabilities, and the epic ones improved his genetic potential. In fact, having already taken one of these, he understood its exact function: it would increase the cap on one of his stats from the mortal level of 10 to the elite human potential of 11. At least, that was the effect for now, until he took a certain amount of them.

In reality, these essences were investments. They wouldn’t give immediate benefits, but build his foundation for the future, until they one day brought him to the peak of humanity. Although Ben was a bit dense at times, he understood the principle of investing for future returns. That’s why he often deposited half-finished burritos in his fridge...

That was his pragmatism at work...

Regardless, he put tremendous value on these essences, even if the side-effects weren’t something trivial...

Remembering the excruciating pain from last time and how close he came to becoming a member of the Trump family...Ben gulped as he imagined taking this potion again. Yet, he didn’t hesitate, because if he survived one, he could survive a second. With that in mind, Ben stretched his body and prepared to consume this thing. On this occasion, however, he’d force himself to deal with the taste, not consuming any beverages unless he wanted to become a humanized Mountain Dew...which would’ve been pointless since that role in the world was already taken by Mark Wahlberg...

So, atop his bed, Ben raised the glass tube to his mouth, opened it, and drank it!

The agony, soon arrived...


Five minutes later...

Groaning, Ben leaned up from his bed. "Wasn’ bad as last time." The experience was once again terrible, but knowing what to expect softened the blow. Either way though, it was over.

Rubbing his stiff neck, with the hard part passed, Ben’s mood began to improve, because it was time to review the benefits.

[Detecting absorbed bloodline: Elite Human]

[Genetic modifications commencing]

[Bloodline absorption in process] josei

[Bloodline absorption completed]

Seeing it worked and there wasn’t any alleged interference from Russia this time...Ben then navigated his system screen to the Bloodline selection to search for changes.

[Base Bloodline: Human]

[Bloodline Enhancements: Elite Human +1: Personal Talent Max Potential +1)]

[Pending Bloodline Enhancements: Elite Human(+1)]

[Elite Human enhancement effect: Max potential cap(Random stat) +1]

[Would you like to apply the enhancement now?]

Ben knew this would boost one of his stats to 11. Although his highest stat at the moment was only an 8, and it was difficult to say how far away he was from 10, let alone 11, knowing his potential would be higher still gave him a positive feeling. It was like when his middle school teacher called him special and gifted...even if that teacher wasn’t aware of that moment being Ben’s peak performance in his life...

"Whatever, I’ll get my stats to 11 one day and make Mrs. Sullivan proud!"

With a goal in mind, Ben selected yes to the system prompt, and prepared for his boost.

[Elite Human Bloodline enhancement commencing]

[Assigning Stat: Charisma Max Potential +1]

"Oh?" Ben’s eyes lit up when he saw this! Last time, the system assigned the boost to his previous weak point and on this occasion, to one of his strong points! Between the two, it was obvious he preferred the latter. So checking his updated bloodline data, it now looked like this:

[Base Bloodline: Human]

[Bloodline Enhancements: Elite Human +2: Personal Talent Max Potential +1, Charisma Max Potential +1)]

Ben’s heart sped up a bit as he read this. He recalled that the system told him if he reached Elite Human +4, after receiving 4 enhancements, his bloodline would undergo a partial evolution. While he wasn’t sure of the details of what that meant, it sure sounded cool!

Plus, he was halfway there! All Ben needed now was a push! To be specific, to push down two more women!

The only trouble was he never knew in advance when he would receive an epic chest. Even with the two he acquired from Camila and Professor Tremblay, the system hadn’t notified him of anything special, but, it didn’t matter. All Ben needed to do was keep slaying poon...

If he followed that righteous path...he believed he’d get more epic booty chests in due time, and perhaps, even better ones!

Excited about his possible future, Ben almost pumped himself up so much that he got the urge to go streaking around the quad...

Yet, he soon remembered that the booty chest wasn’t the end, because his dear Professor Tremblay had a sexy French accent, which unless she possessed some rare mental disorder or epic troll game...meant only one thing—she was a foreign national! Hence, she should’ve given him a flag!

With expectant eyes, Ben checked his Flags screen, and soon saw, that was indeed the case! There, a new red flag with a maple leaf in its center glowed, and it meant one thing—Ben was going to spin for another treasure!

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