My Upgrades Are Invincible

Chapter 100

Chapter 100

After knocking on the wooden door at the end of the spiral staircase, I heard Dumbledore call out "Come in please." I wonder if he still hasn't realized he doesn't even know my name yet.

I walked inside and surprisingly Dumbledore looked rather embarrassed and his following words confirmed my thoughts. "Ah yes well I wanted to let you know that I had solved the issue of you breaking the statue of secrecy today... Now what is your name and why did you even accept to join my school?" Dumbledore asked and I could see the age and experience in his eyes though honestly, I was already used to it from the times working with Riveria as she was literally only a decade younger than Dumbledore's century and a decade of life. Let alone when Hestia and Freya aren't messing around you can easily get lost in their eyes that have seen millions of years pass by.

"I came to snag some valuable tools that will help me in my travels and my name is Jake Barris... Thanks for finally asking." I answered dryly as I sat down in an ornate seat with a tall back that reached my head.

I wanted to show my flaw to Dumbledore so he could think he could control me through my desire for so called 'Treasures.' "In particular, I have come with a gift and in return I need your help to apparate me to a certain part of England." I told him as I had zero interest in trying to find the little muggle village of Little Hangleton that has been taken off any maps I can find around in London.

"You want me to simply apparate you into a muggle village?" He asked me obviously confused and honestly, I was the one more confused as I doubted, he would even know the place existed until after the Triwizard tournament when Voldemort comes back. josei

I nodded and then I heard a loud trilling and my falna upon my back twinged like Hestia when Hestia would touch my bare back without updating it.

I looked over a shadowy alcove and then a burst of fire shot out and Fawkes the phoenix flew out and both me and Dumbledore watched as the bird fly around the vaulted ceiling and even the portraits from the previous headmaster's started muttering about the sight. Finally, Fawkes stopped circling the room and gently glided down and I didnt freak out as he landed on the free arm rest beside me.

Me and the phoenix had a small staring contest, and it was only the birds' specialized eyes that were suited to flying that allowed it to best me and even as I blinked away the dryness in my eyes, I could hear the bird calling out in what seemed to be laughter with his master Dumbledore sharing his mirth with a small chuckle.

"In any case... Yes, I want you to take me to Little Hangleton as there is something I need there and in return I shall give you something you want very dearly." I offered and I saw Dumbledore roll his eyes.

"I have no idea what you want with that little village where the Gaunt family used to live but very well show me what I so desire." He said impatiently and I felt like maybe I came on a bit strong like a used car salesman or something.

Rather than doing any more grandstanding I simply pulled out Ravenclaws Diadem with it being wrapped in what felt to be a silk towel that I snagged from the piles of stuff in the ROR. "This is the Diadem of Ravenclaw and more importantly it is one of the Horcrux's for Tom Riddle." I explained making his eyes bug out in surprise at the double whammy of pulling out one of the founders heavily enchanted tools which was also one of the Horcrux's.

"I see... So, Tom truly did descend into making several of those abominations." Dumbledore said wearily and I could only nod as the old man sagged into his seat. "I assume seeing as you knew of this one you know where more of them are?"

I decided to go for broke as I was already wanting to return back to Danmachi as only Fleur was really of interest to me in terms of snagging a waifu here and if I wanted to modern luxuries, I bet I could go to the Marvel Cinematic Universe and snag a bunch of much more advanced stuff plus I want to add Vibranium to my armor as its biggest fault is its inability to take powerful shockwaves.

Actually, what the hell would happen should I steal one of Tony's suits and fuse it into my armor...

"I am a Seer with a mutation of being able to see prophecies play out in my dreams. So yes, I know the prophecy for Harry Potter, and we can help set it up for him to simply kill Tom Riddle after we destroy all his Horcrux's." I said thinking of just giving Dumbledore a note to let the Triwizard tournament play out and slap a tracking charm or something on Harry so when he is teleported, he can simply go and clean up.

"You honestly believe that?" Dumbledore said incredulously before his face contorted and smoothed over. "Ah I see you plan to use the knowledge of seeing other prophecies to snag treasures from the past bearer's or something?" He seemed to come to his own conclusion and then he started casting some spells under his breath upon the Diadem obviously to triple check the words I had told him, and I could see when he realized I was telling the truth at how small the soul was in the Diadem as it was likely the third Horcrux, Tom made with the Diary being first and the Gaunt ring being the second.

"Very well you wish to go to Little Hangleton tonight still?" He asked and I nodded making him grunt as he stood up and Fawkes squawked making me look up at him as he slapped his wing in my direction and then one of his feathers glowed brightly within his plumage flew out and gently glided into my lap as the obviously tired Pheonix slumped over and hid his head under his wing to get some rest.

"Thank you." I said stowing the glowing feather into my space ring as Dumbledore smiled at the scene.

"Seeing Fawkes willing to gift you a feather admittedly, sets my heart more at ease as phoenix's are amazing judges of a person's character, which is one of the reasons I refused to hire Tom Riddle as he looked restless in the man's presence." Dumbledore reminisced as we walked outside of the headmaster's office and down the stairs as we obviously needed to be outside to be able to apparate.

Finally, after we got outside and the students, we passed by were deterred from trying to interrogate me about the duel earlier with Snape, me and Dumbledore apparated with a loud snap off too Little Hangleton.

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