My Son Might Be A Villain

Chapter 150

Chapter 150: Su Ran was just about to greet him when she heard Su Han's voice from behind her, "It's you?!" (4)

“That shouldn’t be a problem. Seems like a very reasonable request.” Wang Yue nodded. She paused for a little bit and added, “I will, however, need some time to put the information together.”

“I believe Lao Xu had already mentioned it to you that Samy debuted overseas and had been developing his career overseas in the last few years. He is only returning to the Chinese market because his family is returning.

“Speaking of, Samy’s surname is Su as well, one big family with Instructor Su.”

“Is that so?” Su Ran merely smiled at Wang Yue’s effort to bring them closer together.

“If you only want a single then just some of the singer’s past work and an overview on him will be sufficient. If an entire album is what you are looking for, then the more detailed the information the better.”

“Sure, not a problem. I will get them to Instructor Su as quickly as possible.”josei

“Alright.” Su Ran checked the time and said, “It’s getting late and I need to go pick up my kid. Let’s stay in touch on WeChat.”


“Instructor Su has a kid already?” Wang Yue couldn't help but got curious after Su Ran has left. Most individuals in their circles would not have kids at such a young age.

“Yeah, I think Instructor Su’s son is in junior high school? I’ve met him once. He’s a handsome one,” replied Xu Xiao casually.

“What?! Junior high school? That old already?”

My gosh! Wang Yue couldn’t believe that she was so wrong. Instructor Su looked to be about the same age as Samy…

Su Ran didn’t care what Xu Xiao and Wang Yue had to say about her. She headed over to Su Han’s school after she walked out from Yu LeLe's Studio.

As it was getting close to the time that the school let out, there were already a few parents waiting around outside.

Even so, Su Han was still able to spot the woman standing to the left of the entrance immediately.

Su Ran had already told him that she’d be there today so Su Han wasn’t surprised to see her there. In fact, he had already sent his two buddies on their way when they walked out of the classroom.


Su Ran: “!”

She didn’t mishear, right? This was the second time her son had called her “Mom”!

Before Su Ran could process her shock, she noticed that Su Han was looking her up and down and he even looked… somewhat resentful?

“Is that how you dressed to meet up with him?” Su Han was surprised at Su Ran’s casual outfit.

The woman had always dressed this way and Su Han had always felt that she looked fine. No big deal.

But that was normally speaking!

They were going to meet up with the man today. Ugh, an official meeting of sort. Shouldn’t she dress up classier, more “aggressive” maybe?

This woman had a lot of high heels scattered all over the apartment in the post and Su Han had never liked any of them. In looking back, the tall high with the clackity noises that they made while walking wasn’t half bad.

And just why wasn’t she wearing them this time?

Su Han felt regretful. Even he gave it some thought before he left the house this morning and finally picked his most expensive pair of sneakers.

Did Su Han do that to show how important this meeting was to him and leave a good impression with the man? Not really.

He just wanted the man to know their household’s high standard!

“What’s wrong? I think I look fine,” said Su Ran as she checked her very presentable outfit.

She wasn’t the main person in question today and she didn’t need a lot of presence. How she was dressed was perfectly fine.

“Or, you feel resentful toward me?” asked Su Ran while giving Su Han a gloomy look.

“Uh, oh. Never mind, forget that I have said anything.”

“Hoho.” Su Ran smiled when she saw the speechless look on Su Han. “Alrighty, let’s head out then.”

“Where is it at?”

“Hmm, let me see. Right over there. We just walk down that streets. It’s only a few minutes out,” said Su Ran after she checked the street signs.

Su Ran didn’t have to wait long last night before Lu Shao sent over a new address.

Su Ran took a look at it. It wasn’t far from Su Han’s school and very easy to spot.

“Don’t be nervous, son.” Even though you were about to meet you birth father.

When they walked inside of the restaurant, Su Ran gave Su Han a sideway glance and tugged his arm as if to comfort him.

“Nervous? I am not nervous,” said Su Han with disgruntlement.

She must be kidding. He was just here to check and make sure that she didn’t pick another scum for herself again. Why would he be nervous? If anything, it was the other man who should be nervous.

As for the reason of his long face.

That because the thought of Su Ran dating any man and, later on, marrying him made Su Han very unhappy.

“Good then,” said Su Ran with a smile.

If she son wasn’t nervous, why was it that she was nervous?

Su Ran had walked past this restaurant in the past. As their price point was shocking to many, they were never that busy. But it was abnormally quiet today.

Su Ran was just about to asked the male server that was leading their way when they have arrived at the room.

Perhaps he had heard them coming, the man who was waiting inside got up, walked over, and opened the door for them in person.

The man inside the room was Lu Shao.

Seeing Su Ran, Lu Shao nodded at her. “You are here.”


Su Ran was just about to greet him when she heard Su Han’s voice from next to her.


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