My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!

Chapter 399 - Metal Battleship! Long Anguos Shocked!

Chapter 399 - Metal Battleship! Long Anguos Shocked!

Chapter 399: Metal Battleship! Long Anguo’s Shocked!

On the wasteland, there were at least eight to ten thousand official shelters affiliated with Huaxia.

Any shelter leader who had a clean background and was willing to shelter civilians could apply to be affiliated with Huaxia, as long as they sent an application to the designated personnel and provided some data. There was no specific threshold regarding the application.

The only condition was that there should be more than fifty people in the applicant’s shelter.

Not only was this condition a method used at the initial stages to calm the hearts of the people on the wasteland and instill discipline, but it also ensured that commands could be transmitted effectively through the official communication network during times of emergency.

According to Lu Yongyi, this so-called Dragon Flag Shelter was the strongest shelter among all the official shelters.

It had to be created at the right time, in the right place, and by the right people!

After thinking about it for a while, Su Mo replied to Lu Yongyi with an “OK” emoji. He did not add Long Anguo as a friend and start chatting with him immediately.

He went over to the captain’s quarters and organized his thoughts first instead.

The human higher-ups had conducted three experiments before deciding to use this Superpower Suppressant.

The foreign races’ strength would rebound within three or four days. Under normal circumstances, there was no way they had not observed that from their experiments.

However, the humans managed to allow this serious negative impact to go unnoticed. Perhaps the suppressant had an unusual reaction when it came into contact with the seawater, or perhaps there were errors in the experimental data.

Looking at the short list of keywords written on the piece of paper in front of him, Su Mo organized his thoughts again.

This time, Su Mo no longer hesitated, and opened his game panel and chose to add Long Anguo as his friend.

One second!

No, immediately! josei

Almost as soon as Su Mo sent the friend request, the other party approved the request. It was frighteningly fast, as if the other party had been waiting while watching the friends list.

At the same time, before Su Mo could say anything, the man named Long Anguo sent a greeting first.

[Long Anguo: Hello, Leader Su!]

Long Anguo used the title Leader Su.

This form of greeting made Su Mo feel slightly surprised. At the same time, the corners of his mouth could not help but curve up into a smile.

After thinking about it, Su Mo did not reply via text. Having no intention to conceal the interior of Hope One’s captain’s quarters, he directly chose to initiate a video call.

It was too difficult to communicate the current situation using text alone!

Only a face-to-face conversation where he displayed his trump card could make the official strongest shelter recognize the severity of the current situation. If he was successful, he could then use the power of the official communication network to mobilize all the humans.

On the other end, Long Anguo accepted the video call request immediately.

Buzz… Buzz…

It buzzed thrice until the call connected. According to Su Mo’s experience with video calls, he estimated that the distance between him and Long Anguo’s fleet to be between 5,000 kilometers and 10,000 kilometers away.

Considering that Hope One was currently in the Fifth Ocean Region, which was located in the middle of the entire war zone…

Then Dragon Flag Shelter’s fleet’s location was obvious!

However, before Su Mo could think about the deep meaning behind these locations, the buzzing sound gradually faded, and was replaced by Long Anguo’s face—imposing despite his calmness—at the center of the screen.

It was the face of a middle-aged man of about forty-five years of age. He was square-jawed, and there were two deep wrinkles on his forehead.

At this moment, Long Anguo was wearing a big smile, so the wrinkles took on the shape of a mustache. It softened the seriousness that a square-jawed face naturally had, and added a touch of kindness!

“Hello, Leader Long!”

As expected, after he was connected to the video call, Long Anguo could barely restrain his shock; it was clearly visible in his gaze. Su Mo smiled and took the lead in greeting him.

Every time Su Mo tried to find time to renovate the captain’s quarters in Hope One, something would suddenly happen, causing him to postpone his plans.

Thanks to that, the captain’s quarters still retained its original metallic style, looking rugged and uninhibited.

On Earth, the people would teasingly call this style apocalyptic. On the wasteland, though, it became a testament to a person’s strength.

At a time when everyone was still sailing on wooden ships, most other people would not know what a metal battleship represented. For Long Anguo, who was sailing on Dragon Flag One…

He completely understood!

At the same time, he also understood that this was not meant to be an unintentional display of Su Mo’s strength, but an intentional demonstration!

This ship was made of metal. Long Anguo thought about the Dongfeng-17 missile from before. If there were some supporting weaponry on this ship, this metal battleship could come and go freely everywhere on this wasteland. No man or creature could stop it!

Long Anguo had spaced out momentarily. However, after seeing Su Mo’s smile and after the person beside him reminded him, Long Anguo immediately reacted. He said hurriedly, “Hello, hello, Leader Su!”

Unlike Lu Yongyi, what Long Anguo did first was to basically put the two of them at the same level.

In other words, through Long Anguo’s attitude, Su Mo could also slightly estimate the current attitude of all the human higher-ups toward himself.

Very friendly!

Su Mo nodded. He no longer bothered to be polite, choosing to dive straight into the crux of the matter, “Chief Long, let’s do away with the pleasantries. I’d like to talk about some key points with you.”

“This is about the Superpower Suppressant that was released last night. I want to know if your team encountered any anomalous results during the first three rounds of biological testing.”

Hearing those words, Long Anguo was stunned. The smile he carried on his face quickly faded away, which was replaced with a serious expression.

“Before using the Superpower Suppressant, we conducted three complete rounds of experiments. It wasn’t just the people at Dragon Flag who conducted it. Six large shelters across the whole wasteland participated in this operation. During our sample experiments, a total of almost 30,000 foreign races were experimented on. The experimental subjects also included two thousand volunteers and three thousand mutant creatures.”

“There were quite a lot of anomalous results, but all of them were observed among the foreign races. We did not observe any anomalous results among the humans, so you can rest assured!”

Long Anguo was very cautious when it came to the affairs of humankind. As he spoke, he instructed the people below to bring him a complete copy of the data.

He had obviously misunderstood Su Mo though. He propped up the copy of the results on the human experimental subjects in front of the screen for Su Mo to read.

The results of the experiments on the foreign races were put aside casually.

After scanning through the data written in the report for a while, Su Mo shook his head. “Leader Long, I’m not talking about the results of the experiments on humans. What I wanted to see were the anomalous results of the experiments conducted on the foreign races. According to my source of information, I’m afraid that our experiments this time have resulted in the situation for us humans taking a turn for the worse. There will be big trouble.”

“If we don’t handle this well, I’m afraid that not even 1% of the human race will survive. I’m not being paranoid. This disaster will descend upon us in two days!”

On the other side, Long Anguo’s expression displayed his shock. However, befitting of his role as the leader of the Dragon Flag Shelter, he reacted to that statement very quickly.

He did not dwell upon the meaning of Su Mo’s words just now, but instead instructed the people around him to spread out the experiment data regarding the foreign races out on the table.

The angle of the camera was then adjusted. Relying on the extremely high-definition video feed, Su Mo quickly scanned through the data, starting from the first line of data on the report.

“Doomsday Calendar Month 2, Day 3. The first large-scale biological experiment on the foreign races. Test location: Polar Bear Shelter. Number of subjects: 320 foreign races (12 clans).”

“Concentration: 0.03”

“Test Results: 268 foreign races were affected to a certain extent within 15 minutes of inhaling the suppressants. In 30 seconds, they lost all their abilities. The remaining 52 subjects turned into dried corpses within 1 minute, and no subjects escaped.”

“Treatment: The subjects were locked up for inspection.”

“Doomsday Calendar Month 2, Day 3. The second large-scale…”.

From the start of the first large-scale experiment, the data of more than thirty experiments were inspected. No problems were discovered during those experiments.

This lasted until Day 18 of Doomsday Calendar Month 2, when the 122th experiment was conducted. The first anomaly was born.

The subjects were a group of mutant Fire Spiders. Their strength was low. If they were ranked on the foreign races’ game panel, their strength rating might not exceed even 0.1.

However, it was such a weak creature that cast a shadow on the experiments.

After receiving the experimental suppressant, their strength weakened like the other living beings, but a fire spider suddenly started to attack the fire spiders next to it like crazy after it became weakened.

Each time it ate one of its kind, its strength was restored accordingly.

After eating twenty-six in a row, its strength returned to its previous level, and its strength continued to increase as it devoured other living organisms.

Strangely, when it ate sixty fire spiders, its strength decreased rapidly again, and it even became weaker than before.

As it had harmed those belonging to the same clan, it died a tragic death. It was instantly surrounded and attacked by the other fire spiders.

The other spiders that devoured this fire spider did not start getting stronger like the researchers expected; they remained the same as other ordinary foreign races, with no changes in their abilities.

After the results of this experiment were shared to other large shelters, they conducted similar tests, but failed to get a similar result.

After reading through all the results of the experiment, Su Mo did not see evidence of the recovery of any of the foreign races within a few days after their abilities had disappeared.

Even on the third day of the third Doomsday calendar month, exactly one month after the first experiment, the strength of the foreign races from the first experiment had not recovered.

They were still as weak as ever, and they still stayed in the quarantine zone set up by the humans.

After the first couple of days of taking the suppressant, they would cause a ruckus at night, but after that they would behave obediently for the rest of the time. They seemed to have realized that it was necessary for them to adapt to the situation.

This was the only variable in the three experiments.

After sweeping through the rest of the data to make sure he had not missed anything, Su Mo’s heart sank. He said directly, “Leader Long, are any creatures that you experimented on still alive?”

Long Anguo nodded. “Of course. There are quite a few of them in our base now. The foreign races are easy targets recently, so we conducted a few more rounds of testing.”

Before Su Mo could speak, Long Anguo immediately said, as if he had thought of something, “Are you saying that…”

“I request that a squad be dispatched immediately to capture and kill all those foreign races from three days ago to test if their abilities have returned!”

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