My Son Might Be A Villain

Chapter 100

Chapter 100: (2)

DaBao’s grandmother was probably the latter.

After all, she had been quite friendly to Su Ran after she had sold her stuff back in the village.

That being said, Su Ran didn’t care about the distancing either. After all, the original owner never left them with a good impression, and she and her son were also about to move away.

But when Su Ran stood there and watched DaBao's Grandma climb the stairs, she saw that she had a difficult time climbing the stairs. The boxes were too big and would get stuck between the sides of the wall.

Su Ran finally sighed, walked up, and carried the boxes up for DaBao's Grandma.

After Su Ran had helped her with carrying the boxes up, DaBao's Grandma was a little dazed. She looked at Su Ran awkwardly.

“Em, that, Xiao Su. Thank you so much,” said DaBao's Grandma, a bit embarrassed.

Su Ran nodded.

“Are you on your way out?” asked DaBao's Grandma.josei

“Yes, to check out a few places,” replied Su Ran.

Hearing that Su Ran was on her way to check out places, naturally DaBao's Grandma would not associate that she was looking to buy. After all, house prices were so expensive right now and very few people could afford them. Let alone someone like Su Ran.

She just assumed that Su Ran was looking for a new place to rent.

All of a sudden, DaBao's Grandma felt embarrassed all over again. She had a strong inkling that it was the neighbors who forced her to move.

Speaking of, this mother and son duo were quite pitiful.

“Ahem, Xiao Su. We may have said something that we didn’t really mean that one day. There’s nothing wrong with you two staying here. We can always help each other out…”

Hearing that, Su Ran paused for a little and more or less figured out what DaBao's Grandma meant.

Su Ran smiled and explained, “It wasn’t because of that. It’s mainly because now that Su Han is older, this one-bedroom place is a bit on the small side and doesn’t fit our needs anymore.”

“Oh, I see.” DaBao's Grandma let out a sigh of relief. She nodded and said, “That’s true too. You will need a bigger place now that your boy is getting older.”

Hearing that, Su Ran decided against carrying on the conversation with DaBao's Grandma about whether she was going to rent or to buy. After nodding at DaBao's Grandma, Su Ran was about to walk away.

“Ah, wait, Xiao Su. These oranges are pretty sweet. Take a few with you.”

Having said that, DaBao's Grandma reached one hand inside of one of the boxes and pulled out a few oranges. She shoved them into Su Ran’s hands just like she did last time.

It was difficult for Su Ran to turn her down.

She could probably eat them in the traffic jam.

Su Ran’s original plan was to take a taxi.

But, recalling the calculation that she had just done earlier, she didn’t want it to be affected by her taking a taxi, so she decided to take the bus instead.

First stop, Lucky District.

This was Su Ran’s first choice as the houses there were already built and it was very close to Su Han’s school. Most importantly, as this was more toward the outskirts, the prices were also relatively lower.

She got off the bus at her stop.

Su Ran was able to quickly locate Lucky District using her map.

If only her little assistant knew that her boss, who had almost zero ability in normal life, would one day be so self-reliant, she must be very touched.


“Hi, Miss. Are you here to look at our houses?” The salesgirl approached Su Ran passionately as soon as Su Ran walked inside the sales office.

“Ah, yes. I am looking for a two-bedroom apartment,” said Su Ran as she nodded and smiled.

Su Ran had once walked inside a different sales office when she was trying to get out of the sun while waiting for the bus. At that time, her net worth was a negative amount and she just wanted to leave when the salesgirl was giving her the introduction.

It was different this time.

Having 3 million yuan on her, Su Ran felt very comfortable.

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