My Upgrades Are Invincible

Chapter 169

Chapter 169

Finally, Hinako's mind seemed to come back to life as she gently pulled my wrist out of her mouth, and she met my blue eyes with her glowing red ones.

"You better now?" I asked simply, not putting pressure on her about sucking my blood and I couldn't help but flinch as she dully shook her head slightly without losing the eye contact, we were sharing.

"Jake I am old... I have lived for more than two thousand years as an immortal who has lost her husband and only recently have, I had any hope of summoning the one human who I had loved and even accepted." Although she didnt get off my lap she did lean back a bit away from me as she seemingly stared emptily at me as though going through the long memories, she had kept over the years.

"During my years of wandering I honestly tried a great many ways to bring back said husband back to life and even then, I always failed and only managed to bring about a shade of him at best that was driven mad by the experience of being dragged out of the Root that makes up our reality... As a method of escaping my immortality and general feelings of constant failures I used to indulge in the most virulent and potent concoctions in history in hopes of dulling my failures and just to bring joy to myself." Hinako told me before her dull eyes sharpened and locked onto me as I came to a sort of realization.

For better or worse I could bring her husband back with my Resurrection Stone but that would run the risk of pissing off entity Alaya who runs the Throne of Hero's as his soul had been taken to act as a defense in humanity's need as a Heroic Spirit.

Honestly Hinako or whatever name she wanted to go off of, although she was certainly one of the more conventionally attractive beauties of this world, she was also one of the most proud and stubborn people I know of within this world.

But should I summon her precious Xiang Yu and she sees he has become a literal monster as a sort of massive mechanical zombified centaur without even a recognizable human face I can't help but wonder how she would react.

Most importantly the more I think about it the more I know that Alaya will throw a massive bitch fit should I steal one of her precious heroic spirits directly from the Throne of Heros whereas even if I take these Servants here back home with me, she won't give a damn as they are merely copies of the Heroic spirits that reside within the Throne.

"What are you saying Hinako?" I spoke after the moment of silence.

"I can feel your blood pooling within myself as I cannot in a word, digest it nearly as smoothly as a normal human or even people who had monster or otherwise divine blood running through their bloodstream." Hinako explained and honestly it made sense as she certainly would have been around in the times where the Hindu and Shinto Pantheon was still on the Earth, so she very well had opportunities to munch on an unlucky monster or demi-god who earned her ire.

In terms of Danmachi I certainly wasn't a demi-god because although those gods took on humanoid forms, you had to remember back in Tenkai they were almost an eldritch entity in how they were related to us mortals and that's why they found us so fascinating and didnt really look down us as much as other gods from other worlds would.

Basically, it was the logic of a person seeing a rat and hating it for it being a rat for most gods in other settings but for the Danmachi gods they saw us as dogs or cats that they could watch and study while also keeping us as a beloved pet. josei

Even Hestia wasn't fully exempt from that mindset as she fully believed I was going to die at some point, and she merely treated her moving from Genkai the lower world and going back to Tenkai to stay with my departed soul like moving across the country to somewhere nowhere near as entertaining but still merely needed for my so-called health.

In the end of mental rant, I had to remember that I held the blood of one of the strongest goddesses in a world literally filled with divinity and a being that was basically a vampire would likely... Have complications with my blood.

"Will you be alright? I don't know what else to say other than you have gotten some of the blood from my patroness Hestia if that helps?" I shrugged as she scowled and then surprising, she slumped forward, and her head collided with my chest with a light thud, and I could feel her curvaceous body molding itself against me.

"Stupid man... You blood has basically ruined me for other blood sources especially with this time reinforcing the blood you gave me previously. I can literally feel my Blood Elemental nature reforming itself to basically become a fucking 'Jake Elemental'!" She snarled punching me in the side and I froze having zero damn clue on how to respond.

"You aren't going to morph into me, or something are you?" I asked weakly and then came to the realization that should such a thing actually come to be then I would either have to kill her or leave the world of FGO as that would be entirely too freaky. But then I realized if she even came close to 'taking my identity' then Hestia could and would sadistically smite her from Danmachi as she had made it perfectly clear that under no circumstances was another entity allowed to bless me or touch my Falna.

That was just another form her inhuman nature as she already had little care anymore for my dalliances with other mortal women but the moment someone, she could consider an equal attempted to mess with me she would snap as shown by her burning down Freya's little suit in the Tower of Babel when she violently threw aside the Norse goddesses scrying into our church's wards.

The woman in my lap flinched heavily and then threw her head back and shook it heavily as she heavily denied it. "Oh, dear heavens no no no. I mean that I will be taking on some form of your magical traits similar to a magical blood adoption held in magical families when they need to bring in new blood so if you have a talent for wind manipulation or something then I would be getting that or something."

I couldn't help but burst out into laughter making her freeze in shock at my abrupt actions but as a guy I had the foresight not say I was glad she wasn't going to go through a sex change or something as that would be really awkward being responsible for.

"Well in that case you likely will be getting better magical energy recover and a stronger form of Magical Resistance I guess." I said cheerfully as I finally stood up with my heart cleared of my worries and honestly if worse comes to worse, I can just cut my loses here in FGO and go to Fate Stay Night, beat up Medea and steal her Rule Breaker or even just take her with me to Danmachi if I arrived just after she killed her first master.

Either way I will keep snagging stuff and filling out my Falan and that's what matters.

"Thats it? You don't care that I am now connected to you and can feel you from likely anywhere in the world?" Hinako said incredulously and I looked at her basically astounded to her blindness...

"Hinako... We all literally have at least one or in my and Fujimaru's case we have a couple extra connections to us that can even peep into our dreams." I said dryly referring to our Servants and then I looked to the side as I saw Wang Ling, Hinako's Servant waving as he stopped giggling at his master's inane question.

"He has you there Master!" Wang Ling said with mirth before her bowed lightly to me. "Thank you for assisting my master. However, I should warn you that Lady Artoria has eaten all your food as punishment for Morgan's minor pranks that have been irritating her."

I sighed nodding and then I looked back to Hinako who rolled her eyes at my seeming over reaction before she visibly paused and took a breath before she spoke. "Well in any case I believe you of all people can call me by my name. My name is Yu Mei-Ren and you are free to call me by that name or even the more modern name I have taken on."

I nodded solemnly giving her words the due they were worth before I asked. "Which would you prefer? I imagine you don't want me using your personal name in front of the others."

The once Consort frowned before she seemingly shrugged and smiled as she patted my shoulder. "Just call me Akuta. If I am to be bound to you, I might as well go with my newer name and see where life will take me."

"Alright Akuta... Well, I need to go punish my glutton Servants lest they eat all our rations, and we are reduced to stealing food from the French of all people." I said as I strode away almost shuddering at the thought of having to live off of something like banquettes or something.

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