My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!

Chapter 401 - War! The Letter To All Human Comrades!

Chapter 401 - War! The Letter To All Human Comrades!


Chapter 401: War! The Letter To All Human Comrades!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The reality was actually worse than the hypothesis of the young researcher from the Dragon Flag Shelter!

Under the suppressant’s effect, the abilities of the foreign races upon triggering the rebound were not as straightforward as a simple 150% increase.

At this moment, Su Mo finally knew why the Superpower Suppressant would suck out all the life force of the foreign races that had to special powers and turn them into dried corpses almost immediately.

The rebound effect was too great!

It was so great that it had enabled these foreign races, that were dregs of their clans and had had zero potential, to reach the pinnacles of the clans overnight. It was almost as if they had boarded a one-way ticket to the top.

As for the foreign races that had no special powers, they could not possibly withstand the requirements of the rebound!

Even if they were provided with sufficient energy in the early stages, their bodies would have a high possibility of crumbling under the pressure of the sheer amount of energy generated from the rebound.

On the other hand, those with special powers were able to channel and expend this energy, turning it into a stepping stone to enhance their powers to a level they could not even have begun to fathom previously!

Under such a twisted development of the circumstances, the danger that awaited the humans had already reached a terrifying level!

“Moore, stay here and observe these foreign races. Record down any changes and the times those changes occurred. Observe them meticulously and don’t miss anything out!”

“Li Li, find out what level their powers were at before this. I need to know how much their powers have improved this time.”

“Connie, go onto the foreign races’ World Channel right now and spread the news that this Suppressant was actually the work of the foreign marine races. Let them take the blame!”

“It’s not important whether they believe it or not, I just want to avoid having these foreign races band together and counter-attacking the humans the first chance they get!”

After giving out the tasks and orders to the crew of Hope One, Su Mo took large strides back to the captain’s quarters and called Chen Shen.

Hope Village and Iron Rock Mountain were located within the shallower regions of the wasteland ocean and, even though it was difficult for the battles fought at the center of the ocean to affect the area around Iron Rock Mountain, the Underground was still there after all. After the call connected, Su Mo went into detail regarding how scary the upcoming catastrophe would be for the humans.

“Don’t worry, Leader. Yesterday, we’ve already sent out the hunting team to clear out the foreign races that might be lurking within our surroundings. Since we hold the high ground, we should have no problem defending ourselves, it’s just that…”

“It’s fine, All you need to do is hold down the fort at Iron Rock Mountain and protect our base. That’s good enough. Don’t worry about me over here!”

As he looked at the thick layer of worry on Chen Shen’s face, Su Mo pondered for a moment before instructing Chen Shen to gather the leadership team of Hope Village so that he could deliver a few thoughts.

In his speech, Su Mo brought up a few important points.

Firstly, since the village was located near the shallow regions of the wasteland ocean, if and when they discovered human survivors that had been washed ashore, they could provide them with a certain degree of assistance to ensure their survival. However, they should not jeopardize their own safety in order to rescue these survivors, and should remain vigilant toward these survivors to avoid being manipulated or taken advantage of.

Secondly, they should gather survivors with special talents and abilities, so that when they arrived at the New World, those people could play a large role in the development of their base. However, these people should be strictly filtered to avoid the infiltration of any enemies or spies.

Thirdly, no groups of humans should be allowed to go up the mountain!

These three main points outlined the basic rules that Hope Village had set in place during this ocean disaster.

After seeing everyone nod their heads to indicate that they had understood his words, Su Mo waved his hands and hung up without the slightest ounce of hesitation.

Rather than worrying about the villagers of Hope Village, he had to instead think about the humans that were on the wasteland ocean.

The circumstances of these humans would be thousands of times worse than those in the shallow regions!

In another six hours at most, when the first batch of foreign races realized that their powers were restored, and even enhanced to a certain level, the hunted would become the hunters, They would definitely seek revenge on the humans.

The war between humans and the foreign races would be completely ignited at nine o’clock tomorrow morning.

“It would be impossible to turn this situation around and minimize the loss of human life with ten, or even a hundred Hope Ones!”

“So… I… have to wait!”

“With so many ordinary foreign races vying with the Five Royal Clans for ‘food’, they might be able to hold themselves back in the beginning, but when more and more ‘food’ slips through their hands, they won’t be able to sit still, and that is when our chance will appear!”

“When that time comes…”

As he walked down the stairs to the warehouse, he saw three completed R-3 ballistic missiles stored within the output storage area of the medium-sized machine tool. Su Mo’s heart was calm and devoid of any expression of emotions!

Every large-scale war was destined to be full of sacrifice and desperation!

As for every living being that was involved with wars like these, each one of them would have their own…


Soldier against soldier, general against general; to each their own as they carried out their duties!

As for the ordinary survivors, their enemies in this war would be the ordinary foreign races floating about on the ocean, who had suddenly received a boost in strength.

As for the larger fleets of the official shelters, their enemies would be the elite troops of the foreign races that were growing in number.

As for Su Mo, his enemies would be something these ordinary humans could never fathom…

The pseudo gods!

On the wasteland ocean, after an entire night of crashing waves, the sun still rose over the horizon on the eighth day of the third month of the Doomsday Calendar.

It was the sixth day of the tsunami disaster on the wasteland today.

No matter how much the creatures of the land and sea detested it, the wheel of time continued moving forward.

From six o’clock onwards, when a few of the human survivors discovered that some of the foreign races had gotten their powers back, the human official shelters took the chance to publish their notice.

After that, like the day before, the entire wasteland erupted into chaos once again.

However, this time, the leading large-scale official shelters like Dragon Flag, Polar Bear and Daybreaker Sword no longer kept their people in the dark, and communicated the situation to the leaders of each shelter.

They issued a collective notice on the World Channel!

No human that was on the ocean could escape this war. It was a battle related to the survival of the human race!

They had to fight these foreign races to their last breath, not only to survive, so that everyone had the chance to rebuild their homeland on this wasteland, but also to save the human race from the brink of extinction and to provide hope and a future for their children who had yet to arrive.

The large shelters had given each survivor a choice.

To escape? Or to fight?

It would be up to you!

From this “Letter To All Human Comrades”, all the survivors were surprised to find that the countries that used to fight and bicker, like ice and fire, had all joined forces!

The names that had signed off on this notice were not those familiar names of each country, but rather something called “the HQ of the Alliance of Humanity’s Future”!

“What’s the point of escaping? F*ck, even the ocean is so huge, if we wanna escape, can we even avoid being chased by those b*stards at sea? Fight, let’s fight! Even if I, Wang Jieze, had to die today, if I had to die out here, I would jump down and fight against those foreign races till the very last drop of my blood runs dry!”

“Oh, d*mn you, foreign races! Their actions will surely invoke the wrath of God!”

“I’ve been running away for so long. I’m so done with running! Where can we call home on this vicious wasteland? Even if we can escape from the hands of these foreign races, what would we do when we arrive at the New World? Won’t they follow us there as well? Won’t they want to fight to the death with us there as well? Why not fight now, so that we can see who will be the last one standing?!”

“What about Almighty Su? Where’s our Almighty Su? Why hasn’t Almighty Su come out and finished these foreign races off?”

“Su su su, is Almighty Su your father or your grandfather? All you do is howl here day and night! It’s only been two months, and the ocean is so vast. Heck, the wasteland is even larger. He’s human too, and not some God like you guys are making him out to be! Also, if you’re the kind of trash who has no will to fight for your survival, and have given up on yourself, even the deities would treat saving you like a chore!”

“I’m not fighting. I wanna go home, I wanna go back to Earth. I don’t wanna die, I really don’t wanna die!”

“Why do humans have to fight with the foreign races? Why do we have to see who’s the last one standing? Why can’t we just coexist peacefully? In the face of disasters, why do living beings still foolishly fight against each other?!”

“You’re already deathly afraid even before the war has started? I, Ren Chong, refuse to believe that these foreign races consume human flesh! Besides that, perhaps if we die we will go straight back to Earth, or be transported to the next game. I didn’t believe in the existence of something like this game before, so who’s to say there’s no such thing as resurrection?”

“All these people saying they don’t wanna fight are all f*cking funny since it’s the foreign races who said that they wanna fight you. Do you get it? All of you who tried to outrun each other while slaughtering the foreign races yesterday, do you really think that things would just go exactly the way you want just because you want it?”

“Fight! Why won’t we fight? We already have the foundation that we accumulated from yesterday, and all these foreign races have is slightly enhanced strength. Don’t we possess our own advantages as well? We have raft ferries, and we have manpower! We’ll bury them with sheer numbers!”


Since six-thirty, half an hour after the letter to the humans had been published, it was like the World Channel had exploded!

There were those who wanted to surrender, wanted peace, wanted to fight, wanted to escape, wanted to call upon Almighty Su, wanted to go back to Earth…

All types of comments started flooding the channel like a waterfall, causing the screen to scroll rapidly as it loaded new comments.

However, no matter how much these people struggled, after another hour and a half, when it was eight in the morning, more and more information regarding the foreign races striking back against humans poured into the World Channel.

Only a small group of people realized that…

Their huge population that they took pride in previously had now become the greatest hindrance to humans at this point in time!

You decided to surrender? Good, under the filtering mechanism of the game panel, all the comments you would see on the World Channel would be related to surrendering.

You decided to escape? That works as well. All you see would be discussions on how to escape, and how to avoid fighting at any cost!

If you decided to fight, all you would see would be people who had also decided in their hearts to fight the foreign races to their last breath.

In the curated chat channels that the game panel prepared for the humans, human beings could only see what they wanted to see, and could only stand for what they really believed in.

Within an hour and a half, there was no sense of unity among the different schools of thought, and no chance to form a united front.

However, for the foreign races who were their enemies, even though they might not be as numerous, only the clan leaders possessed shelter cores, and only they would be allowed to communicate through the game’s chat channels.

This restriction used to be something that hindered the development and communication of the foreign races but, leading up to this war, it allowed them to easily form a united front.

The Golden Lion King was present among the foreign terrestrial races as a troublemaker, so even though the decision to go to war had been finalized, the terrestrial foreign races would still have to unanimously agree on who would attack first, how they would attack, and if they should wait for the Five Royal Clans to reveal the plans first…

On the other hand, there were also the vengeful foreign marine races, who came to a unified decision within 10 minutes of their powers returning, and decided to…

Attack the humans!

They had to attack the humans!

The weak and puny humans would be the best remedy to restore the strength of their clans that they had lost the day before, so they could only kill as many humans as they could to restore their strength of their clans to their previous levels before the foreign terrestrial races came to their senses.

It was the only way they could get the upper hand in the upcoming land versus sea war!

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