My Upgrades Are Invincible

Chapter 101

Chapter 101

"I have seen many a shack, but I must say that that is the shittiest of shacks I have laid my eye's upon..." I deadpanned seeing the run down home that didnt look out of place of a Detroit arson attack as the building itself was built poorly and was obviously not maintained in anyway. Which is astounding considering how convenient the magic here in Harry Potter is.

"Yes, well the Gaunt's fell out of favor a before even I was born so they had plenty of time to squander what little wealth they managed to save." Dumbledore than pointed at the shack in question. "So do you need help breaking the wards guarding the home or will you try to cut through them with your fancy sword work?" He asked with a hearty chuckle obviously curious as to what I was going to do.

But nope I had a better plan as I could literally see the wards as strings forming a net around the property through the All-Seeing Glasses and all the strings led to four corners of the property. "Nope I got this." I answered confidently and then kneeled down on the ground to place both my palms onto the ground "Fuse." I called out and the ground rumbled as I fused all the soil and the ward stones into a large rock.

"Hey, can you shrink this for me?" I asked gesturing at the boulder seeped in dark curses from the wards violently being ripped and remerged together into the boulder.

"Yes, I suppose so?" He answered shrugging and with a flick of the Deathstick the hip height boulder turned into the size of a soccer ball.

I then took out a large dwarven Warhammer out of my space ring and squared up only to see Dumbledore actually groan as I made a perfect Long Drive as the Dwarfish Hammer and send the heavily cursed boulder several hundred meters away and more importantly break any connections it may have with the house as several things audibly shattering within the house could contest.

"You could have just asked me to get rid of it altogether... Now I am going to have to get that rock, so a muggle doesn't come across it and melt after touching it." Dumbledore groaned and started walking towards the rock I punted giving an unspoken message to do what I please and he won't have a part in it and more importantly won't interfere.

Seeing no more wards around with my glasses I dashed forward not wanting to tempt Dumbledore should he learn that the Resurrection stone was here as he certainly would want to get his hands on it even if just to talk to his sister who died so many years ago and maybe question some wizards who Voldemort killed. josei

Seeing the living snake nailed to the door I didnt bother trying some weird password and simply sent three space blades through the door cutting the snake into pieces and cutting a new door through the closed door which I kicked open with my armor formed over me in case some weird curse slipped by my Glasses.

Finally, I as walked into the living room I saw the whole reason I was here... Well, besides the sliver of Tom's soul attached to the ring itself as I could feel a powerful source of magic that seemed to exceed the power within Dumbledore's wand.

After a moment of thought I approached the ring, and I felt my eldritch necklace I fused the lake watcher into, that gave me some space manipulation abilities and more importantly helped protect me from mental influence heat up warning me that something was attempting to mess with my mind.

"Yup this is the ring." I muttered and unlike Dumb as a door I didnt stick my finger or other diget into a sus enchanted object and instead I cupped it with my armored hands and then began bathing it in the most intense flames I could with the pitch-black flames escaping the small holes in my conjoined hands

Finally with a mind retching screech I felt the ring give way and more importantly I felt Voldemort's briefly attempt to escape my flames but almost instantly burned to ashes.

I opened my hands and could only exhale in relief seeing the untarnished Resurrection Stone, even though I was basically sure my flames weren't going to be able to destroy such an object I was still a bit nervous that my flames may for once actually break through the resistance a number of magical beings seemed to have to negate said flames.

Just to test how it worked I rolled the shiny river pebble between my fingers and then a beautiful red head formed in front me of me.

"Why have you brought me back to this plane of life Necromancer?" Lily Potter asked me with a glare shining in her eyes.

I looked Lili Potter up and down and could only nod in understanding. "Yup James Potter certainly had good taste. See Ya." I saw Lily lose all the steam she had going and was obviously about to ask if I knew anything about her son as she raised her arm to obviously stop me from dismissing her but I still rolled the Resurrection Stone through my fingers and the apportion faded from view and I did feel an ever so small amount of my mind had been used just in the calling and the few moments I looked at Lily, it didnt take any more mind to keep her around.

"Wait does that mean I could summon and possibly waifu Bell's mother?" I thought as I walked outside the house and thought about whether I should stay for the extra couple days as I got the stone but I kinda wanna see what is up with Fleur and whether monster girls will be attracted to me as well as grabbing the other Hollows and messing around with the Triwizard dragons.

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