My Son Might Be A Villain

Chapter 101

Chapter 101: Wasn’t that the car of that Mr. Lu who had saved her at Dongshan Mansion and gave her a ride? (3)

Hearing Su Ran’s response, the salesgirl realized immediately that Su Ran was truly here to buy. She quickly brought Su Ran over to the model area.

“Madam, take a look over here. We have quite a few different floor plans for two-bedroom apartments. There are a total of six different ones. These are the three most popular ones. Take a look first. If you don’t like any of them. I will go get the other three to show to you.”

“That will not be necessary,” said Su Ran as she looked at the three different floor plans in front of her.

The one she was looking at was quite good. It has an enclosed garden. Perfect, that’s where Su Han’s bicycle could go when she bought him one. That would make it very convenient for him to go to school.

The other style looked pretty good as well. The two bedrooms were on both sides of the living room. They were far apart but seemed to fit their needs. She could add a sound-proof wall as well, that way Su Han wouldn’t be disturbed when she was composing.

“Do you not like them, Madam?” asked the salesgirl when she noticed the frown on Su Ran.

“No, I am just debating between these two,” said Su Ran.

She liked both floorplans and now she didn’t know which to choose.

Perhaps she could have Su Han come and pick?

As far as picking and choosing went, Su Ran had noticed in the last couple of days that Su Han was a very decisive person. He never has difficulties making decisions.

As such, when she couldn’t make up her mind on the items for the Quality Development Outing, she’d have Su Han make the decisions.

“Why don’t we do this? If you like both of them, I can give you a quote on both of them. That way it will be easier for you to compare.”

“That will work. Thank you.”

“No problem. Here, come this way, please.”


Su Ran has already decided that she would bring Su Han straight over here after school so he could take a look at them. And he could also familiarize himself with his way to school from here.

“Will you be paying it with cash or taking out a loan?”


“Commercial loan or provident fund? We can also do a combination of the two.”

“Ugh, commercial loan.”

What the heck was provident fund? She had never heard of it before. Not in this lifetime. She didn’t believe she had it in her previous lifetime either.

“Okay, we work with Bank X here. You can get 5% off taking out a commercial loan from them.”

“These are the remaining available ones. Which floor would you like?”

“How about 17th?”

Perhaps, she had been thinking too much about the 17th as of late. When she was asked, 17th just slipped out.

Su Ran was about to text Su Han from her cellphone as she answered the salesgirl’s questions.josei

She recalled their class teacher mentioning that they do not take away the student’s cellphones while they were in school, but they also didn’t advocate them using their cellphones too excessively either.

Thinking about that, she decided against sending him a text.

It was still early in time. She’d just go wait for him outside of the school afterward.

Su Ran was very happy about the Lucky District and she could afford the pricing for both floor plans. Su Ran decided against looking at any other locations.

After walking out of the sales office, the time was still early. Su Ran decided against taking any kind of transportation and would just walk over to Su Han’s school instead.

It took Su Ran less than 30 minutes to walk over to Su Han’s school from the sales office. That made Su Ran even happier about the location.

“Are you here to pick up your child?” Asked the guard on duty when he saw Su Ran at the front of the school.

“Yes, I am.” Su Ran smiled and nodded at him.

“You are here so early,” said the guard as he looked at his watch. He smiled and said to Su Ran, “The sun is strong today. Why don’t you go wait over there in the shade? It’s still an hour before school is out. It will be a bit of a wit.”

“Okay, thank you,” said Su Ran.

She wanted to stay that she wasn’t that early. Someone was there before her. Looking over at the car parked on the left side of the school, Su Ran just felt that it looked very familiar.

She took a closer look at it. Wasn’t that the car of that Mr. Lu who had saved her at Dongshan Mansion and gave her a ride?

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