My Upgrades Are Invincible

Chapter 170 Its alive!

Chapter 170 Its alive!

"Artoria Pendragon and Morgan Le-Fay do you neither of you have any common courtesy when it comes to your master!" I roared indignantly as I came back into the camp and all the two women I mentioned froze as I whipped out the most hated thing of all British people from my space ring.

"From now until we leave France, you both will have for rations is rye baguettes and bitter red wine to wash down the rye flavor!" I said waving the dark brown stick of bread and with a smattering of mana to reinforce the bread I smashed it into one of the neighboring pieces of wood we collected for our campfire and with a crash the wood exploded into splinters as the magically enhanced bread shattered it.

"Goodluck chewing on this you gluttons..." I said tossing the bread into Salter's lap with her looking upon the bread in revulsion as Morgan scurried over to beg for forgiveness as I got my own food out of my space ring that I was saving in case of an emergency.

"Lord Husband, you can't seriously be considering having me and even that Artoria eat that... Toads food." She shuddered and we faintly heard Jeanne look up from where she was talking to Fujimaru and yell 'hey' at us judging her people's food.

Maybe having Morgan Le-Fay and literally King Arthur who exemplified the Island Nation of Britain forced to eat the staple bread of their most hated foe was a bit much. But they literally ate more than three days of rations and it's all my rations to begin with...

"Ask Jeanne how she managed to keep her teeth while eating it..." I said mercilessly as I sullenly bit into my chicken wings, but I noticed really quick that people were staring at me in what amounted to be hatred.

"What?!" I asked feeling uncomfortable at the intense looks Fujimaru and others were giving me.

"How the hell do you have?" Fujimaru had to pause as she visibly seemed to be smelling the air before she looked back to me. "How do you even have barbeque chicken wings... Its medieval France and how the hell did you get Pizza Hut chicken wings!"

I liberally threw the now cleaned chicken bone into the fire as I quickly put the box of still hot food back into my temporally frozen space ring. "I made a dark deal with an evil wizard for him to acquire a great deal of fast food for me and in return I tortured his overweight students with physical education."

Fujimaru and the rest obviously thought I was bullshitting but I wasn't at all, I may or may not have had Dumbledore take some of my gold to buy me a bunch more food when the Ministry ruined my attempt to order several dozen pizza's during my short tenure as a teacher.

Honestly, I should just go to a modern world and literally just empty out a Walmart. Hell, if it wasn't for my fear that I would land in a completely different timeline here in FGO I would leave as I myself wasn't all that interested in dealing with all the future singularities let alone the weird events that random Servants and Divine Spirits may create for the hell of it.

Actually, with all the nonsense that will come with dealing with FGO, that's what I am going to do next. I am going to some stupid slice of life anime/television show and just upending it for the hell of it. Maybe go to an apocalyptic or survival show like Walking Dead or Highschool of the Dead or something like Lost just to fuck with people. Even as I was considering how far this little excursion should go, I patted the pouting form of Morgan.

"It's fine I was just in thought." I said pulling the silver haired beauty closer as I was honestly starting to feel lonely being away from Hestia and the others. "Alright guys you have eaten and are well rested! Now we must plan what our next plan is to be."

As much as I wanted to hang around to possible snag Kiyohime and Siegfried as a Servant letting Bluebeard/Giles run around with infinite mana and an Outer God in his pocket that he could call upon stopped me from wanting to explore France and loot any Magus homes we could find.

If anything, when I head to Londinium and when we are trekking through the remains of the Mages Association I could pillage as much as my space ring could carry.

"I vote at first light the Servants will carry our masters and we rush to Paris in order end the Singularity." Scathach spoke from beside Ophelia and the other Servants and their master's agreed with the plan despite the master's visibly not looking excited at the thought of being jostled around for a few hours as the Servants would be running across the uneven French terrain at more than sixty miles an hour at the lowest.

"Scathach can you take some rope and such to make a sort of harness seat thing, so I can simply fly with the Masters so you all don't make them violently ill..." Kadoc, Ophelia and Fujimaru all visibly exhaled in relief as they knew we had plenty of Servants that could attack any projectiles being sent at us from the air so it would be far more comfortable than being carried by their Servants.

Scathach nodded and then began tying some rope around some wooden planks we had around to make a sort of rope ladder with the steps being a large plank so people could sit on them.

"I will be flying us to Orleans then. Jeanne how far is Orleans anyway from here?" I asked making the Saint beam at being brought into the conversation.

"Hmm." She hummed in thought as she put her finger to her chin cutely before she pulled her finger away and snapped it as she finished doing her mental math. "It's about two hundred miles so if we rush, we can probably get there by noon tomorrow." She said cheerfully and I nodded in thanks.

"Well, you heard the guide, let's get some sleep so we can get the Grail and end this Singularity!" I called out and watched the master's and their Servants moving a bit away from the others as they prepared to get some rest.

Meanwhile while those idiots were going to sleep under the stars I actually talked to Da-Vinci before we were you know dropped in the middle of the French Countryside to get a small tent, I could sleep in to avoid bugs and stuff.

"Oh, Master could we share that!" Nero asked excitedly as she bounded over from where she was talking to Tamamo Cat previously.

I looked at the somewhat small tent and then saw the hopeful looks of Morgan, Artoria and the after mentioned Nero who didnt want to be just outside all night.

"We are going to be packed in there tight." I said shrugging as being buried by women wasn't anything new with Hestia Freya and Haruhime being the most affectionate in my harem and not a single night went by when I was at our Familia's home that I wasn't being partly smothered by a trio if not more of women.

"Bah it just means we won't catch a chill." Nero snorted and pulled me into the tent and then her body briefly flashed with light as her clothes disappear leaving her body bare as she buried her face into my shoulder with a hum of delight.

Knowing that for one Nero was an Emperor despite her carefree demeanor I knew all too well... That to put simply she was completely shameless.

Seeing Nero literally completely bare herself in the 'privacy' of my tent Morgan fumed for a moment before she scoffed and as she crawled into the tent and laid directly upon my chest, she dismissed her opulent robes leaving her chest bare and leaving only a pair of sky-blue panties that I saw for a brief moment as she laid upon me.

Artoria only scoffed and her armor changed into her more casual black dress that showed off a bit of her cleavage before she likewise crawled into my tent and took my free side after she closed the flap to the tent.


Morning came quickly once I adjusted myself to sleeping on the hard ground but thankfully, I had a pillow to prop up my head, so it wasn't that bad.

After we all got ready Scathach tied everyone up with the fold out ladder thing with me at the front and Mashu at the bottom so should someone fall, she could leap off and catch anyone who fell.

"Alright let's get going to Orleans!" I called out as my jet boots pushed me up into the air and once, I got a solid dozen meters above them, the masters were pulled up into the air and above the trees and I slowly began flying in the direction that Jeanne was leading the other Servants as they dashed ahead at a great pace.

I made sure to start slow so they could as passengers learn the secret to being pulled around in a flying situation.

"Biggest rules for flying under someone else's power! Hold on tightly! Close your eyes so you they don't dry out from the wind and keep bugs from hitting them! And most importantly cover your mouth and nose with a shirt or something to break the wind and stop bugs from going into your mouth!" I yelled out with Kadoc and the other human masters quickly following my advice as I myself was wearing my almost Daedric style helmet with my armor showing I myself followed those same rules.

Only person who didnt follow my advice was Hinako but she was literally a Vampire so I wasn't surprised that simple wind pressure and bugs wouldn't harm her.

It wasn't a completely event less flight as the Servants that ran ahead had to cut through a bunch of wyvern's and hordes of reanimated skeletons in order to make sure they didnt attack the ever so important Master's I was ferrying through the air.

But after a few hours as we approached the city of Orleans the surrounding forests were burnt away leaving only blackened smoking stumps, ash covered ground and the occasional stone rubble of a building the flying wyverns didnt bother knocking over after burning everything its vicinity.

"I bet Jeanne isn't at all happy to see all this devastation." I muttered and my thoughts were seemingly answered as too what caused a great amount of the surrounding damage as a body numbing roar shook the very skies and what I thought was actually a hill that was in front of the husk of Orleans was actually a massive brown and black dragon that unfurled itself.

"We are landing now!" I yelled as the Dragon seeing me in the air seemingly locked onto me for daring to be above it as it stood on its four legs and unfurled its more than football length wings with a flourish that sent ashes everywhere.

Even as I deposited the master's I could clearly hear the magically augmented slimy voice of quarry as he strode out from beneath the massive form of the dragon.

"You people have killed my beloved Jeanne! Now I will need to capture that lesser version of her, with all the weakness's she had within her and attempt to summon my Light back into this world Haha!" Giles laughed manically with his eyes literally bugging out of his skull.

I saw the Book of Prelati within his hands and even as the Dragon Fafnir rushed at us with a roar under the magical control of Giles I locked onto that book as I didnt want him summoning literally Cthulhu that will give me the very definition of a bad end to say the least.

"Servants deal with the Dragon Fafnir! Morgan, Nero to me!" I yelled as I flew in the direction of Giles as his eldritch book floated in the air in front of the Caster Class Servant and began shooting purple beams of light at me.

"Look up the great works of the Deep Cool!" Giles crowed and I felt my Eldritch necklace flare in heat as it began blocking off some form of mental contamination, but I could only curse as from with the opened book a large portal about ten meters in height and width opened in front of Giles that swallowed all the fire attacks and other magical projectiles Nero and Morgan were already shooting in his direction.

"You dare to consort with Outer Gods?! You will doom this entire timeline to be pruned by Gaia and Alaya you fool!" Morgan cried out as her already pale face lost its color as the very earth shuddered when a single massive tentacle just barely fitting through the tear in reality smashed onto the ground.

"So long as I have my precious Jeanne this world can burn, as God cares only for the suffering of Man HAHA!" Giles madly cackled as a set of tentacles broke off from the massive, larger tentacle and enfolded him a layer of fleshy armor and pulled the summoner into the larger tentacle.

I was beginning to see the issue in fucking over canon... If I didnt kill Jeanne Alter and she escaped like we should have in canon, we would have only needed to deal with Fafnir after gathering the strength of the native Servants of this Singularity. Now I needed to deal with a Giles who wasn't allowing his pet Jeanne to slowly burn France to the ground. He was going to fulfill his hatred by destroying this very world by summoning some kind of Outer God.

Through the now small looking portal the singular massive tentacle had apparently brought over enough of its body mass as the tentacle pushing in seemed to be thinning from the portal as a massive fleshy bulb began building itself atop the thickest point of the tentacle.

"Leave Fafnir and stop the Outer God from manifesting!" I yelled as Fafnir began literally flying away feeling the dangerous presence of the out of the box entity that was growing strength.

The sky seemed to darken as Morgan glowed with light blue light and I felt my mana drain as she pulled at my connection to fuel her Noble Phantasm to even greater heights.

"Beg at my feet. Lordless Camelot!" She cried and a series of massive spears with two lines of the spears smashing onto the massive tentacle with each spear being a few meters away from one another and then as she called out her Noble Phantasm the interior of the almost archway made by the spears were filled with a necrotic fire that made chunks of Outer Gods flesh peel away.

But it was obvious that the sheer magical resistance and size of the burgeoning Outer God made her Noble Phantasm less than viable.

But as Artoria's own Excalibur Morgan flared it life the massive fleshy bulb violently split open sending the burnt scabs of Morgans Noble Phantasm flying through the air as a massive misshapen head was revealed from the flowering flesh.

The head of the Outer God looked to be a mix of human like and an octopus with its uncountable eyes having either slitted pupils or square goats' eyes.

"Swallow the light Excalibur!" Artoria cried as she swung down Excalibur sending a skyscraper sized titanic beam of magical destruction that fell upon the Outer God but in the brief moment before the cursed magical beam of the corrupted Excalibur engulfed it, the Outer God grew a hand made out of what looked like diamond that acted as a shield and split the beam of Excalibur around it.

Out of the blue Olga's voice rang out from our comes. "The outer entity has begun assimilating the worlds rules despite Gaia's influence to deny its exitance. Because we are in a singularity the godly entities who control Pan Human Worlds cannot force it out! You need to either kill Giles and get the grail that is fueling the unlimited mana upkeeping its existence here or we will need to evacuate you all before Gaia and Alaya destroy this whole world lest this singularity act as a springboard for more entities to infect parallel worlds!"

If we failed to get the grail, then we simply would fail when it comes to saving this timeline as this Singularity wouldn't be closed and would impede the natural reset process.

"Where the hell is Giles in it?" I asked as I franticly dodged the lasers being shot at me from the Outer Gods eyes.

For a few moments we were left to the carnage of the battle as we simply did our best to survive the onslaught of tentacles with bladed suckers that attempted to kill us or the powerful lasers that carved through the surrounding hills as though they were nothing.

"Lanling!" Hinako cried out as one of the tentacles managed to grab ahold of her Servant and with a loud crunching noise the effeminate Servant's organs were pulped as the man literally vomited up looked to be a lung or something before, he faded into golden motes of light with his death.

Hinako was the only one Master who could honestly defend herself by manifesting large blood blades and weapons she could throw around and use as melee weapons as the lesser outer god monsters which were massive, barbed starfishes were keeping Mash and Ashwathama busy just keeping all the other masters alive.

"Jake! We pinpointed the location of the Grail! It's in the center of the skull of the Outer God itself." Olga yelled.

"Nero use your Noble Phantasm!" I yelled and she quickly did so, thankfully using her own mana to call upon her massive stage with hundreds of Pipe Organ Tubes at the end of the stage shooting an insane deluge of magical lasers that collided with the Outer God at all angles so that it couldn't entirely block like it could with the straightforward Excalibur Beam. josei

Scathach crack open its skull!" Ophelia ordered with her hand glowing as she burnt through her command seals and my eyes were forced shut as Scathach's Gáe Bulg glowed a dark ominous red

"Gáe Bulg!" Scathach cried out and her thrown spear carved directly through and around the various hands that the Outer God put up to block the Queen of the Land of Shadows Noble Phantasm.

The conceptual nature of Gáe Bulg overpowered the nascent Outer God's own field of dominion as the glowing point of the spear exploded violently as it pierced into the forehead of the Outer God exposing a sort of large room within it.

"Nooo!" Giles screamed as his body was engulfed in tentacles only allowing his head free as he was exposed to the worlds light once again.

Mentally pulling on my Eldritch Necklace I space skipped forward while having to dump more than ten times the usual mana in order to overpower the Outer Gods effects on the surroundings, but I still managed to space skip into the room that was revealed from Scathach's Noble Phantasm with my sword already mid swing so the moment I came out of my teleportation.

Not even the Outer Gods tentacles could react to my blade taking off Giles head and scoring the surroundings in black flames.

"Bad touch!" I screamed as I felt some the weakening tentacles already grabbing onto my legs and I quickly wrenched Giles chest free of the wild tentacles and space skipped out of the almost closed wound.

Throwing Giles's chest on the ground I grimaced as I punched into his chest and somehow felt a sort of solid orb within and with a wet sound, I pulled my fist out with a golden glowing orb that grew in strength before unveiling itself to be the Singularities Grail.

The Outer God was still franticly trying to smash our Servants into paste even as it was losing its strength but knowing it was still possible for the monstrous being to have some kind of trump card even with its core being removed, I called for Olga and Romani to Rayshift us the hell out of here.

"Olga, Romani get us the fuck out of here before we take any more casualties, Mash and Ashwathama are about to be overran!" I yelled as I used some more of my meager mana space skip into the midst of the lesser Outer Entities that were crowding around the other Servants who were retreating from the battle seeing I had the Grail to go help protect their masters.

Thankfully with Mash and Ashwathama acting as a frontline to keep the monsters at bay Anastasia was able to use her powerful ice mage craft to prevent any of the Masters from getting shot with lasers or the spikes that the large star fish would launch at them.

Romani's voice then came through all our comms as he franticly spoke. "You got the grail? Great, ten seconds for Rayshift. Just hold on guys!"

In response Anastasia growled with her doll's eyes glowing powerfully as a massive sheet of ice formed between the Outer Entities but the exertion seemed to be her limits without using her Noble Phantasm, so she lightly slumped against Kadoc who easily supported her.

We all came together with Romani counting down in the background, but I made sure to thank Anastasia for allowing us a moment of peace before we were teleported back to Chaldea. "Good work with the ice wall when we aren't franticly moving there is a lesser chance of a piece of our soul being lost in transit back to Chaldea."

Finally, as my own tired Servants took hold of me, my vision was engulfed in a barrage of lights just as Romani announced the Rayshift to return to Chaldea.

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