My Son Might Be A Villain

Chapter 149

Chapter 149: Su Ran was just about to greet him when she heard Su Han's voice from behind her, "It's you?!" (3)

Su Ran was just about to pull out her cellphone and give the good news to Lu Shao.

Lo and behold, Lu Shao happened to send a text over at the same time.josei

He had sent over the pictures of two pianos with the caption: Which one do you think is better?

They were both very nice pianos. Su Ran’s eyes beamed when she saw them.

She hasn’t seen good pianos like these for a while now. They were even better than the two at the Song’s.

Su Ran felt a bit emotional and also a bit resentful toward the riches.

Nevertheless, she had serious matters to discuss so she quickly kept her emotions under control.

Thinking that Lu Shao seemed to be very interested in piano music and probably wanted her opinion in picking out a piano, she didn’t give it too much thought before giving him a relatively fair response.

Su: The first one should be fine.

Second Piano Music Customer – Lu: Ok.

Su: Mr. Lu, I have just talked to Su Han about him having a father. He said he is willing to meet up with you.

Su Ran lamented when she was sending the text: She was such a classy person and had put in so much effort in the matters concerning her son’s dad.

Nevertheless, Lu Shao, on the other end of WeChat, only frowned when he saw the message from Su Ran.

Meet up? That kid wanted to meet up with him? Ho, haven’t them already met? Was it necessary for them to meet again?

Albeit that was the thought in his head, he still replied Su Ran’s message.

Second Piano Music Customer – Lu: Ok.

Second Piano Music Customer – Lu: Thanks for your help.

Su: All good. No problem.

Su: Let me know when you want to meet.

Second Piano Music Customer – Lu: Anytime works for me.

Second Piano Music Customer – Lu: You pick the time.

Su Ran didn’t understand why Lu Shao was talking the way he was today.

Su: Tomorrow then. Do you have time tomorrow evening?

She happened to need to head over to Yu LeLe's Studio tomorrow. She could go and pick up Su Han after his school was out and the two of them could go meet up with this dad of his.

Lu: That works.

After a little while, Lu Shao sent over a few more messages.

Lu: Let’s have dinner together.

Lu: Is there anything that you don’t eat?

Su: Anything is fine with me. As for Su Han, he likes shrimp but not a fan of mollusks. That’s pretty much it.

Lu: Okay, I got it then.

Lu: I’ll go pick you up tomorrow.

Su: No, no. No need. I can head over there with Su Han after I pick him up. Just text me the address.

Lu Shao sent over an address a few minutes later.

Unit A-1 of Shandong Mansion?!

Nevermind about the unit number, just the name Shandong Mansion was enough to make Su Ran feel uncomfortable.

Su: Mr. Lu, can we meet somewhere else instead? Anywhere other than Shandong Mansion?

Over on the other side, after rewriting the message a few times, Lu Shao finally sent over the latest one: Sure. I apologize. I didn’t think it through. I’ll arrange for another location and send you the address later.

Seeing that the matters had more or less been settled, Su Ran put away her cellphone and looked over at Su Han.

“Son, I have just talked to your—”

She stopped herself just before the word “father”.

“I’ve made arrangement with the other end already. We will meet tomorrow evening. I will pick you up after school and the two of you can meet, alright?”

Even though he instinctively didn’t want this to happen to soon but, after a little bit of hesitation, Su Han finally nodded.



Su Ran left early the next day. She headed over to Yu LeLe's Studio to meet up with the agents recommended by Xu Xiao.

Su Ran was quite fond of one of them with surname Wang. He was, allegedly, someone that Xu Xiao had known for many years.

“I need to learn more about the situation of your singer,” said Su Ran with utmost sincerity.

Su Ran sold her songs but she has principles. She would not let her songs be ruined by someone who was talentless or couldn’t sing no matter how popular they were.

Besides, in order to write a good song for them, she’d need to first learn about the performer’s experiences, personality, and any uniqueness about them.

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