My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!

Chapter 400 - Heaven’s God Descends, Howl, Foreign Races!

Chapter 400 - Heaven’s God Descends, Howl, Foreign Races!

Chapter 400: Heaven’s God Descends, Howl, Foreign Races!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

It has been said that, when a creature possessed a human-like mentality, their will to survive would also be similar to that of humans.

From the vast records of Huaxian history, there was?Goujian1, the King of the Yue, who slept on firewood and ate a gallbladder every day so he could get his revenge. There was also?Hanxin2, King of Chu, who was unphased when he was forced to endure the humiliation of crawling in between his opponent’s legs, as well as?Boyi and Shuqi,3?who refused to eat grains from enemy’s land and?Zhu Di,4?who pretended to “go mad” while waiting for his opportunity.

On this wasteland, the foreign races that were captured to be a part of the experiments all magically acted in the same manner, even though they were stronger than the humans under those circumstances.

“It’s over, it’s really over this time!”

When he saw that video call had been initiated once more, and that a young man, instead of Long Anguo, was on the other side of the line, Su Mo’s heart sank.

The worst had already happened!

These foreign races were indeed no saints since the whole thirty thousand of them—other than the minority that had low strength ratings and lacked intelligence to begin with—had all chosen to endure the humiliation in one accord without prior communication or, in other words, the unanimous decision they had all made was to… josei


They were acting, and they were so good at it that the people conducting the experiments in the lab had not noticed anything amiss. It was to the point that when the researchers leapt forward to kill them, the foreign races that clearly had the power to defend themselves chose to give up their lives and were beaten to death.

This behavior successfully confused the researchers, leading them to believe that they really no longer had any abilities!

However, because of Long Anguo’s command to “kill them all instead of just one”, the researchers no longer did small-scale experiments but sent in warriors to slaughter all the foreign races that they had captured over the past three days as the experimental subjects.

It was at that moment that these foreign races realized that humans had really gotten wind of some information, so they no longer chose to continue pretending, but launched their attacks right away.

Fortunately, thanks to Su Mo’s reminder beforehand, the warriors who went in were battle-ready, fully-equipped and armed with weapons.

Even so, these enhanced foreign races still caught everyone off guard, and there were even minor casualties.

Long Anguo reported the experiment data immediately to the other large shelters right after the slaughter ended.

After another half an hour, things turned out in exactly the same way as the experiment at Dragon Flag Shelter, where the other shelters also experienced a rude awakening of the same kind.

Alas, these results were the epitome of saying, “It is not I who is weak, but rather the enemy is too slick!”

No one would have ever thought that, even when separated in different places, these foreign races that had come out of nowhere could make the same choice under vastly different circumstances.

Their acting skills were indeed superb!

“It’s now the fifth day of the tsunami disaster, and it is estimated that, at about seven to eight in the morning tomorrow, their powers would begin to be restored and reach their peak in the afternoon on the sixth day.”

“From that afternoon onwards until the morning of day 7, it will be the toughest period for humans as we will have to face the frenzied revenge of those freaks…”

“The expected casualty rate according to my estimation is…”

“Around 45%!”

After revealing such a terrifying estimate, the young man looked like he was scared out of his wits as he disappeared from the screen as someone came to bring him away.

Long Anguo’s face reappeared on screen after some shaking.

However, this time, the smile on his face was nowhere to be seen, and it had been replaced by a frown that was so tight that his brows could be braided!

“Leader Su, thank you so much for providing us, no, humankind, with this vital information.”

“Were it not for this message, I’m afraid we would have had to endure the most painful counterattack from these foreign races when we were all at our haughtiest!”

Su Mo nodded slightly. “No problem, Leader Long. As a human, anyone who had gotten their hands on such crucial information would share it selflessly. Besides, we’re not at the point of absolute hopelessness yet since we still have 22 hours more to prepare and respond.”

“During this time, I suggest that we use the influence and communication channels of the official shelters to directly prepare all the humans to attack, and strive to clear out the foreign races with a 50 km perimeter around every single fleet before noon tomorrow.”

“As for the war of three races, regardless of whether we humans wanted to win this, or wanted to fight our way out, we would have to offend these foreign races anyway. If that’s the case, we might as well take the initiative to strike first and secure victory in the first few rounds of combat, and upgrade our abilities from the treasure chests that will emerge from these battles.”

“When the time comes, even if they start their counterattack, we would still have a buffer to plan our strategy and the means to defend ourselves!”

As for the information about foreign races turning into zombies in the end, Su Mo decided to keep silent about it after thinking things through thoroughly.

If they did not win this war then, needless to say, there would be zombies in the coming three months. At that point, there would only be tens of millions of humans remaining, and there would be no way to deal with the problem.

Only after they have emerged victorious in this war would the humans have the right to discuss what would happen three months later. Only then could they think of solutions and decide if they wanted to travel to the New World to battle these zombified foreign races to their deaths, or wander on the ocean as free-spirited nomads.

“Leader Su, we understand the pros and cons of this matter, don’t you worry. We’re in contact with our people now and, in the next hour, we’ll be able to convey the message to every official ship captain.”

“Also, this time, it will be a combined effort from all six large shelters so, in three hours tops, all the wasteland ocean areas will spring into action.”

“When the time comes, we’ll rely on the time you’ve bought us. We’ll go all out!”

As he said his last sentence, Long Anguo stood up, placed his hand beside his temple, and performed a proper military salute.

Su Mo stood up as well, and responded with an equally proper military salute.

“Let’s go all out!”

There was no meaning in speaking further, the four words of “Let’s go all out” had already clearly articulated the situation that the humans were facing at that moment.

After hanging up, Su Mo was not in a rush to move about. He sat on his chair once again and observed where the conversation was heading on the World Channel, and then he gave Lu Yongyi a few things to take note of.

According to the speed at which he was traveling, Hope One would meet up with the Tundra Fleet at the dawn of the ninth day.

Before this, from tomorrow noon onward, looking at the size of their fleet, the Tundra Fleet would have to go through a period of difficulty unlike anything they had ever gone through before.

Even with the confidence Su Mo had in the Tundra Fleet, from the weapons that had been sent to them as reinforcements, Su Mo still took into consideration the fact that some accidents may occur, so he issued a certain set of instructions, of which the main two points were to…

Kill and delay!

To kill, from now until tomorrow morning, without any hesitation. The surrounding shallow region had to be rolling with heads and corpses tomorrow!

To delay, from tomorrow morning all the way until dawn of the following day. No matter how many attacks they had to endure from the foreign races, they would have to delay for time and endure all of it until they could meet up, by hook or by crook!

“I hereby declare that all vessels to disperse and target all the foreign races within a 50 km radius.”

“This includes all the raft ferries that have already been formed. Everyone has to join the fight and attack within the next two hours, and start sweeping the locations that we’ve planned out earlier.”

“From now till four in the morning tomorrow, I don’t want to see any foreign races within a 50 km radius of our fleet!”



On the deck, Lu Yongyi’s eyes burned with killing intent as he looked down at the hundreds of captains below him. With a pistol in his hand, he fired a shot up into the air.

At the same time, the captains that were below him roared without hesitation, “Understood!”

“Okay, move, now! Zhang Long, Li Hu, Liu Neng, the three of you are in charge of dispersing the fleet, I want to see it happen in half an hour!”

“Yes sir!”

As he watched all the captains jump onto their ships and rafts, leaving immediately, Lu Yongyi took large strides to the war room and, in the blink of an eye, a board appeared.

He no longer felt distressed about using the remaining two pieces of white paper, as he took one, placed it on the board, and got to work.

In a short while, as the pressure from the connecting chains on Tundra One was released, allowing it to sail forward, a menacing smile appeared on Lu Yongyi’s face.

It followed the same principles of the old mobile phone, but was also slightly different.

The board in Lu Yongyi’s hands revealed all the enemies hiding within a 50 km radius.

Currently, most of the foreign races were scattered around the 35 km perimeter mark of the Tundra Fleet and were divided into three big groups and seven small groups, with a total troop count of around forty thousand.

In seconds, hundreds and thousands of red dots started appearing at the edge of the board.

It was clear that these terrestrial foreign races had put aside their grudges when they realized that the situation they were in was not optimistic, and banded together to increase their chances of survival.

After a flurry of instructions were sent via the game panel, the fleet of ships was separated into three groups right after Lu Yongyi revealed the positions of all the foreign races, and they headed out immediately toward the three big groups of foreign races.

The rest of the smaller ships formed a large arc formation instead of heading toward the smaller groups of foreign races. They dispersed themselves accordingly as they sailed toward the outer perimeter of these foreign races to prevent them from slipping away after they were attacked.

As for the fifteen large raft ferries that had the most amount of manpower—a hundred thousand raft warriors—they were the main attackers and formed the frontline of this attack!

Tundra Fleet’s victory was as certain as the sun would rise even before the battle began, thanks to their prior knowledge of the coordinates of the foreign races, and their clear delegation of responsibility and directions prior to initiating the attack.

This first battle saw the humans, who were at an absolute disadvantage at sea, successfully slaughtering their enemies with the weapons in their hands like the descending wrath of the heavenly gods…

Twenty thousand enemies were slaughtered!

The remaining foreign races that survived were also chased and hunted down by battle-hungry humans for another 30 to 50 km, leaving behind yet another trail of corpses that numbered fifteen thousand.

The Tundra Fleet would have achieved their first-ever complete annihilation of their enemies if the foreign marine races had not realized that things were not right and had tried with all their might to swim toward the deep ocean in the midst of battle.

Even so, the Tundra Fleet was not the only one that achieved such glorious battle outcomes on that fateful day.

Under the influence of the six official organizations, the entire wasteland ocean seemed to have exploded into action simultaneously. The humans launched a huge coordinated attack before the tsunami cycle was even over.

As the humans fully utilized each and every second to embark on a killing rampage, the previously arrogant foreign races were utilizing every second they had to flee for their lives as well!

From noon of seventh day until 2 o’clock in the morning the following day, the marine and terrestrial foreign races had lost a full 20% of their population to the resentful humans within the span of just half a day!

At that moment, after millions of tons of blood of the foreign races had been washed into the ocean, even with the constant crashing waves of the tsunami disaster, the entire sea was dyed with flecks of red!

It was a huge win for all humans on this day as they bathed in the iron scent of blood!

According to data estimation by the official shelters, the humans gained a whopping 20% increase in power before the war of three races had even started.

In addition to damaging the foreign races, nearly 70% of the human survivors were also able to cast aside their fear of the foreign races and undergo a huge shift in their mindsets. It was also this change in mindset that propelled the terrifying increase in power for the humans!

This mindset change would be more important than any combat ability or weapon during the upcoming Rebound Period of the foreign races.

However, at the same time, on Hope One that was currently at the edge of Battlefield 5 and about to enter Battlefield 3, the expression on Su Mo’s face began to darken.

“Wolf Three, how do you feel now?”

“Reporting to Leader, I feel amazing, no, I think I can now take on five of the old me in a fight!”

Caressing the bulging muscles on his arms as he stood on the floor of the isolation room, the werewolf named Wolf Three basked in the envious looks of the other foreign races.

Right after he finished speaking, Wolf Three had excitedly released a wind blade as if trying to prove it to Su Mo, who he thought might not have believed that his abilities had skyrocketed.

Before this, in his clan consisting of two hundred werewolves, only four of them could release a wind blade.

Now, after the first rebound, as the congratulatory voices from the other foreign races filled his ears, and as he looked at the wide smile that had almost split Wolf Three’s face in half, Su Mo felt as if he had been plunged into a freezer, even though the weather outside was a warm 20 or so degrees.

He was shivering all over!

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