My Rich Hot and Infertile or Maybe Not Husband

Chapter 298

Chapter 298

Chapter 298

Chapter 298

Mason asked after she finished talking, “Our first meeting was at the hospital, right? Were you there to visit your mom?”

Celeste nodded.

“How’s your mom now?”

Celeste shook her head, her eyes dimmed, “She’s still the same as before, barely clinging to life, but I don’t know if she’ll ever wake up.”

Mason comforted her gently, “Your mom has hung on for so many years, miracle will happen sooner or later.”

Celeste cracked a small smile, “I think so too. Lately, she’s been showing some signs of improvement, and the doctors say it’s a good sign.”

Mason’s eyes softened, “When I was abroad for treatment, I met some prestigious doctors. If you need help, I can put you in touch with them.”

“Thanks, I’ll contact you if necessary.”

Celeste paused and then asked, “Mr. Fletcher, any updates on the lawsuit?”

“I’ve drafted the lawyer’s letter. Would you like to take a look?”

Celeste nodded..

Mason sent the letter to Celeste’s phone.

The content of the letter was quite formulaic, not much different from what Celeste had seen online before.

The main point was to warn those rumor–mongering accounts to delete the false information and stop the infringement.

“By the way,” Mason suddenly asked, “Didn’t you mention before that you’ve seen a psychologist?”

Celeste nodded, having mentioned it briefly when she and Mason were looking for evidence, but she didn’t go into detail. “Last year, there was a period these people somehow got hold of my email and sent me a lot of disturbing stuff. I wasn’t in a good mental state at the time, but my friend noticed and took me to see a psychologist.”

The doctor said she had moderate depression, and she was indeed in poor mental state, often waking up from nightmares. The curses she had seen haunted her dreams, tormenting her over and over again.

Sometimes, when she went out during the day and someone stared at her, she would become paranoid, thinking they were gossiping about her.

If it weren’t for Trisha noticing something was off and intervening, she might have developed full–blown depression, as the doctor had suggested. Mason frowned and asked, “Does Liam not know about this?”

Celeste paused and scoffed, “He doesn’t have time to bother with my problems.”

During that time, Shawn leveraged the Reed family’s background to take on a big business deal. The order was too large for his production line to handle, so he outsourced some of it to a subcontractor. The subcontractor’s prices were lower because they used different materials and had a different

production line quality. Shawn knew this but took a gamble, thinking the products looked similar on the surface and that the low–quality items only made up a third of the total order, so they wouldn’t be discovered.

However, the reality was much worse than he imagined. After the order was delivered, problems quickly arose.

Many users were injured while using the products, leading to lawsuits against the partnering company. When they discovered it was a product quality issue, they immediately demanded a refund and compensation from Shawn.

Of course, Shawn didn’t want to refund or compensate, as he had made quite a bit of money from the order. Not only would he have to pay, but the news of the product–caused injuries would also severely damage the Campbell family’s reputation.

So, he stubbornly denied any wrongdoing and even hired expensive lawyers to fight the case.

The company involved had a close relationship with the Reed family, and they had chosen to work with Shawn because of the close ties between the Campbell and Reed families. The Reed family had always prioritized quality, so they didn’t expect such a disastrous outcome.


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